I vote for "Raptor Encounter: The Ride in RealD".
Seriously, this ride certainly sounds like it came from Claire and the creative team at Jurassic Parks and Resorts.
Claire: "Ok, we need to up our game. The numbers are falling and the GP is bored with just looking at the carnivores through bullet proof glass."
Nerd1: "You know they are looking at them through bullet proof glass for a reason, right?"
Claire: (4 second laser vision stare then continues to the group) "Yeah, well. So, here is what we came up with that would definitely boost those numbers. We are going to take a world class, state of the art steel coaster and launch guests straight into the Velociraptor Paddock?"
Nerd1: "Like in some sort of cage tunnel?"
Claire: "No idiot. How exciting would that be!?!"
Nerd2: "You know they can run 60 mph."
James T. Woodcock (Pres. of Creative Projects at Jurassic Parks and Resorts): "Yep, that's why we'll use 70 mph launches. Duh! I mean, you guys should have figured that one out. It's simple math. This stuff isn't rocket science."
Nerd1: "That not how it works. Velociraptors are strategic thinkers. It'll be a simple puzzle full of juicy treats for them!"
Woodcock: "What part of 70 mph launches didn't you get? Anyway. That's that project. Make it happen. Now if there are no more questions, there is a Chilean Sea Bass down at Winston's calling my name."