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Spider-Man getting HD Upgrading

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It is in fact the action and combonation of the Scoop being in reverse and struggling against Doc Oc's Grip. It is the bumper of the Scoop being ripped off. There was a large debate on it long ago and this new crisp video definiately showcases the concept better.

The original debate even had input from the director of the original animated action stating what was happening, not much better source than that. That was one of the nerdiest theme park debates I have ever seen on the internet. Fun stuff.

That idea is also further in place when later the Scoop is taking more and more damage to where at that point in the ride we here a transmission from J. Jonah Jamison. "Scoop! My beautiful Scoop!"

I thought it was Spiderman pulling him back. Well I just learned something today! :lol:
Don't you just love all these nerdy discussions!!!!! That has always been a great part of the ride, cuz it's really just us against Doc Ock, no Spidey there to save us and yet we're somehow able to get the heck outta there in one piece. My personal favorite part of the ride though (I think I've stated this before) is the the proceeding ascent back to street level...I love how the SCOOP kind of stalls and struggles as it makes its way back to the street, it really gives the ride that out of control chaotic feel that I LOVE. The SCOOP itself has always been one of the best aspects of the ride itself for me. It's hi-tech, somewhat unstable, but is trusty nontheless...it takes one hell of a beating but in the end still makes it back to the unload area in one piece. LONG LIVE THE SCOOP!!!!! (Sorry for my nerding out, I just really love this ride, as I'm sure you all do too)
Don't you just love all these nerdy discussions!!!!! That has always been a great part of the ride, cuz it's really just us against Doc Ock, no Spidey there to save us and yet we're somehow able to get the heck outta there in one piece. My personal favorite part of the ride though (I think I've stated this before) is the the proceeding ascent back to street level...I love how the SCOOP kind of stalls and struggles as it makes its way back to the street, it really gives the ride that out of control chaotic feel that I LOVE. The SCOOP itself has always been one of the best aspects of the ride itself for me. It's hi-tech, somewhat unstable, but is trusty nontheless...it takes one hell of a beating but in the end still makes it back to the unload area in one piece. LONG LIVE THE SCOOP!!!!! (Sorry for my nerding out, I just really love this ride, as I'm sure you all do too)

Actually furthering the awesome details of the ride that scene you are talking about asscending back up to Street level is supposed to represent stairway and the Scoop struggling to bump over them.

I love that bit as well because the entire area of the track is still on the flat concrete that the rest of the ride is on, but the way the set is built alone messes with the mind and is a great illusion. Mix that with the chaoticbut careful struggling motions you mentioned and indeed you have a GREAT illusion.
Watch the video very carefully. The arm things flail throughout the entire screen. You cannot have arms that come close and therefore appear larger than the distant character maneuvering them unless there is screen to display it.

Aaahhh good point sir... Thanks. I was at work and wasn't able to see the the clip or I would have caught that, its been 2 years since I've ridden it... Although I often catch myself riding Spidey and others on Youtube for hours at a time. Yes we are all very Nerdy
you do bring up a neat idea though 1.21J. What if they could plus the experience by adding a few bricks to the surrounding area of the screen, and if they want to go further with the idea have physical bricks that can fall away(and reset before the next Scoop arrives of course) and a rear projection(meaning behind this particular screen) in its place to start the illusion before the 3D front one kicks in. It is complex but who knows, the ride can always be plussed. Glad Uni sees the potential there and hope they do it again in the next decade to come.
^The real bricks would have to fall completely out of the way before his arms or projected bricks or anything fly toward you, otherwise the illusion would be ruined, possible though...
^The real bricks would have to fall completely out of the way before his arms or projected bricks or anything fly toward you, otherwise the illusion would be ruined, possible though...

Exactly. It would have to be a system where the bricks are connected via the side on a track and a few appear to collapse. The other bricks could just be physical set pieces that go up to the ceiling into the darkness to the ceiling.
The Scoop struggling up the stairs always reminded me of the "floating" car scene in Indy at DL. When you are headed towards the gates of doom, it's supposed to look like you are being pulled through the air, floating toward the gates (in reality, since you are moving upwards, you can see the ramp the whole time and it just feels like you are on really rolly, smooth hills).

Once I found out what it was supposed to be, I thought "oh that's cool, too bad it doesn't translate in the attraction itself."
The Scoop struggling up the stairs always reminded me of the "floating" car scene in Indy at DL. When you are headed towards the gates of doom, it's supposed to look like you are being pulled through the air, floating toward the gates (in reality, since you are moving upwards, you can see the ramp the whole time and it just feels like you are on really rolly, smooth hills).

Once I found out what it was supposed to be, I thought "oh that's cool, too bad it doesn't translate in the attraction itself."

Good point. Ironically it actually translates better(at least I find it so) in the counterpart everyone thinks is lackluster in comparison. Countdown To Exinction(now Dinosaur) at Animal Kingdom. The idea of some sort of unusual feeling of floating seems to work better in the time tunnels to me.

Also back on Spiderman topic. Anyone else hear that the rest of the new front entrance bugle stuff should happen tomorrow?
I think someone should stop by later today to see if the entrance has been updated yet as well. They reopening is tomorrow, so they're probably just waiting until the last minute to have everything at least apparently finished. I'm guessing the interior of the queue has been updated as well (repainted, new queue video, etc.).

Tomorrow, I'll get as large an update as I can. And, if I can get an extra pair of goggles, I'll try and get a clean POV as well. I expect to ride at least ten times to get all the little details, too (spoiler-tagged, don't worry :lol:).
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I'll be there as well. I am gonna write a review of the upgrades. You guys can look forward to reading that tomorrow night.
As per the schedule given to me by Universal, I will be getting perhaps one of the first rides! There will be a reopening ceremony as well, but I believe it's to occur before the park opens (the time given is 8 am), so I'll get coverage of that, too. :)
Here is the entire post. He is from About.com. Not sure why he was chosen above the other fan sites out there.

About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

@TPAMagazine No longer blurry. And rejuvenated.
In reply to Theme Park Adventure
3h About Theme Parks About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

@insidethemagic @therealstanlee Get this: There are multiple Stan Lees throughout ride.
In reply to Ricky Brigante, Host
3h About Theme Parks About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

@TPAMagazine Major plussage.
In reply to Theme Park Adventure
3h About Theme Parks About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

Thierry Coup of Universal Creative about Spider-Man: "If it ain't broke, we still want to make it even better."
3h About Theme Parks About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

Can't say I noticed much difference with new 16-channel sound systems. Although sound was great.
3h About Theme Parks About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

Spider-Man is essentially same ride. But remarkably more crisp, nuanced images. Lots of new details and Easter eggs.
3h About Theme Parks About Theme Parks ‏ @AboutThemeParks

Was among the first of the GP to ride improved Spider-Man. Phenomenal clarity with bright 4K projection, new high tech 3-D glasses.
Multiple Stan Lees?!

I just watched the ride again, and the only civilian I noticed was the truck driver. But I would guess maybe he's in an apartment window when the Scoop is being lifted by the anti-gravity cannon or he'll be a Cop at the end of the ride.