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No Water from Freestyle Machines

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I read through comments on the UOAP FB group and others are saying they could get free ice.

I really can't imagine them requiring you to put the cup on the sensor for ice when the lever for ice is so obviously designed to be pushed by the cup.
This stinks. I took advantage of this last year. I would buy a bottle of water (for like 3.50 or whatever ripoff it is) and keep refilling at the freestyle machines throughout the parks.

I think this is a little irresponsible. As you guys all know, it is unbearable in the summer, especially in August when I go. It's kind of a hidden secret, as I only discovered this 2 years ago. But I'm sure the money they make in bottled water a day is not suffering whatsoever, because not everyone knows you can (could)do this
They have been installing them for the TMs so it's possible we'll see them in the parks too.
The install them for TMs because they encourage TMs stay hydrated while working and giving them a filtered option makes it more likely they actually do that. It'll never happen for guests, there's too much money in bottled water.
The install them for TMs because they encourage TMs stay hydrated while working and giving them a filtered option makes it more likely they actually do that. It'll never happen for guests, there's too much money in bottled water.
Yeah that's just basic worker's comp claim prevention. Makes sense and the cost of those will pay for itself.
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I like the fact that you could get free Ice water with out having to wait in line .If they made this a new perk for Premier Pass w/purchase of AP cup (to replace 8 water bottles) or possibly a Freestyle Ice water only cup good for a year. They could get out in front of this. Seems like this is trying to nickel and dime Passholders .I posted the same thing in Facebook group and water posts get deleted as fast as they are put up.
I like the fact that you could get free Ice water with out having to wait in line .If they made this a new perk for Premier Pass w/purchase of AP cup (to replace 8 water bottles) or possibly a Freestyle Ice water only cup good for a year. They could get out in front of this. Seems like this is trying to nickel and dime Passholders .I posted the same thing in Facebook group and water posts get deleted as fast as they are put up.
I think the issue is the way Coke has it set up they can't charge for water. It's either remove water completely or it's free. There was a post in the FB group where someone managed to get a response from Coke, they said that it wasn't anything they did, but each machine owner has the ability to turn it off.
I am pretty sure it is coke who did this not uni, coke wants to charge for the water but they can't because it is a municipal water supply. Free water is still available (I think) from regular soda fountains, so if it was a uni decision, why not cut that out as well? On the FB group people mentioned the filters, but the water on the freestyle machines does not taste that great, does not seem different from the water at regular soda fountains. Some people think the water is Dasani, it isn't, Dasani is more purified than the feestyle water and then has minerals added. So basically, both freestyle and regular soda fountain is perhaps a notch above britta water. Also, I have witnessed the coke guy berating guests for using the free water on the free style machines. I have only gotten free water during HHN, so it was not something I used often. I am, however, outraged at the attitude of some (not of people here, but stuff I have seen on FB) water is not a luxury, and people should not be made to be felt as second class because they are outraged over this. Also, the attitude of people (again on FB not here) that when you buy the cup you should not have to wait behind someone who did not pay ... I'm sorry, but a reasoning like that shows you are a sorry excuse for a human being. And then people saying use the fountains, that is for quick sips, not meant to fill up a bottle, flow isn't there. What's next? Poor people should just fill up their bottles in the toilet?
You must be guessing at this. Where else does coke get its water from? Municipal water runs all of the businesses in the country.
I'm pretty sure they could charge for the municipal water. It's filtered after all.

I did see another posting of someone getting the same response from Coke. I guess the question would be is if it's Coke that did this why did they do this only at Universal. There are Freestyle machines everywhere and I've never seen one with water disabled until a few days ago at Universal.

I find this really frustrating just out of principle, as I said I have no issue with water fountains. I honestly don't think I'll be activating my cup though unless they change this. To me the benefit is switching out and trying different sodas. If I can't rinse the cup between them it kind of kills the appeal of it for me.
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