The increase in ticket prices is based in pure greed, because they could get away with it for so long, with the mindset they could offset anything by raising ticket prices. I've learned the lesson to stay off property about 5 years ago. And it increased my vacation enjoyment infinitely, not to mentioned is far better on my vacation costs (like, way better) and I wasn't stuck on Disney Island. It's not worth, to me anyway, to be subjected to an overpriced value resort when I could find a kick ass three bedroom condo for less. It cut my Disney days in half, and as a born Floridian and Disney lifer, I'm spending less time at MK, and more at EPCOT and AK and replacing my other park days at UNI -- though UNI needs to stop with the screens as its wearing my party's skin thin with redundancy and motion-sickness. And in a very unDisney like move, it seems they're actually listening to their guests to improve enjoyment and not treating us like sheep they can easily replace.
And I don't have to go to WDW. I didn't this year for the first time in forever. Disney doesn't care, I'm sure, but I'm the dolt who goes with my family and buys their overpriced merch, and I'm spending less and less time at their parks. They've already lost me staying on property. That ship has sailed. It just isn't worth the price to me.