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Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance (DHS)

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Didn’t read like a joke to me. Still doesn’t after re-reading it.


My guess, would revolve perhaps blending perhaps a pepper's ghost effect, to give the illusion that it's going as it is; but in reality, isn't even on.

I don't buy the lightsaber itself being physical, but if they do, then kudos.
The scary thing about using a pepper's ghost effect to simulate a lightsaber is that there's a possibility that guests sitting on the sides will be able to see that the projected blade is not completely synced up to the end of the hilt compared to the folks sitting in the middle. It'd be a bit tricky to pull off, but hopefully (whatever method they go with) it'll look mind-blowing.

I almost suggested the motorized lightsaber patent that was shared online last year, but that seems to be more towards physical handheld usage.
EDIT: Wild thought from my head, but what if it's like a combination of both? Having the AA wield the motorized lightsaber device while also having a pepper's ghost effect projected in front of it to enhance the illusion even further? Just a random and wild thought.

In general, this ride and its entire experience sounds absolutely amazing and way beyond the expectation I had (which was decently high, considering it's a Star Wars ride).
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Which is a reasonably low bar, as they've not pushed any limits for decades.

To me, it sounds like a very different preshow idea. Of course it's a preshow, so it's not going to be THAT amazing.

The ride description, along with the video snippets, lead me one to believe it consists of a load area with tons of Stormtroopers that aren't attacking you, some dark ride rooms with video projects, and perhaps some low end AA.

The main pieces seem to be the At-Ats that were known a long time ago, and most certainly don't move much. They may have unique laser firing effects. Then the two elevator-simulation scenes. And what sounds to be a couple of scenes with Kylo, at least one being a top level AA.

It seems to put the ridiculous "you'll get off and load ANOTHER ride vehicle at the end" rumors to rest.

If it really is just 6 scenes, were talking a sub 4 minute ride
This ride will be closer to 6-7 minutes I believe. Mickey will be in the same range, possibly longer.
I'm reading the description, and it sounds like a blast (heh), the only thing missing is how the vehicles will actually move. Is this with Ratatouille capabilities where the vehicle can slightly pitch and yaw as it traverses? Not full-on simulator motion, but that kind of low-end-EMV type deal. If so, we have something truly special on our hands. I just don't know how exciting it can be without at least that.
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I'm reading the description, and it sounds like a blast (heh), the only thing missing is how the vehicles will actually move. Is this with Ratatouille capabilities where the vehicle can slightly pitch and yaw as it traverses? Not full-on simulator motion, but that kind of low-end-EMV type deal. If so, we have something truly special on our hands. I just don't know how exciting it can be without at least that.

The rumors state there will be “locking mechanisms” for some of the more aggressive show scenes. So the motion of the vehicle may not be as important as we think.
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That will be for the two elevator sequences. What I mean is the moving from scene-to-scene.
Ratatouille’s the newest use of the system, right? I can’t imagine they would go back to the Mystic Manor/Hunny Hunt variation if they didn’t have to.

Then again, maybe the motion platforms would necessitate that the older system be used, although it would be really cool if they could combine the Ratatouille capabilities with the platforms for an even greater sense of movement.

Also, in-story, are the RV’s meant to be driving on the ground or hovering just above it?
They’re literally joking that Kylo Ren in the ride will have an old toy lightsaber that we’re impossible to collapse properly, and that doesn’t come off as a joke to you?

I don't think that's who rhino4evr was referencing when they said "Negative Nancy's" (granted I could be wrong). Using context clues, I would guess they were talking about the person who used the term "low end" to describe what they think this ride will be. And honestly, I would agree. Said person has done nothing but crap all over this ride (and basically entire Star Wars project) since they started chiming in on this thread haha. This one individual definitely seems to have a very "negative" attitude toward all of this.

On another note however, I am SUPER hyped to see all of this come to life! I'm hoping they have some sort of preview event before it opens (here at Disneyland). However, I'm not expecting it haha.
This ride will be closer to 6-7 minutes I believe. Mickey will be in the same range, possibly longer.

I take that with the same large grain of salt regarding there being a second ride vehicle we walk to for the end.

4 minute rides are the standard. I can't even think of a 7 minute ride built since Splash Montain.
I take that with the same large grain of salt regarding there being a second ride vehicle we walk to for the end.

4 minute rides are the standard. I can't even think of a 7 minute ride built since Splash Montain.

Now is the lovely time to remind people that Shanghai, exists.

Just because Disney hasn't done that much in longer attractions, it doesn't mean that they can't.

From what it seems, it mainly consists of two "rides" (the first one, you could count as separate; as it's more of a next-generational Stretching Room in a sense for if you've been to DL or DLP).

The first, is merely to explain why you are transitioned from the junk planet of Batuu, to the confines of the star destroyer. And the second, is a multi-floor dark ride (which I'm guessing is actually more guided wire than trackless than we think..) with a vertical lift and drop to pad out the time.
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Now is the lovely time to remind people that Shanghai, exists.

Just because Disney hasn't done that much in longer attractions, it doesn't mean that they can't.

From what it seems, it mainly consists of two "rides" (the first one, you could count as separate; as it's more of a next-generational Stretching Room in a sense for if you've been to DL or DLP).

The first, is merely to explain why you are transitioned from the junk planet of Batuu, to the confines of the star destroyer. And the second, is a multi-floor dark ride (which I'm guessing is actually more guided wire than trackless than we think..) with a vertical lift and drop to pad out the time.

Pirates are always long, slow paced rides. Long rides are almost always water or omnimover based. And they move slowly. This ride seems to not be slow paced. It has the elevators to take lots of time with a small space, but with a seemingly large amount of space taken by the preshow and load rooms, not to mention the AT-AT room, seven minutes seems long.
Unless they double up elevators for the finale, so two pairs of RVs are in them.

It will be stunning if this is a 7 minute long, trackless dark ride. This ride has to be trackless when the vehicles split up for the elevators.

As for the earlier comment. Unless Ratatouille has changed dramatically since opening, it does hardly any movement
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I think that....
the room with the ship cannon shooting out into space (into an animated screen with attacking ships) is going to be a sneaky awesome intense part of this ride
Just listened to Alicia's podcast. Very good detail and explanation as always. If even half of it is true, this ride is going to be breathtaking.
Thanks! What's crazy is we recorded that several days before that Attractions article, which contains some of the same information for the ride, so feeling pretty confident about some of the crazier elements now!
The whole land and everything in it is knock your socks off amazing. Honestly, from somebody who walked the site (not me), I quote "I was crying like a baby. I was floored. This is the greatest advancement in theme parks since Tokyo DisneySea. It's a game changer." End quote.

I hope he wasn't one of the people who cried after riding Flight of Passage.

I still have a bad feeling about all the extremes being used. They are getting as bad as how absolutely amazing Pandora was to just look at, especially at night. Star Wars themed land with essentially two things from the movies, the Falcon and a Tie Fighter. The rest of the land will be highly themed, obviously, but to nothing that is familiar. Hogsmeade was the game changer. If this changes things like that did, I will be beyond impressed. But I really can't see how it can.

A 7 minute long fast paced dark ride could set a new standard.

Of course, since less than half of a days' guests will be able to ride it, it will set other, not good, standards too.
I hope he wasn't one of the people who cried after riding Flight of Passage.

I still have a bad feeling about all the extremes being used. They are getting as bad as how absolutely amazing Pandora was to just look at, especially at night. Star Wars themed land with essentially two things from the movies, the Falcon and a Tie Fighter. The rest of the land will be highly themed, obviously, but to nothing that is familiar. Hogsmeade was the game changer. If this changes things like that did, I will be beyond impressed. But I really can't see how it can.

A 7 minute long fast paced dark ride could set a new standard.

Of course, since less than half of a days' guests will be able to ride it, it will set other, not good, standards too.
I'm just going to say it: you don't get it. When this land opens in Disneyland, you'll understand...or at least become incredibly defensive. A couple of months ago you were saying this land could just be a "simulator and a D-ticket dark ride". Then you were saying that the Millennium Falcon attraction wasn't going to really be interactive. Now it's "they're not recreating something familiar". Some of your posts suggest a strong bias toward Universal's parks. Nothing wrong with that, but let's not pretend otherwise.

Let me spell it out for you: most impressive, ambitious dark ride in the world. Bar none.

Even still, I know you won't believe it till you see it. Which is why I'm anxiously looking forward to June.