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Shanghai Disneyland

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Pirates looks AMAZING. Only complaint is not in 3d
That's actually a big reason I like it. I'm 3D'd out. Plus it interferes with the views of practical sets an AAs. This is what we need more of.

I think Gringotts works as is, just wish the coaster elements were longer. I'd love to see more AAs and practical sets in FJ.

It looks from these videos POTC is pretty much everything I want from a dark ride. Seriously, I would love this to take the place of ours.
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My opinion is I'll wait to get any experience from Kong before event contemplating comparing the two.

Rematching the video again there seems to be some spots that seem more like The Seas with Nemo than block buster e-ticket. Pretty much remove most of the middle part and give me Davy Jones and Jack plus the battle and we're golden.
My opinion is I'll wait to get any experience from Kong before event contemplating comparing the two.

Rematching the video again there seems to be some spots that seem more like The Seas with Nemo than block buster e-ticket. Pretty much remove most of the middle part and give me Davy Jones and Jack plus the battle and we're golden.

I do agree that the floating barrel scene stop was tiresome. But MK's POTC pull such stops with AA's resetting and replaying constantly.
You are like a Fatality Lite sometimes. Drives me bonkers. Small World is too long, this ain't.

To answer your question from Before, yes the boats are practically EMVS in water. The same system will be used in Navi River journey but not as thrilling
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Woah, the new POTC looks incredible. However, the lack of 3D is a bit weird... I feel like having the screens 2D may take away from the experience a bit, and having them be full 3D would've made this one of the best attractions on the planet. However, I have not ridden it myself (and I probably never will) so I won't judge. Overall though... so freaking amazing.
It uses something called the "parallax effect" to give the impression of being 3D. Watch Matthew Finnemore's video (the high quality one), specifically from 2:15-2:30. The entire projection is being manipulated to focus on the point-of-view of the ride vehicle. You may not be able to tell on the video, but our brain cannot tell the difference between 2D and 3D when that is happening in person. Since iOS 7, the iPhone, iPad, etc, has used this "effect" on the home screen(assuming you don't turn it off). If you have an iPhone, iPad,etc. go to a page of app icons, focus on the icons (not the wallpaper), and slowly rotate your device in a pitch or roll movement. See it?
A benefit to this over normal "3D", is that many get headaches from 3D because our brain gets confused by the conflicting images. This doesn't happen with the parallax effect because it uses perspective and brain trickery instead.

I find it INCREDIBLE that is being used on such a large scale. Never before has this been used on a theme park attraction.
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If the boat ride that they're building in Avatar Land is anything like this version of Pirates, I'll be excited. That looks so freaking cool.

It'll use the same elements, but not as much in the thrilling aspects shown here. Much more tamed down.

What I find interesting is the riders reacting to the two wraparound screen portions where they transition under or above the sea. They sound like they are reacting to movement as well, but from what it looks like there is no actual boat movement. Is this just out of the (impressive) optical illusion or is the water actually lowering/rising beneath them?

The ending of the ride is anticlimactic when you consider the pure grandeur of the rest (seriously the cinematic nature of that first lowering into the sea portion is awe-inspiring), but I do like that it ends with a backwards drop. That's neat. The first couple min with the original ride callbacks is adorable as well. But yeah: this ride is the new gold standard in themed entertainment. 

Anyways: watched a video of new Soarin which is just as spectacular as one would guess. Even though the states are getting a slightly different version (one with NYC and a specialized ending), there are a few interesting things to note. First is the solution of creating transitions which is very cute but also a tad annoying at points. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for sure and I don't blame Disney for going for it. Still, it is jarring a bit to be somewhere for 10 seconds and then be swiped by one idea for a transition after another, especially since they call attention to themselves quite a bit. Secondly, some are going to be really annoyed with how much digital additions/alterations have been made to the flyover as opposed to the cleaner, more realistic original film. There are many more CGI'd-in whimsical touches that, while not cartoonish, do again call attention much more than it needs to. The biggest unintentional laugh probably was the super obvious touch-up of any smog around the Taj Mahal. Third is the music, and there are zero surprises here. The original theme re-arranged and they add orchestral flairs to match the location we are flying over. It sounds beautiful, but is sort of missing Goldsmith's unique touch. This is really something that never could be avoiding so I disgress. When we get it next month, it's going to be a HUGE hit. Especially in California. I think everybody has been wanting this and Soarin will skyrocket back to its premium status.

I saw Peter Pan which is a cute expansion of the original ride, not sure why they chose a suspended coaster model since there is literally only one very brief coaster section but whatever. Their Pooh is literally an exact clone of the WDW one and looks extremely out of place in this park full of richly ornate attractions. But hey, it's way overbudget so eh.

The jet packs are awesome (COME TO DLR PLZ) and so is Tron. Buzz Lightyear also looks like an awesome improvement. Roaring Rapids and Seven Dwarves may not be ready yet. Have not seen footage from either. Strange since they both don't sound like they would need extra work.

Overall, this may cause a bunch of problems in other areas but Imagineering should be proud. A-plus effort.
Is this a fact or an assumption? No one here has previously mentioned parallax for this attraction.
Disney has previously said that they are using the position of the ride vehicles (the boats) and implementing corresponding movements in the projection to surround the guests. Also it's obvious.
Look at the projection and set from 2:15-2:30. The entire background (the projection, including the ship), has moved to correspond with the movement of the boat (going down).
Disney has previously said that they are using the position of the ride vehicles (the boats) and implementing corresponding movements in the projection to surround the guests. Also it's obvious.
Look at the projection and set from 2:15-2:30. The entire background (the projection, including the ship), has moved to correspond with the movement of the boat (going down).
Perhaps a more obvious focus point is the shark. The shark is initially in front of and slightly above the riders, as the ship moves down the shark becomes practically above the rider's heads.
Look at the projection and set from 2:15-2:30. The entire background (the projection, including the ship), has moved to correspond with the movement of the boat (going down).

That is squinching which Universal developed for Spiderman in 1997-1998. It's basically a tracking projection which matches the speed of the boats. It is virtually a camera dolly rolling horizontally on a scene but it is done in cgi or with an actual computer controlled dolly.
I was told by a friend who was at the park yesterday that it's a lot less screen that it appears, but she didn't elaborate! Really interesting.

EDIT: I have seen video of Seven Dwarves, but I don't remember who all posted it. I'll link it if I stumble upon it again!
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To answer your question from Before, yes the boats are practically EMVS in water. The same system will be used in Navi River journey but not as thrilling

Wait so during the screen portions of the riders moving "below" or "above" the water, there are motion bases underneath the boat chassis?!