Grace Randolph had very similar thoughts, as well. She normally has pretty different opinions from Campea so I found that interesting.
I feel like what this is about from Universal's POV is trying to get the GP on their side, which seems to be working for the most part. You have to remember that Universal is owned by Comcast, who also owns Fandango and now Vudu as well. They want nothing to do with the middle man that is the movie theater industry. Comcast takes home 100% of a rental/purchase from 3 different platforms. From their perspective, if they can shift audience habits enough, they would like to be able to eventually not be reliant on theaters at all and instead of taking home 50-60% from a theater, take home greater than 80%.
The movie theaters have no choice but to fight back because if Universal wins public opinion and does manage to change viewing habits, then the theaters will go out of business, plain and simple. This is all posturing from both sides.