(Rumor) New Potter Attraction to Replace Fear Factor Live? | Page 47 | Inside Universal Forums

(Rumor) New Potter Attraction to Replace Fear Factor Live?

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I've always wanted an entrance to MoM from DA but understand the monetary implications of making that possible. I'd rather they use that $ to keep the extra special effects A&D came up with for the actual attraction than another way of getting to the attraction.

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I've always wanted an entrance to MoM from DA but understand the monetary implications of making that possible. I'd rather they use that $ to keep the extra special effects A&D came up with for the actual attraction than another way of getting to the attraction.


I do not know a lot about the access road that is back there, but I wonder about it more from a practicality standpoint as in, how high would an overpass need to be to still allow fore trucks and cranes and stuff to access the park?
I don't understand it either. It isn't necessary, and would be more in keeping with the books that MOM is accessed outside of DA. Having the entrance out in the London waterfront just like the the Hogwart's Express entrance would work better and makes more sense.

From my poor memory, I thought either Flue travel or going in from London via the telephone booths were the primary ways into the MoM. Thus, I could see a London entrance working but not needing a Diagon Alley entrance. They could do it in New York to cover Fantastic Beasts as well (JOKING!!!).
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I could see them being creative and just create a new Ministry building in London (as if the Wizarding World has opened up to the rest of the world) and your a muggle on a tour of the ministry... and then things go wrong.
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I do not know a lot about the access road that is back there, but I wonder about it more from a practicality standpoint as in, how high would an overpass need to be to still allow fore trucks and cranes and stuff to access the park?
There's an Access road between FFL and MIB to the boat ramp. Zero overhead constraints.
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There's an Access road between FFL and MIB to the boat ramp. Zero overhead constraints.

Just looking at it on Google, it seems that they could close off that road (unless it is required for some regulatory reason) and just keep the one between MIB and FFL open. Then, they could connect London all the way across for the MoM ride. Maybe they could add a break/wall between there and MIB to provide a transition space.
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After the announcements of T23D replacement, Jurassic Park/World, and Volcano Bay Expansion I believe this need to go next. The FFL stage to me is the biggest waste of space they have left and by far. We all would like new things at lost continent, Kidzone, Shrek. At least those lands/attractions still serve a purpose and draw some fans. This is literally a dead part of the park it literally is a plot that separates diagon alley from Men in Black.

Please bring us Ministry of Magic please. It only makes since too, as a way to balance the parks specifically after the Potter coaster and Jurassic. Studios will need more to help. Also you literally loose almost nothing in regards to capacity by going into construction. Nothing!

By giving a new e-ticket Ministry attraction you add capacity to begin shutting down things like shrek or Kidzone. This too me is the perfect new addition for 2020.

Fear Factor Live is so sad that most people forget the damn thing even exists. Put it out of its misery and us.
After the announcements of T23D replacement, Jurassic Park/World, and Volcano Bay Expansion I believe this need to go next. The FFL stage to me is the biggest waste of space they have left and by far. We all would like new things at lost continent, Kidzone, Shrek. At least those lands/attractions still serve a purpose and draw some fans. This is literally a dead part of the park it literally is a plot that separates diagon alley from Men in Black.

Please bring us Ministry of Magic please. It only makes since too, as a way to balance the parks specifically after the Potter coaster and Jurassic. Studios will need more to help. Also you literally loose almost nothing in regards to capacity by going into construction. Nothing!

By giving a new e-ticket Ministry attraction you add capacity to begin shutting down things like shrek or Kidzone. This too me is the perfect new addition for 2020.

Fear Factor Live is so sad that most people forget the damn thing even exists. Put it out of its misery and us.

If they were moving on Ministry, they would've done it after HHN27.

It'll probably happen, but for now; they seem to be wanting to focus on areas that somewhat need attention, especially for when the Southern Property goes live in a few years. Patience, will be needed.

Also, the Jurassic project has NOT been announced for Orlando. And from what it seems like, we will not be seeing much movement until sometime in 2019 at the earliest, if that's slated for 2020.
The FFL stage to me is the biggest waste of space they have left and by far.
I would’ve agreed with this until recently. I think with the addition of Fast & Furious, Fear Factor has now risen to second worst attraction in the park. Obviously F&F isn’t going anywhere, but I think the perspective will shift a bit from viewing this as the worst thing in the park.
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I would’ve agreed with this until recently. I think with the addition of Fast & Furious, Fear Factor has now risen to second worst attraction in the park. Obviously F&F isn’t going anywhere, but I think the perspective will shift a bit from viewing this as the worst thing in the park.
Double F's are a jinx of sorts.
I would’ve agreed with this until recently. I think with the addition of Fast & Furious, Fear Factor has now risen to second worst attraction in the park. Obviously F&F isn’t going anywhere, but I think the perspective will shift a bit from viewing this as the worst thing in the park.
I will say while some may agree with, mainly for initial anger creating bias, FandF has its merits and has the ability to improve itself overtime. I even believe with time most may come to enjoy it more than they realize. Think of the same way people were outraged with Kong and Fallon at first but have come to appreciate their existence. And as mentioned it can improve itself. Fear Factor is literally a forgotten piece of land. A forgotten IP and an even more bothersome space waste that is only utilized at busy seasons which now more than ever is becoming year round. So for a good portion of the year is sitting dormant.

I understand patients in these times but with everyone wanting this land or that ride changed to this and that. FFL is unpopular and rarely used. They won’t loose capacity by closing it. It will only enhance universal studios park. Literally even if it wasn’t MofM but anything else would literally be an improvement to what is currently their.

But a visit to the Ministry would be welcomed!

I will say while some may agree with, mainly for initial anger creating bias, FandF has its merits and has the ability to improve itself overtime. I even believe with time most may come to enjoy it more than they realize. Think of the same way people were outraged with Kong and Fallon at first but have come to appreciate their existence. And as mentioned it can improve itself. Fear Factor is literally a forgotten piece of land. A forgotten IP and an even more bothersome space waste that is only utilized at busy seasons which now more than ever is becoming year round. So for a good portion of the year is sitting dormant.

I understand patients in these times but with everyone wanting this land or that ride changed to this and that. FFL is unpopular and rarely used. They won’t loose capacity by closing it. It will only enhance universal studios park. Literally even if it wasn’t MofM but anything else would literally be an improvement to what is currently their.
They still pack in tens of people a day to that show I’ll have you know! Tens!


But seriously, yea, it’s long overdue to go away.

I will say while some may agree with, mainly for initial anger creating bias, FandF has its merits and has the ability to improve itself overtime. I even believe with time most may come to enjoy it more than they realize. Think of the same way people were outraged with Kong and Fallon at first but have come to appreciate their existence. And as mentioned it can improve itself. Fear Factor is literally a forgotten piece of land. A forgotten IP and an even more bothersome space waste that is only utilized at busy seasons which now more than ever is becoming year round. So for a good portion of the year is sitting dormant.

I understand patients in these times but with everyone wanting this land or that ride changed to this and that. FFL is unpopular and rarely used. They won’t loose capacity by closing it. It will only enhance universal studios park. Literally even if it wasn’t MofM but anything else would literally be an improvement to what is currently their.

But a visit to the Ministry would be welcomed!
I don’t know I kind of see it the other way around. F&F is brand new everyone is trying it for the first time right now, it can only go down from there. Maybe if a new movie came out or something that could reignite interest. FFL on the other hand has the benefit of the new series coming out and in the unlikely event it becomes a hit it could reignite interest in the show. I totally agree F&F brings in the bigger crowds right now, but FFL is the better quality attraction (not that that’s saying much). I think they could start to equalize a bit especially when you factor in the actual space used. Back to my point I certainly don’t think Universal will consider removing F&F anytime soon, but I think it’s reasonable that amongst a healthy number of park guests FFL will no longer be viewed as the worst attraction in the park. That coupled with the new series as well as focus on the new park and other things I could see buying FFL a few more years potentially.
I don’t know I kind of see it the other way around. F&F is brand new everyone is trying it for the first time right now, it can only go down from there. Maybe if a new movie came out or something that could reignite interest. FFL on the other hand has the benefit of the new series coming out and in the unlikely event it becomes a hit it could reignite interest in the show. I totally agree F&F brings in the bigger crowds right now, but FFL is the better quality attraction (not that that’s saying much). I think they could start to equalize a bit especially when you factor in the actual space used. Back to my point I certainly don’t think Universal will consider removing F&F anytime soon, but I think it’s reasonable that amongst a healthy number of park guests FFL will no longer be viewed as the worst attraction in the park. That coupled with the new series as well as focus on the new park and other things I could see buying FFL a few more years potentially.
Just as a heads up F&F has the off shoot Hobbs and Shaw next year, F&F9 in 2020, and F&F10 in 2021.

And just by a show of hands how many actually know about the new FFL show? What network is that on again?

Sorry I’ve never really enjoyed the show and see the building housing the attraction as an eyesore.

As mentioned before people always hate a new attraction when it is not to there demands but usually come to enjoy down the line.

Also Universal actually uses F&F in their marketing. When was the last time they said come enjoy the show Fear Factor “Live” in person.

Just thoughts this isn’t even really about F&F vs FFL. It’s that FFL is a ridiculous waste of space that needs something new. I know it won’t be tomorrow but the sooner the better is all. But I get it we wouldnt want to upset those tens upon tens of adoring fans who pack in everyday to get upset now would we Universal lol
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