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No Water from Freestyle Machines

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Water actually is a luxury. A very necessary one, but a luxury nonetheless.
Dangerous reasoning my friend, though there is a point to what you say ... thought just strikes me, there is anime callex Last Exile that deals with this, water becoming a luxury ... anyway, I get your implication, if you can visit Universal you are not down the dumps, if you can afford Universal you can afford water ... but such thought is dangerous and rather unhealthy (in my opinion) ...
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Dangerous reasoning my friend, though there is a point to what you say ... thought just strikes me, there is anime callex Last Exile that deals with this, water becoming a luxury ... anyway, I get your implication, if you can visit Universal you are not down the dumps, if you can afford Universal you can afford water ... but such thought is dangerous and rather unhealthy (in my opinion) ...

We're not talking politics or national implications here. I'm glad to live in a country where water fountains are the normal and not part of charged amenities. Yes, it sucks they took it away; but we're talking about a Coca-Cola freestyle machine that dispensed free water at a $100 a day theme park. They are still offering free water at the box fountains and obviously at water fountains. It just that they stopped giving it away at the area that was the easiest for us to get it. Just seems many are angry that they made the convenience of free water a bit more out of the way than before.
If water is still available what's the reason for eliminating it at these machines? The issue isn't about getting something free but rather just inconveniencing people for no reason?
Exactly. That is what I dislike, the priviliged attitude in which we trap ourselves. I think a lot of people are either trapped in that whole business and profits first mindset or they really need to think a little deeper ethically about this. I am not outraged over this personally, in the parks I generally pay for a coke, I just wish to instill that this is is a sensitive issue.
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You do realize it's a legal requirement for them to have water fountains right. Water fountains are filtered too.

I think it's also important to point out this is something being eliminated for paying customers also. This isn't just about people being cheap.
Indeed. And some suggest people getting free water are parasites. If it is free, then how does this follow? If the free water was a machine error, then why is it gone for paying customers? I have always disliked that there is no sparkling water, just normal non-flavored sparkling water.
I don't know. I'm not a Coke Freestyle machine expert. What do I look like, Derek Burgan? :)
Yeah well my point is as a someone who uses these machines occasionally for their intended purpose this change makes it inconvenient for me to use for soda.
It kills me that you people are arguing over Florida water, which is the worst smelling junk in the world. I never paid for it. However, if you can make money off that swill then have at it.
You must be guessing at this. Where else does coke get its water from? Municipal water runs all of the businesses in the country.
I mean coke can't charge for the water because they are not paying for it, so they cannot have water for paying customers only, because the water supply is not theirs,
I mean coke can't charge for the water because they are not paying for it, so they cannot have water for paying customers only, because the water supply is not theirs,
I don't really think that is the case. They would essentially be charging for the filtering. Just like they charge for the filtering and flavoring when you buy a Coke product from the machine. Either way they're still using the same water. I think the issue is the way Coke has the machines set up water is separate from the drink selections and so there isn't a way to charge for it or in other words block it if you don't have a chip.
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It kills me that you people are arguing over Florida water, which is the worst smelling junk in the world. I never paid for it.
Lol ... there are people who think the free water option was really dasani and that is why they stopped it. I agree, municipal water here is bad, strong chlorine and metal taste. I always drink seltzer water and for my beer brewing I buy gallons of filtered water.