The Bourne Stuntacular - Reviews, Photos, & Videos | Page 2 | Inside Universal Forums

The Bourne Stuntacular - Reviews, Photos, & Videos

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To me, that video is ok because up until that moment, they were not told anything about no recording. But if they continued after, then they’re just stupid.

Oh, I'm in the same boat. An Orlando Informer is fine as that's all they shot. What I'm mentioning is someone else who was sitting nearby O.I. shot and posted photos of the show, so O.I's video is a great video to show that they pretty much went against the rules and should've known better as they were right there when the announcement was made.
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The general consensus from my TM friends and some people that I knew that were at today’s soft is that the big issues are the pacing of the experience (which is made even worse by the social distancing protocols) and the convoluted plot. Given the current setup, only a part of the group gets to see the pre show, and it doesn’t really help. If anything, I think this show would benefit from a new preshow that specifically describes the plot of the show (ex. Bourne is on the run from ______ so he can release/keep/find________) then bring people into the next room and do the show. There is no need to explain the “surveillance technology.”

Overall, this feel a little old school for UOR, and it’s nice!
The general consensus from my TM friends and some people that I knew that were at today’s soft is that the big issues are the pacing of the experience (which is made even worse by the social distancing protocols) and the convoluted plot. Given the current setup, only a part of the group gets to see the pre show, and it doesn’t really help. If anything, I think this show would benefit from a new preshow that specifically describes the plot of the show (ex. Bourne is on the run from ______ so he can release/keep/find________) then bring people into the next room and do the show. There is no need to explain the “surveillance technology.”

Overall, this feel a little old school for UOR, and it’s nice!
Yup. Posted that a bit up as my main complaints... plot and pacing are where this has its biggest issues, but the plot doesn’t really matter too much with this show, so pacing is the only major problem imo.

On the whole, this show will be a massive people pleaser.
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I love how the practical and screens blend together in such a way that it becomes hard to tell what’s real and what’s not.

For those that don’t know, the screen technology used in this show is the same as used in filming for The Mandalorian.

Has it been confirmed anywhere exactly what resolution the screens are? I'm guessing it's probably higher than any other projected media in the parks.
The show was great. There were surprisingly a ton of sets and vehicles that moved with the action. The fight choreography and stunts are some of the best in the theme park industry but the complexity is very subtle. Multiple views will be necessary. The technical complexity of the show is mind blowing. My only critique is that the ending could have been a bigger grand finale. Any questions?
Does anybody know what kind of cars they're using on stage?
They are European compact sports cars and motorcycles. Most come up from below the stage and are controlled with robotic motion control that is in sync with the screen movements. There are some matrix type shots that change the perspective.
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The show was great. There were surprisingly a ton of sets and vehicles that moved with the action. The fight choreography and stunts are some of the best in the theme park industry but the complexity is very subtle. Multiple views will be necessary. The technical complexity of the show is mind blowing. My only critique is that the ending could have been a bigger grand finale. Any questions?
Yeah, the ending from my recollection was sort of meh. Like, great show, but sort of a “huh?” Ending.

Again, that goes to plot/pacing issues.
I keep hearing that they mix practical effects with a giant screen. This sounds like what Supercharged should've been.

I had initially low expectations for this but the majority seem to think that this is a VERY worthy replacement for T2. Guess I'll make this a priority when I go in the Fall!

Thanks, Joe.


They are European compact sports cars and motorcycles. Most come up from below the stage and are controlled with robotic motion control that is in sync with the screen movements. There are some matrix type shots that change the perspective.

It was more what brand are they using if at all. They look too generic and possibly made for the show.
In the theater now. I didn't get to see the preshow. But I know how Jason Bourne is, so...

I'll let you know what I think after.

Edit: Quick review, I liked it. I will have to see it again, there is a lot to take in. A lot of visual overload. It is HEAVILY screen oriented, but used in a very unique way. I think it will be popular.

That said. The pacing needs a tweak, mostly just tightening it up, but since it is all synced to the screen, that may be a slow process.
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