So I've been doing a little bit of thinking about what would be an adequate replacement for the Mummy. The most-desired solution would be an new indoor roller coaster. The problem is, they need to add capacity and the lower lot is at kind of a grid lock. You need the space for a plaza to spread things out, the park needs more live entertainment, and the park needs a family coaster to make up for Mummy's loss. So what do you do? All three.
If they really wanted to maximize the space for Mummy, I think the best thing to do would be to make it a plaza where you have the Bourne Stuntacular, the queue and station for a roller coaster that would two stories to go over the van drop-off road, and then have the track go up the hill. It can also be a spinning coaster to face riders away from "problematic" areas but with no inversions so it could be our remedy for Hagrid's. And then maybe cram the Monster Make-up show.
Boom. We get two more shows, a proper replacement for Mummy, space is utilized on the hill that wouldn't have otherwise be used, and capacity/breathing room has been added. Everyone's happy.