I don't mean to derail this Kong thread, but the implication here would be that F&F is indeed very much on the table for the Disaster/San Fran plot, correct? If true (and if, as you say, it's going to be heavily influenced by what's coming to the Hollywood park), then that's kind of a bummer. It's too bad that we'd be losing one of the few big-scale practical experiences left in the park for another one of Universal's patented screen-heavy rides. Ditto for the supposed Twister replacement, which by all accounts sounds like it's either going to be a theater show or some kind of simulator.
I'm not a screens hater by any means (I regard Spidey as the greatest and most exciting ride on the planet), but at some point enough's enough. Is Universal ever going to build another classic style dark ride, or should we expect every new ride they build to be one of these mega fast-paced blockbuster e-tickets that can seemingly only be achieved through heavy screen work? Would that not result in a studios park that offers just many variations on the same basic type of experience? Even just strictly talking about F&F, it feels like a Kong: 360 style experience (which Hollywood's F&F appears to be heavily influenced by) would not even come close to making full use of the franchise's attraction potential.
Anyway, sorry for the derail. I've been mostly lurking in the shadows on this board, but I'm going to try to make an effort to engage more!