On a slightly different note, I came across an interesting photo earlier on my social media feed from an account that posts theme park photos. I'm going to refrain from posting it because I can't confirm that it was taken from a guest's vantage point, but I thought it was worth mentioning as it puts a rumor to rest that many have been pondering. I apologize for the extreme wordage, but here's my description:
Basically, the picture was taken somewhere by the Studio Tour entrance and shows what lies behind the wall concealing the Three Broomsticks patio area, as well as the rest of that section of Hogsmeade. What's shown in the photo is a clear, definite path connecting the Studio Tour entrance portal to the front of Hogwarts Castle. On the right side of the path is a relatively low brick wall that separates it from a wide patio area which will presumably hold outdoor seating for The Three Broomsticks, though it's unclear if there's a direct entrance from this path into the patio area. On the immediate left, there's an entrance formed by a low brick wall and an elongated planter holding trees to another open area. This is where things get tricky, because the trees in the planter are blocking the view of what lies in this open area. I'm thinking this could either be another hub/sit-down area, an ultra-extended queue for FJ, or even a ticket distribution area to enter the land.
So, that's it. We are, indeed, getting the pathway. What do you guys think the small area on the left will be?