WaterWorld | Page 17 | Inside Universal Forums


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Sooooo this happened :D

I won a tech tour! It was so cool to fire the gun. Highlight of the tour!

And you like the "I hate waking up so early" look i'm sporting? i hear it's in this time of the year.
So cool! How did you win it? Like...where/how did you enter or what did you have to do? I've never heard this before. What else did you get to see?

Wait, you actually FIRED the gun?!

And you look fine buddy... :p
So cool! How did you win it? Like...where/how did you enter or what did you have to do? I've never heard this before. What else did you get to see?

Wait, you actually FIRED the gun?!

And you look fine buddy... :p
It was an AP contest from months ago that you just had to enter your email and pass number. And yes! you can't see the fire coming from the other end in this picture but it was there! I got to walk around backstage and was given a tour by one of the stage managers. I also got to go into the sound booth and see the computer room behind it. Then after the stage tour, I got to watch a tech rehearsal which is pretty much a run through of the whole show with only 2 actors to test out the effects(minus fireworks and the sea plane). It was odd but cool to see the fire and hear the sound without people running around on stage. It was an amazing experience.
I wish I were able to take pictures but it wasn't clear to them what exactly I was allowed to photograph so I just didn't take any. I didn't want to get anyone in trouble since they were so nice.
Did you get any interesting facts?
Hmmm well I learned where most of the triggers are located that the actors have to activate for certain effects to go off, which was cool to me. I also learned which marks the mariner has to hit before the final effect with pyro will goes off just as he jumps into the water at the end of the dock. I also learned a couple alternatives to the show if something goes wrong (i.e. a jet ski failing). Turns out they have a ton of alternative parts of the show if something goes wrong haha. She gave me so much info at once it's hard to remember most of it... Now I have a bit of a different perspective for when I watch the show which is pretty cool.