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Live Theatre / Musicals

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Really curious to hear @Grabnar's thoughts after doing Life and Trust first. That's going to be a very rare order of operations.
We did SNM first on Fri evening to ensure we had a good baseline before going to the new show which in retrospect I kinda wish I’d reversed. Structurally L&T is a more beginner friendly version of the format with a much easier to follow plot. There’s a lot more intersection of the characters and similar themes so if you follow anyone you’ll see more at L&T than at SNM. The sets at L&T are also newer and have a better flow to them and have some VERY impressive technology built in that I’d really like to go back and see again.

I’m conflicted on which I liked more, the eerie vibes and overall atmosphere of SNM is better, but it’s admittedly had years to build up sets and figure out what works and what doesn’t so it’s not really a fair comparison. I think SNM is more rewatchable and rewards repeat visitors more than L&T but that’s just a gut feeling.

That said I’m already planning on when to come back to see both, trying to see if I can fit in an insane weekend trip before I go to HHN.
Double post because I’m still processing and thinking about it

I think SNM is more intimate and has more “art” to it, L&T felt like a more commercial version of the same concept. Almost every aspect is more fleshed out but it doesn’t have that same emotional connection SNM does.

Happy to talk spoilers or anything in a DM or private thread so as not to clog up the theater thread
For anyone who can get to London in the next week, I'd highly recommend "Passing Strange" at the Young Vic. Saw it on Saturday and it's a wonderful rock-based musical, with a few other musical genres thrown in for good measure. Giles Terera stars. He was London's original Aaron Burr in an Olivier winning performance, and I saw him last as Othello at the National. He really does have a an amazing range from theatrical rock & hip-hop to classical Shakespeare!

The musical is only open for another week, but I think tickets are still available. It's well worth making the effort if you can get to the Young Vix this week.