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Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reopening General Thread

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There aren’t many people even in SWGE. Even Oga’s is empty.

What's your point? I literally used the picture that you posted as an example of many cast members who are more than fine exposing themselves. Now you're scouring the internet to find pictures of no crowds at SW:GE including a pic 8 mins after the park opened of the relaxation station just to try to be "right"? :lol:

Theme Park Shark, you say. Let's see what other pics they have that you intentionally didn't post so you could try to be "right".


Ahh yes, the queue being temporarily closed due to capacity 5 mins after opening. Whoops.
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Exactly my point. They, themselves are willing to risk exposure to ride SWGE. But if the GP do it, we clutch our pearls.

There just needs to be consistency. People can bemoan the parks, but while you can still get a massage or eat at PF Changs while not wearing a mask; it seems odd to lash out at WDW/UOR.
It feels a lot like people are just trying to take a swipe at low hanging fruit to make themselves feel like they're "speaking for justice and truth" when, in fact, they aren't. The parks have just as much of a right to be open as PF Changs.
And to be frank, I think Universal and Disney are taking it more seriously than your local Publix or Kroger is.

If you feel differently, don't go (which I know you aren't, which is the right move on your part and a broader "you"). If a CM/TM feels differently, express it and then don't work there. Or start a petition within your company. Or, like Disney, speak to your Union. A Union who agreed with the conditions, btw.
The truth of the matter is, many are happy to be back at work. So what percentage do we listen to? The ones that want to be working or the ones that fear for their safety? What if one is only 5%? Ignore the other 95?

And I'd hope that we can all agree that if they complain and went to DHS today, then they are enormous hypocrites.
What's your point? I literally used the picture that you posted as an example of many cast members who are more than fine exposing themselves. Now you're scouring the internet to find pictures of no crowds at SW:GE including a pic 8 mins after the park opened of the relaxation station just to try to be "right"? :lol:

Theme Park Shark, you say. Let's see what other pics they have that you intentionally didn't post so you could try to be "right".


Ahh yes, the queue being temporarily closed due to capacity 5 mins after opening. Whoops.

Come on, man...

People can bemoan the parks, but while you can still get a massage or eat at PF Changs while not wearing a mask; it seems odd to lash out at WDW/UOR.

If you think most of the people having issues with Disney are only angry at Disney being open, you're greatly mistaken. You hear about Disney here instead because this isn't a PF Changs forum :lol:

If you feel differently, don't go (which I know you aren't, which is the right move on your part and a broader "you"). If a CM/TM feels differently, express it and then don't work there. Or start a petition within your company. Or, like Disney, speak to your Union. A Union who agreed with the conditions, btw.

You realize there are disputes between Disney and some of the unions right? Additionally, how many people are in the position where they can just up and quit their job right now?

The truth of the matter is, many are happy to be back at work. So what percentage do we listen to? The ones that want to be working or the ones that fear for their safety? What if one is only 5%? Ignore the other 95?
You realize not everyone likes or agrees with a majority of their coworkers, right? :lol: If you compare these reopening crowds to something like a CM preview of Galaxy's Edge or anything else, these are small crowds. These aren't mass numbers of people rushing out to ride attractions and being hypocritical. Even if they are being hypocritical, do they not have the right to finally enjoy some attractions they've been kept from experiencing since they're being forced to be exposed in the first place?
I agree on wishing there was no need to open Orlando right now, like in LA that has a diversified economy and generous unemployment benefits that doesn't need the parks to open right away. So it would be nice if there wasn't a need to be open....but unfortunately that's the harsh economic realities in an area that's a one horse economy. But most of the US work force is also back to work, essential and non essential, and many (or most) don't feel safe, especially in the health care field, but they still go to work. If someone doesn't feel safe, and I know this is harsh, they can look for work in a field (and there aren't many, good luck in finding that job) that are completely covid safe. These CM/TM aren't high paying jobs, so it's not like they're giving up great careers to move on to something else. This is all the tough realities of economic life during a pandemic. ....I just think more positivity, and less 'dwelling' on a few small negative one time situations, should be the objective. Make this opening successful. And as you said, their safety measures are great compared to other businesses that are open........and @Tbad556 ...Yes, fine to point it out.Constructive criticism, done in a positive way is a plus. Unfortunately some start harping & piggybacking on the original post and turn a minor critique into a malestrom of sorts....and then all that ridiculous Twitter snark that's a bit too much.
Literally nothing is “completely COVID safe”. But if you know of something the rest of the world doesn’t, please share.
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You hear about Disney here instead because this isn't a PF Changs forum :lol: is being bought as we speak....

You realize not everyone likes or agrees with a majority of their coworkers, right? :lol: If you compare these reopening crowds to something like a CM preview of Galaxy's Edge or anything else, these are small crowds. These aren't mass numbers of people rushing out to ride attractions and being hypocritical. Even if they are being hypocritical, do they not have the right to finally enjoy some attractions since they're being forced to be exposed in the first place?

I believe this is possible. Thought process along the lines of "F it, if we're going to have to work here, might as well get our Rise ride in finally ". :lol: is being bought as we speak....
Ready for that beta site invite. :lol:

I believe this is possible. Thought process along the lines of "F it, if we're going to have to work here, might as well get our Rise ride in finally ". :lol:
Obviously, I'm pulling from a small handful of people out of a large group of CMs here, but I know several CMs with that exact same thought process currently. They haven't been able to ride since it opened nearly 9 months ago and they're already risking COVID 5 times a week at work, so they might as well enjoy the perks of being in the parks too. :lol:
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Literally nothing is “completely COVID safe”. But if you know of something the rest of the world doesn’t, please share.
Yes, that's basically what I was saying, good luck in finding one that isn't covid safe. There might be one or two somewhere in New Zealand, maybe. Jobs at Disney are no different than others people's jobs, there's a risk of covid.
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What's your point? I literally used the picture that you posted as an example of many cast members who are more than fine exposing themselves. Now you're scouring the internet to find pictures of no crowds at SW:GE including a pic 8 mins after the park opened of the relaxation station just to try to be "right"? :lol:

Theme Park Shark, you say. Let's see what other pics they have that you intentionally didn't post so you could try to be "right".


Ahh yes, the queue being temporarily closed due to capacity 5 mins after opening. Whoops.

I mean, this is basically the only day these CMs have to experience SWGE. Despite general low crowds, there are CM block outs still.

They probably came in, rode and left. Sure, they risked COVID, but there’s a difference between risking it when you can control where you are walking and standing vs a stationed CM is in close contact with guests or is cleaning surfaces that potentially have COVID on it all day.

You’re trying to make it sound the same when it’s completely different. As a guest, they get to choose to go home whenever they want. They can’t do that when on the clock.
There are aspects of Disney & Universal that are really fine with masks enforced and what we know about COVID, but I can’t help but wonder when we will see the parks scale back in-park offerings.

Indoor theaters and indoor dining seating really should not be offered at the moment, but I unfortunately would bet that the latter is a non-starter for parks ops.

Also, it should be very clear that nobody should come to Orlando unless you can drive there (and I’d honestly limit it to Central FL too if I could). Likely another non-starter for a group trying to get as many hotel guests as possible, but if I was Disney, I would consider discontinuing Magical Express to disincentivise air travel, which has proven to be crazy high risk.
Jobs at Disney are no different than others people's jobs, there's a risk of covid.
I hope you’re only comparing to Walmart or something because otherwise I can’t with this comment. If you think front-line workers aren’t taking on a higher risk, you are completely separated from reality.
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Even if they are being hypocritical, do they not have the right to finally enjoy some attractions they've been kept from experiencing since they're being forced to be exposed in the first place?
Of course. I said as much.
You’re trying to make it sound the same when it’s completely different. As a guest, they get to choose to go home whenever they want. They can’t do that when on the clock.
What I'm saying is these are adults who have mouths of their own. Why does everyone suddenly become these people's mommies and daddies protecting them as if they aren't autonomous human beings?

We don't know what percentage are "fearful" or not. We don't know what percentage are happy to be back. We don't know what percentage don't care. We don't know what percentage "swears they've already had it" and have antibodies. Your personal anecdotes are just that. Anecdotes.
There are aspects of Disney & Universal that are really fine with masks enforced and what we know about COVID, but I can’t help but wonder when we will see the parks scale back in-park offerings.

Indoor theaters and indoor dining seating really should not be offered at the moment, but I unfortunately would bet that the latter is a non-starter for parks ops.

Also, it should be very clear that nobody should come to Orlando unless you can drive there (and I’d honestly limit it to Central FL too if I could). Likely another non-starter for a group trying to get as many hotel guests as possible, but if I was Disney, I would consider discontinuing Magical Express to disincentivise air travel, which has proven to be crazy high risk.
I'll be glad when summer vacations are over, because western Pa. people vacationing at the East Coast resort beaches, which are packed for the most part, brought covid back to us, where we were in single digit daily cases until vacations started.
But even with our recent surge, and the identification in the local media of the danger of travel to those locations (plus a quarantine order, that unfortunately people don't adhere too), every survey in the papers is showing that the vast majority
of people have not cancelled their trips and are still going. It's crazy, but it's happening. Only a hurricane will keep them away, I'd guess.

I hope you’re only comparing to Walmart or something because otherwise I can’t with this comment. If you think front-line workers aren’t taking on a higher risk, you are completely separated from reality.
How about Health care workers, meat packing plants, line factory workers, transportation workers, all the places people don't wear masks to, and on and on and on. Infinity & Beyond :lol:
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How about Health care workers, meat packing plants, line factory workers, transportation workers and on and on and on. Infinity & Beyond :lol:
Talk about a straw man.

I never mentioned any of those professions. I have nothing but respect for healthcare workers and all that they do, but they at least went to school knowing that this was that type of situation they could potentially be putting themselves in though.

Factory workers, transportation workers and theme park workers did not sign up for this and honestly, near minimum wage is not enough to ask someone to risk their life and expect quality work. Honestly, the fault lies at the foot of the government for not extending the extra $600 per month and helping out small businesses more so they didn’t need to reopen.
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Talk about a straw man.

I never mentioned any of those professions. I have nothing but respect for healthcare workers and all that they do, but they at least went to school knowing that this was that type of situation they could potentially be putting themselves in though.

Factory workers, transportation workers and theme park workers did not sign up for this and honestly, near minimum wage is not enough to ask someone to risk their life and expect quality work. Honestly, the fault lies at the foot of the government for not extending the extra $600 per month and helping out small businesses more so they didn’t need to reopen.
You tried to make my post irrelevant by comparing it with Walmart, which I never mentioned. and insinuating that I was separated from reality for something I didn't even just twisted it around like you did the crowd photos with @Andysol .
And it's not like Universal And Disney are the prime unsafe covid jobs in the country, they're most certainly not. And, yes, I previously addressed the economic realities of the situation by pointing out Florida's paltry unemployment compensation which is a result of it being a long term anti union state. Sorry, but I don't play that game of yours.
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Talk about a straw man.

I never mentioned any of those professions. I have nothing but respect for healthcare workers and all that they do, but they at least went to school knowing that this was that type of situation they could potentially be putting themselves in though.

Factory workers, transportation workers and theme park workers did not sign up for this and honestly, near minimum wage is not enough to ask someone to risk their life and expect quality work. Honestly, the fault lies at the foot of the government for not extending the extra $600 per month and helping out small businesses more so they didn’t need to reopen.
You tried to make my post irrelevant by comparing it with Walmart, which I never mentioned. and insinuating that I was separated from reality for something I didn't even just twisted it around like you did the crowd photos with @Andysol .
And it's not like Universal And Disney are the prime unsafe covid jobs in the country, they're most certainly not. And, yes, I previously addressed the economic realities of the situation by pointing out Florida's paltry unemployment compensation which is a result of it being a long term anti union state. Sorry, but I don't play that game of yours.
Not going to convince each other how much this means to you. Maybe talk about JP coaster for a bit?
Mods, is it time to start a Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reclosing Thread or .... ?
Yeaaahhhhh... I don’t see how Universal or WDW are open in three weeks. If negative outcomes continue to skyrocket, they will look worse and worse. And the only way that skyrocketing stops is if things lockdown.

At this point, the question for WDW (and to a lesser extent Universal) seems to be whether to wait to close until they just can’t stay open, either due to PR or state law, or close sooner and try to salvage some PR points by emphasizing concern for guest safety.

PS: If I’m a Universal decision maker and realize things are going to get worse and eventual closure is likely, it’s got to be a little tempting to announce it before Disney just to really ramp up the PR disaster WDW is currently suffering. Putting aside the lives you might save, of course.
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