The Fantastic Four: First Steps (2025) | Page 6 | Inside Universal Forums

The Fantastic Four: First Steps (2025)

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I am curious what the holdup is in terms of making the casting of the four official. There have been no rumors of any new contenders for months, which implies the four have been set, so what's the deal with slow-rolling the announcement?
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No surprises there haha. It's been the rumored cast for the better part of a year?

Outside of Pedro--yeah pretty much.

That said, there is now speculation that Jack Quaid was mistaken to play Johnny--when in reality he may be the one playing H.E.R.B.I.E, which is in the photo but not casted. Which--if that's who Jack Quaid was approached to play as; that is great.
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I'm curious why it took this long to announce a cast that we've effectively known for 6 months.
Could've sworn the issue has been and is mainly that of who was playing Reed.

Seems they needed to lock down whoever was gonna play Reed before they could go and announce the family altogether; especially with how rapid rumors went in regards to the importance of the Reed that they'd have.
I hope something, anywhere, brings you some sort of joy, dude. :lol:

  • Haha
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I'm not overly hyped by the casting. Just tell me who the big bad is & show me a trailer..

Unfortunately, I feel both Marvel & Pedro fatigue. So hopefully this ends up good.
Nice to finally have an official cast. I still don’t think Pedro is right for Reed but I’m sure he’ll be great.
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I’m so glad I’m not the only one who isn’t crazy about Pascal being casted as Reed Richards. He’s a really good actor, but I don’t think he’s the best fit for this role.

Other than that, casting is fine. I’m not ecstatic about the choices and I don’t dislike it either, but I’ll take it.