Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion | Page 42 | Inside Universal Forums

Skull Island: Reign of Kong - General Discussion

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Not open for further replies. be honest, I just don't want Jurassic park intruding into "Kong land" and vice versa. Like I don't wanna hear the theme song for Jurassic Park while entering or being around the ride entrance. Kinda kills the vibe
They do a good job with area music, I have no reason to believe they'll mix the JP/Kong music.
Even though Kong's a different IP, I think it's close enough in style to JP that it won't intrude or look really out of place. Plus, this attraction is going to be sooooo good, that once it opens, few will really care about it's close proximity to JP.
When we say "Get on Topic", this is the reason why:

As an outsider who hasn't participated a lot in it, I'll chime in and say I hate this thread. I come to look for updates and discussion and always run into a back and forth. I shan't be returning. Pity as I am genuinely interested in this and how the video scenes will differ from Hollywood. Shame. Have fun!

You know I don't censor anyone and am open for a good debate, but sometimes threads don't need to devolve into pages of back and forth opinions that aren't completely relevant to the topic at hand. There are some people who just browse the thread for information and don't wanna sift thru 4 pages of arguments. For the sake of everyone's reading enjoyment, I removed the past few pages where it got a little too heated (for lack of better term).

Thanks for understanding!

BACK TO KONG! :smile:
When we say "Get on Topic", this is the reason why:

You know I don't censor anyone and am open for a good debate, but sometimes threads don't need to devolve into pages of back and forth opinions that aren't completely relevant to the topic at hand. There are some people who just browse the thread for information and don't wanna sift thru 4 pages of arguments. For the sake of everyone's reading enjoyment, I removed the past few pages where it got a little too heated (for lack of better term).

Thanks for understanding!

BACK TO KONG! :smile:
I'll simply say this: There was pictures posted. We looked at them and some people (including myself) started talking about the side of the building. We were completely on-topic and pictures had just been posted.

When it got to be ridiculously off topic was when @JungleSkip came in looking to stir the pot.
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I'll simply say this: There was pictures posted. We looked at them and some people (including myself) started talking about the side of the building. We were completely on-topic and pictures had just been posted.

When it got to be ridiculously off topic was when @JungleSkip came in looking to stir the pot.

I really don't care who started what - but posting this isn't exactly a contribution and in all reality is stirring the pot yourself. I said Back to Kong. Drop it.
I really don't care who started what - but posting this isn't exactly a contribution and in all reality is stirring the pot yourself. I said Back to Kong. Drop it.
I'm simply trying to defend the people who were in the right as you seem to want to push it aside as if we were in the wrong.

But yes, back on topic...
Alicia always coming through with the updates. [HASHTAG]#bless[/HASHTAG]

Can't wait to see the progress of the track and what's going on with the backdrop. I'm subsequently super interested to see the size of the vehicles in relation to the track, because the track bed is huge from what we can see on nearmaps. I already assumed the vehicles were going to be large because of their capacities, though. be honest, I just don't want Jurassic park intruding into "Kong land" and vice versa. Like I don't wanna hear the theme song for Jurassic Park while entering or being around the ride entrance. Kinda kills the vibe

Hey, keep it in the BGM thread, will ya?? ;-)

And we're moving on.... :topic:

Not after September 8th! #RIPLonnie
Universal are clever folk...
I'm considering moving my next trip from the UK to Orlando forward so I can experience Kong! And it isn't for the IP, it's for the ride system/ theming / experience. Clever folks!
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Did they lower the wall a bit in front of Kong to show off his month more? I mean, in those photos it looks like the wall dips a bit there...far cry from the days when they were building the London waterfront?!?
Did they lower the wall a bit in front of Kong to show off his month more? I mean, in those photos it looks like the wall dips a bit there...far cry from the days when they were building the London waterfront?!?

I think (I don't know) that wall is being recreated in 3D just behind that plywood wall. A grand foreboding of the doom to come to those who visit. It would make a ton of sense to me if so.
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I'm curious if by painting it all black you lose some of the texture and detail of the facade. Do you think it would benefit from a little gray or mossy green to break it up? I'm judging it only by the pictures (which are awesome, thank you!); maybe it looks a bit different in person.
I was there today, and unless my eyes were playing tricks on me (which is possible thanks to the unbearable heat today) but it looks like they started adding some kind of dark blue paint to the temple. Could be wrong. My apologies if it's been discussed already
I'm curious if by painting it all black you lose some of the texture and detail of the facade. Do you think it would benefit from a little gray or mossy green to break it up? I'm judging it only by the pictures (which are awesome, thank you!); maybe it looks a bit different in person.

Coloring is nowhere near done, that's the fun part. There is a lot of faux dead foliage to be added, and then a lot of peat moss and textures to the rockwork as well. The final step, involving some real foliage, will really tie this all together. Overgrown vines and temple-like structures will be the overall theme away from the main temple. Jagged rockwork too, probably. This is all so exciting!
This is all so exciting!

Months ago, I was told how excited the UC team was for this... almost giddy. I didn't understand that back then. I do now. As brilliant as he is, I would think they were all so tuckered from Alan Gilmore and Warner Bros. hyper perfectionism.

At one point a UC team was being called under the carpet over the shape of faux rivets. They were spastic near the end. Kong and internal art direction must feel like a warm snuggly blanket.
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