I'll be there in August- have a morning there that should be good- grabbed SDD's first FP of the morning with not much problem ~68 days out or so. EMH is every morning- so might jump to SDD then ASS then TSMM at rope drop- but if SDD seems to be piling up and we get behind the pack, I'll just hit some ASS and TSMM then ride Star tours a dozen times before my SDD FP. Also grabbed RnRC and ToT- then we should be out of there by 10:30am to hit Blizzard Beach for the remainder of the day. Luckily wife is taking the girls to DHS while I'm setting up my camper- doing the shows that I've seen 200 times and don't care about- so when we do DHS, it's rides, then out.
I'm still looking forward to the land. It's exactly what it is supposed to be. It's not an attendance getter- it's just filler for SW:GE. My only complaint is they should have shoehorned in one more ride of some sort simple for a smidge more capacity. Other than that, it's perfectly fine for what it is.