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The Condition of City Walk

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That is just all kinds of wrong. The color is off, and the angle of placement is awkward.

I miss the Cadillac.
It seems they are letting the guitar on the ground fade away too. The neck is hardly visible anymore and the base is usually obstructed without outdoor seating
I miss the car too. The guitar feels out of place. The whole reason the building is "falling apart" right there was because of the car. It's awkward now. Why would they do this?
UOR posted this on their Facebook half an hour ago:


I've never been inside the restaurant, so I have no idea if it's new. But hey, we were just talking about it, so...
^ It's not new. They've always had the car inside on the bar, and the car outside.

Haa, don't I feel silly, now? :lol:

Anywhoo, thank you for clearing that up for me. If anything, seeing that picture makes me miss it's cousin outside even more. Funny that they should post a photo of it after replacing the Cadillac outside with such ugly decor.
You know what, if anything, they could have done something similar to the concept of the Cadillac with the new guitar. You know, as if one of their performers went wild and threw his instrument out of the Colosseum. But this just looks cheap and thrown on. SMH.

There better be more to this.
Is that one supposed to be a strat? There's no middle pickup and the switches and knobs are all wrong! I know it doesn't really matter In the end, but it looks like a giant fender knockoff guitar and that kinda bugs me
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