That’s the beauty of cutting the cord, though. You don’t HAVE to sign up for anything. If I want to sign up for HBO Max for a month or two, I’ll do it, but then I can drop it. My staples I’ll probably always have are Netflix, Hulu and Disney+.
Even Disney+ I would’ve dropped for much of this year if I didn’t have the 3-year deal, but I’ll be getting my money’s worth from that in 2021 alone and at $4.16/month ($150) through November 2022, it’s a great deal. And tbh, even Hulu or Netflix I’d be willing to cancel for a few months here or there if the price gets too ridiculous. They put out a lot of stuff on Netflix, but I watch it very little of late.
I’ll never pay as much as I was for cable because I won’t allow it to happen.