Maybe we're on a tour of InGen and we finally get to a "tram" or maybe whatever they'll try and call it. Once we're in the initial scene something immediately goes wrong and the gate opens too early and we're off to the races, with maybe Owen (I know I've been piping this AA dream for awhile) saves us from the final Raptor if that final scene is anywhere close to being true.
Seems similar to Hulks launch, where it used to be like "I...I think this time, its, its gonna work! Wait nooo!!!" or whatever they used to say, doesn't need to be anything too overly grand but this is how I would see things shaking out. Maybe our first encounter with a Raptor is in that a first scene too, idk. Luckily there seems to be many story arcs they can go with here, and none of them sound to me like they are too forced.