Honestly, I'm just going to air this out right now.
Things like this are really hurtful and the reason I hardly participate in this website. I went back through my posting history and I compared Avatar and Nintendo literally in a single post in the last year. 10 people bickered about it for a while and I followed up the whole conversation with one more single post...
Even said I hardly post, that really started with the Guardians in Epcot business, which is completely reminiscent of this discussion. It's not in my nature to gloat or be condescending when people are mistaken, so I just dropped off for quite some time and found I rarely would even catch up on this website.
Why is the culture here to always be so sarcastic and dismissive of other people, especially people who post less often? It shouldn't even matter if I was right or wrong, I was trying to contribute what I knew. What's even worse is I'm feeling this ostracized, what about people who actually make big mistakes or assumptions accidentally?
Everyone needs to be a little more supportive, we are all equally excited for these projects.
I do think you are a super considerate poster
@Mad Dog and apologize for grouping you in with another poster. That's probably why I'm more upset that it wasn't just another snarky comment from the peanut gallery.
Sorry, back to happier discussions!