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Super Nintendo World (Osaka)

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I'm trying my hardest not to make too many assumptions of the ride from that review.. but to set myself up for enjoying this, I'm just going to think of this attraction as a "Toy Story Mania on crack".... I feel like a lot of us are comparing this new E ticket to the other really impressive story driven dark rides that have recently been developed (FJ, Rise etc).. but this seems to be more of a video game attraction than a classic dark ride experience with enhanced features (3D glasses etc)... It's just a competitive shooting game ride and I'm not necessarily mad at that considering this entire land expansion is based off of a video game.. not a movie or tv show...
Yeah, I think Toy Story Mania on crack is the likely scenario here.
Calling this Universal's answer to ROTR was a big mistake on my part.
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I dont want to gang up on anyone that left a comment replying to another comment on an article btw. That "review" wasn't meant for us, I just thought some aspects of it were informative. Namely that they actually figured out AR, that's incredible to me. And could be the real game changer here.
Going to probably be similar to how Screens and sets were revolutionized to blend together more like Spider-Man and FJ did, but now we’re doing it essentially all together at once, that is DOPE. I cannot wait to see this or hear more about the experience.
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I am sort of sad that it seems like even Mario isn't getting an animatronic. I just really wanted to see these characters come to life. At least his mascot costume is amazing.
I am sort of sad that it seems like even Mario isn't getting an animatronic. I just really wanted to see these characters come to life. At least his mascot costume is amazing.
I’ll come in with a hot take - if the ride vehicles are moving along at a MiB speed, I would prefer screens throughout to simulate speed. Physical sets as fixed points of reference would ruin that simulation.

It’s like the end of Rise of the Resistance after the Kylo Ren scene... there’s a sense of urgency to escape, but between the trackless vehicle and having to link to the elevator, it’s like you’re veeerrrrrrrryyy sllllooooooowwwwllly geeeetttttttiiiinnnng awwwwwaayyyyy.
I am sort of sad that it seems like even Mario isn't getting an animatronic. I just really wanted to see these characters come to life. At least his mascot costume is amazing.
I feel like there's some stuff hidden in the background..perhaps characters

Particularly Rainbow Road
It’s pretty clear that showed him my video about Mario Kart and he references/rebuts the rumors in that video from a year ago several times. This is why he states that characters in other cars do not drive up beside you. And it is why he says he didn’t notice any effects or things moving to make it look like you’re going faster than you really are.

Part of why the review reads strangely on its own is that it’s referencing a video he just watched, and it’s a part two of a longer review that sets up a few things about his views and his visit.

EDIT: His review aims to answer specific questions from the author of the article he is commenting on. Here are the questions he was asked the day before he attended the preview. That explains a lot actually.

View attachment 13683
Umm yeah sounds like you're dead on.
I dont want to gang up on anyone that left a comment replying to another comment on an article btw. That "review" wasn't meant for us, I just thought some aspects of it were informative. Namely that they actually figured out AR, that's incredible to me. And could be the real game changer here.
And not only figured it out, went balls to the wall with it from the sounds of it. That alone is sickening for this ride.
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I'm trying my hardest not to make too many assumptions of the ride from that review.. but to set myself up for enjoying this, I'm just going to think of this attraction as a "Toy Story Mania on crack".... I feel like a lot of us are comparing this new E ticket to the other really impressive story driven dark rides that have recently been developed (FJ, Rise etc).. but this seems to be more of a video game attraction than a classic dark ride experience with enhanced features (3D glasses etc)... It's just a competitive shooting game ride and I'm not necessarily mad at that considering this entire land expansion is based off of a video game.. not a movie or tv show...

And I got Men In Black on crack from that review so it looks like we're all on the same page of not expecting life-changing but at the very least game changing with the use of AR.

Not sure how it would translate to USF as it's essentially another "screens" ride so maybe Epic Universe would be more ideal vs KidZone.
Haven’t a few of us been saying “It’s a more advanced MiB” for months now? Alicia described a spinning RV on a bus bar from the beginning.

I’ll say that, a couple of years ago, I heard Nintendo was concerned about the “sensation of speed” with the prototype, which caused Creative to reassess some things. Nintendo wouldn’t have said “build it” if they weren’t satisfied.
I think it’s ridiculous we’re making so so many assumptions from someone who rode with no expectations. Only thing they mentioned specifically is no characters besides you AND THAT IS IT.

AR tech sounds dope, and we still haven’t seen anything and the one reviewer was HAPPY. It’s weird the tone of this thread seems negative after the review. We really don’t know much.
This is probably the biggest reason why I'm not worried in the slightest about anything Nintendo Universal decides to build

Also, what the hell is wrong with a more advanced MIB? It's one of the most re-rideable and fun attractions at Studios
This was my next point.... I have never seen a MIB complaint on here and if anything people don’t want it torn down, this is a more advanced version of that ride with AR and it’s Mario themed. I see no issues whatsoever. If anything this is a plussed MIB, hell even better!
This is probably the biggest reason why I'm not worried in the slightest about anything Nintendo Universal decides to build

Also, what the hell is wrong with a more advanced MIB? It's one of the most re-rideable and fun attractions at Studios
Yes, and it's an attraction just about everyone, regardless of demographic, loves.... and it is generally considered the best of it's ride type.
So it seems that Daisy is absent from the Mario Kart special collectable merch. I find that kind of odd because you're potentially losing out on a lot of sales there.
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I think it’s ridiculous we’re making so so many assumptions from someone who rode with no expectations. Only thing they mentioned specifically is no characters besides you AND THAT IS IT.

AR tech sounds dope, and we still haven’t seen anything and the one reviewer was HAPPY. It’s weird the tone of this thread seems negative after the review. We really don’t know much.

I think some have built MK up to be "the greatest ride ever" and had certain ideas about what all would be involved in their minds. Any detail that comes out that doesn't fit that will either be dumped on or used to say the sky is falling. It's human nature really.
I think some have built MK up to be "the greatest ride ever" and had certain ideas about what all would be involved in their minds. Any detail that comes out that doesn't fit that will either be dumped on or used to say the sky is falling. It's human nature really.
Of course but... really nothing has come out.
And I got Men In Black on crack from that review so it looks like we're all on the same page of not expecting life-changing but at the very least game changing with the use of AR.

Not sure how it would translate to USF as it's essentially another "screens" ride so maybe Epic Universe would be more ideal vs KidZone.

Don't act like it's unfair to put big expectations on this attraction. If it turns into just another screen ride ala Gringott's and Kong then yes, people will be right to be unhappy, especially after we were told that this was going to be much more practical than those. Now if it turns out to be like MIB, I will be happy.
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