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Triplets of Terror (HHN 33)

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The actual triplets of terror

Barmy is a British term. Any chance this is set in the UK?
Good spot - barmy means “mad” or “insane” here so may point towards a British setting if not just a nod/wordplay. Would be pretty fun having an idyllic British village setting for this (think Hot Fuzz). Maybe all the cakes are from a village fete - bake off gone very wrong!
Minor detail, but the anatomy on the triplet on the left is odd - looks a bit AI.

In response to CodeMan - if I can get hyped by a blurb and logo for Goblin and Sweet and Museum, I can be let down by one for Triplets. Also - I tend to trust Legacy.

Usual caveat - looks like a great event overall.
I rarely make proclamations about the quality of what a house will be. I worked in Screamhouse and Catacombs, after all, two houses that felt like unoriginal throwaways when they were announced but the performances pushed them into classics. So, I acknowledge 3oT (claiming that acronym) may be a GOAT.

I’m disappointed because I got my hopes up for what the house COULD be based on my own bad spec. I try to avoid that, but a vengeful ghosts bride attacking a town during a wedding (which is what I envisioned) is close to a house I designed a year ago and got excited.

I don’t like gore houses and think slasher houses are boring. So, I’m suffering the whiplash of a a really cool idea actually being things I actively dislike. It’s my own hangup. It doesn’t say anything about the quality of the house.
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Something I'm confused on is this: "But beware, they celebrate by recreating their family’s murders"

I might just be bad at reading comprehension, but is that meant to say their whole family is murderers and they're continuing the legacy, or did the triplets kill their family and now recreating it with a neighborhood?
So I was not a big fan of the idea of Triplets. Felt like a last minute in artwork and blurb; but the more I think on it, the more it grows on me tbh as a slasher concept.
Not most anticipated, but I’m looking forward to it. Excited to see an original slasher concept plus a mashup of the Rob Zombie Devil’s Rejects aesthetic with the classic suburban setting a la Halloween. Maybe I’m boring, but the birthday party tie in doesn’t make much sense to me yet and feels quite random. Guessing it’ll all make more sense with the official copy.
Something I'm confused on is this: "But beware, they celebrate by recreating their family’s murders"

I might just be bad at reading comprehension, but is that meant to say their whole family is murderers and they're continuing the legacy, or did the triplets kill their family and now recreating it with a neighborhood?

That's how I read it, too.
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That's how I read it, too.

I think it’s unclear. Anyway, because this is an original house, I don’t think this premise is so good because there likely won’t be a pre show telling us about the past murders, so we can say “Oh, look! It’s just like the past murder!” The only thing that could make this plot point more clear is if they go on ahead and say things like “Just like mom used to do…” during their triggers.

It almost feels like the team needed to add some interest in so that the marketing copy wasn’t “These triplets are celebrating their birthday by murdering people!”, which admittedly is a very simple premise that PROBABLY won’t inspire discussion or interest in the GP or fans, and (as stated before) feels very “a local haunt could do this”.
Man, I know I keep bringing it up, but it's still practically every take I've seen from everywhere since yesterday so I feel like it's okay to comment on it. I think people are dunking on this house way too hard, way prematurely. There have been so few stinker houses at recent HHN in my opinion that to be purposefully uncharitable regarding the few details we know or to immediately write this off as the worst thing ever because of a poor blurb and thumbnail, and the idea that it isn't Fear or The Director or something just seems silly to me.

We've had recent houses with way higher concepts to get across than kids recreating their parents' kills (Decendants of Destruction, The Darkest Deal). Some wonderful houses from HHN's history have been slashers (Halloween: Hell Comes to Haddonfield, The Black Phone, Leave it to Cleaver). Solid execution can turn a silly or simple idea into a banger house. (Legacy's examples of Catacombs and Screamhouse from above, Graveyard Games, Blood Moon: Dark Offering).

It's just so incredibly weird how hyped and excited the community had been through the whole week, practically begging for Friday's announcement the night before; only for one reveal to leave this much of a stink. I think an original slasher house, especially one working with new named characters, could give the HHN team the chance to build up something truly special or interesting that they couldn't pull off with the IP restrictions that The Strangers, TCM, or Halloween would entail. The team has a chance to create another Meety Meats or Dogs of War here.

I don't wanna build it up too much, but I resolutely refuse to write this house off as "last minute knock-off IP replacement house" when we have no reason to believe that's the case other than the fanbase wanting FNaF or NoES or an Icon instead and creating rationalizations to deal with that. We'll see how it goes in August, but after seeing how Blood Moon turned out which I was pretty down on originally too, I'll give the HHN team room to cook with this one.
Man, I know I keep bringing it up, but it's still practically every take I've seen from everywhere since yesterday so I feel like it's okay to comment on it. I think people are dunking on this house way too hard, way prematurely…. I'll give the HHN team room to cook with this one.
I think this is a really mature and fair point! Perhaps I myself have been making a lot from the small clues we’ve gotten.

My personal distaste for this announcement is definitely not because of what SHOULD have been - I didn’t feel strongly about IP or Icon this year anyhow, especially compared to previous years. This one is just personal taste, mostly.

I think the main deterrent for me (and perhaps for others) is that the other released concepts suggest a broader world and easier-to-picture lavish settings. Concepts like “Triplets of Terror” just aren’t the reason I’ve become a member of the community on here, I’m mostly here for the lore and the total treat of getting ten new imaginative themed attractions each year. I guess this announcement doesn’t really fire up my theme park brain. I appreciate that it will add variety to the event, though.
One of the reasons I'm so excited for this house? It's giving major Psychoscareapy vibes, specifically Home for the Holidays. For those who don't know, it was a house in 2007 that had a very similar concept: Slashers (in that case escaped asylum convicts) going through a beautiful suburban neighborhood during the holidays.

Everything I've read has said it was a fantastic house, and I've seen it still make the top 20 of all time in many HHN vet rankings. This concept has been done before to great success!

And considering Legacy implied on the Discord that this will not only be our DMP/Blood Moon-type house (beautiful and more open sets), but also extremely bloody and gory, plus the potential behind three original slashers being introduced in HHN? As mentioned before, this could easily become a new Bloodengutz/Cleaver. The fact that so many people are hating on the house (before we've even seen it!) because of the graphic alone, when HHN has been well known for never having the best graphic design, is absolutely insane.

TL;DR- Making the same point GA-AMBIT made, I think this house could very easily be our sleeper hit, and potentially even a GOAT based on history. Personally, this and Sinema 2 are almost tied for my most anticipated (Sinema 2 edges it out as the original is one of my all-time faves). In the words of the meme I'm sure we've all heard by now: Let Universal cook.
I think it's 100% the art that's throwing people off. If I were to wager a guess, it's not the house that was last minute, it's the graphic we got. Look at the hair on the woman to the right and tell me that wasn't just photoshopped on top. Based on absolutely nothing I think that the hair was important because it's central to their characters.

Here's my absolutely schitzo take based on what we know so far - I think this is a "revenge" or revenge adjacent house. Hair turning white from shock used to be a pretty common trope (albeit one i havent seen in awhile).

Between white hair and the name Barmy, I think they've gone mad from seeing their family being killed, not that they're killing because it's what their family did.

So you've got 3 siblings who are now murderously insane (or maybe just one is a really bad influence) going on rampage in a town.

Last pitch - the pretty cakes referenced may not necessarily be "their cakes." There could be a celebration occurring that they're repurposing for their birthday celebration. Wedding? Town Holiday? Celebration of the Barmy family being killed? Who knows.

I think fans are going to end up loving the Barmys and I think there's a lot more to this house than meets the eye
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I think it's 100% the art that's throwing people off. If I were to wager a guess, it's not the house that was last minute, it's the graphic we got. Look at the hair on the woman to the right and tell me that wasn't just photoshopped on top. Based on absolutely nothing I think that the hair was important because it's central to their characters.

I've been thinking about what turns me off about this house and this is definitely a huge part of it. It's one of the worst pieces of house artwork I've seen. The character doing that annoying "you tube whisper" I see occasionally doesn't help either. Lol