Just booked 2 weeks here from 17th to 31st of August 2019, so I'm happy to be the crash test dummy for the first few weeks of operation! :blackeye: The rate was a steal for the time of year we're going.
Having spent so much time at Universal over the last few years, my wife and I really are happy to just spend as little as possible for on-site accommodation and nip in to the parks for 2hrs max each day with our AP's. This looks like it will fit us really well, lots of cheap food places just off-site to walk to as well.
Having done 2 weeks at Aventura, I actually prefer the room pictures for ES much more in terms of the resort 'feel' that we enjoy. Aventura is absolutely fine and I'd definitely do 2 weeks again if it came in at a good rate, but walking over to Cabana Bay kind of reminded me that 'Bay is Bae'. There's something truly wonderful about the feel of that resort, I honestly think I could stay there for 2 weeks without hitting the theme parks even, it was 'lighting in a bottle' on Universals part when they built that place. Hopefully Endless Summer captures some of that magic again :thumbsup: