It felt like they took the two good action scenes from the second act of the movie, but had to keep cutting away from the first one to stretch the episode. Because we're trying to stretch a 90 minute movie to a 4 hour show. So a lot of good in that first fight (e.g. the red sabre scene) but the editing cuts its effectiveness.
Also, speaking of budget, other than one gorgeous shot, all the twin effects were straight out of The Patty Duke Show. And the whole episode looked like it was filmed on the set of Land of the Lost. For $190 million, I expect this to look at least as good as a 80s made-for-TV-Star-Wars movie, not a 60s sitcom.
I was glad to see Lyla from Dark Materials get something to do finally (she was quite good in that show, first four episodes here forgettable), and Master Sol is great when you keep him taciturn,