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Lower Lot Redesign

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Just to make sure there's no confusion, Monsters will be designed by John Murdy and creative. The Goddard ride is separate from that. It's not the Phantom of the Opera show that was pitched before.

wait is the classic monster ride confirmed by inside info or just a rumor
Well....pay attention to the stages behind the Mummy during the Fall. If they're being torn down, then Monsters land is happening. There are LOTS of projects lined up for USH within this decade. You should get excited.
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Just to make sure there's no confusion, Monsters will be designed by John Murdy and creative. The Goddard ride is separate from that. It's not the Phantom of the Opera show that was pitched before.

Well....pay attention to the stages behind the Mummy during the Fall. If they're being torn down, then Monsters land is happening.

There are LOTS of projects lined up for USH within this decade. You should get excited.
. Is there Any possible way you can shows what stages might be torn down ????
Fact: Murdy has been trying to get a Universal Monsters/Horror attraction made for YEARS and YEARS, dating back to the late 90s with USF. Instead of Monsters, they went with the Men in Black IP instead.

So it doesn't surprise me that he would at least be trying to make it happen.

But whatever comes in 2017... and I'm not a source but damn it I say something's happening because if it doesn't Comcast needs to go and fire every single person in USH management once the crowding complaints come filing in... it'll be in the lower lot. From what I knew back when I was working there, Universal does NOT want to touch the Upper Lot for a bit after Potter opens.
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Word of caution: don't listen to unreliable sources.
Best post & advice in this thread so far :)

Was getting a bit out of hand.

ANYWAY, I think a monster attraction would be more Universally (hehe) acceptable and accessible than an "at your own pace" walk through maze like House of Horrors. It's psychological I think. You're in the comfort of your ride vehicle and you know everything is fake, where as actually being plopped in the middle of a horror scene you have to walk through with live people is a bit too much for some.
I'd agree with that if House of Horrors was on the level of an HHN maze... but it definitely was not. HoH was much more about the sets than it was about the scares.
^ Well aware of that, it was very detailed and immersive, but walk through haunts are for a limited audience and there's people who simply can't do them due to psychological reasons. It was smart knocking it down considering fans of mazes get an annual event with new detailed mazes. I'm personally a fan of monsters and scary stuff, just not the maze variety. I would love a Monster ride.
Word of caution: don't listen to unreliable sources.
Not a personal attack on anyone but what makes 1 source more reliable than another?

Who is to say who actually has a source and also a source that's actually credible?

I see a lot of "you guys are over thinking this, just wait and see ;)" kind of posts on here from people claiming they know more than they do.... So it only makes it harder to really gage what's actually what.

Just saying that your source is more reliable, or trying to discredit other people isn't really beneficial when no one actually knows who's telling the truth. It's a message board... It's all just speculation until proven true.

Who's to say one of us isn't an actual insider who works for UC... but also who's to say we aren't all full of shizz!
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Here are some quotes from John Murdy's twitter.

Next up was a 2 hr production meeting for an upcoming attraction (sorry can't tell you what, it's top secret). That 1 meeting involved Math (theoretical hourly capacities), Science (physics, etc) and a whole bunch of theatrical disciplines (scenic, lighting, audio, etc)
HHNing by day, dress rehearsals for Nighttime Studio Tour at night. In between doing press for the 50th & designing a future project
Gonna be a looong day/night. Working on special fx for super secret future project, Terror Tram and then Night Tour dress rehearsal
While we're doing all that, working on future attraction, nighttime studio tour, finishing up Psycho house restoration, etc
Been doing a ton of writing this week, not for HHN but for a top secret future project. Been through 10 versions of this concept so far..
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I just realized something: Universal probably personally ok'd Murdy to tease about the future attraction. That's why he's mentioned it so many times. To build early hype and curiosity. When people like Mike Sington leaked or accidentally shared secret park project info ahead of time, like the night time tour, he had to wipe his whole account clean at Universal's request. I genuinely think there's certain projects and details from USH and UOR that Universal knowingly leaked before to build hype. Lots of consumer companies do this now.

Mike sington
Of course.... Murdy isn't the head of Universal Creative, he's just one of their top people. Even still, no way would Universal allow somebody with an official Universal account to tweet about possible upcoming attractions, or even ALLUDE to them. They want him to.
Not a personal attack on anyone but what makes 1 source more reliable than another?

Who is to say who actually has a source and also a source that's actually credible?

I see a lot of "you guys are over thinking this, just wait and see ;)" kind of posts on here from people claiming they know more than they do.... So it only makes it harder to really gage what's actually what.

Just saying that your source is more reliable, or trying to discredit other people isn't really beneficial when no one actually knows who's telling the truth. It's a message board... It's all just speculation until proven true.

Who's to say one of us isn't an actual insider who works for UC... but also who's to say we aren't all full of shizz!
Alluding to something by saying "let's wait and see, it seems a few things are planned that are up in the air that I've heard about or rumored" is different than "I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T, THIS IS TOTALLY HAPPENING, BUT I WON'T GIVE YOU ANY INFO OR DETAILS, BUT I HAVE AN AMAZING INSIDE SOURCE, PAT ME ON THE BACK."

It's the way some people toot their own horns on forums in an "all-powerful" type of way that can be cringe worthy. I know rumors can be inevitable, especially in this category of fandom, but it's the way some people can come across in a very thread "matter of fact" hijacking cocky kind of way that is just unappealing. It's all about how you come across IMO.

You're right though. Not everyone knows who actually has inside info. But sometimes it can be obvious when someone doesn't and they just want attention...or even if it seems they DO have info but come across cocky, it's just not pretty.
Not a personal attack on anyone but what makes 1 source more reliable than another?

Who is to say who actually has a source and also a source that's actually credible?
Easy...their track record.

When an individual has been proven wrong on a consistent basis or has a track record of putting out baseless drivel, it's disheartening to hear people take that individual seriously - especially when people are trying to have a serious discussion on the future of the park. As for my own track record, I'll let the reputation of Inside Universal speak for itself. I don't engage in every single rumor that hits our way, but I do recognize when someone is calling out for attention.

If you truly follow the site and the forums, you'd know that fact.
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I completely forgot about those "secret project" tweets from Murdy... Never thought to connect the dots to a classic monsters ride/attraction. It would be great though if whatever he is working on does turn out to be our house of horrors/classic monsters ride. It does make sense since Murdy helped work on Mummy. 

watch his top secret project end up just being a highly themed interactive Hello Kitty meet-n-greet! :wacko: