And I'm sorry if I (or anybody else) came off as hostile. Lots of people here are sensitive because so often in theme park communities, the Disney fans are so very rabbid... And the criticism of the wizarding world in the past has been relatively ridiculous... You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I'd add that the likely reason JK is okay with the wall being open is because she is reasonable and she's seen what Universal does do with her work, and it's pretty spectacular. Keep in mind Disney was (supposedly) pitching a point and shoot ride and that was it... Considering the scale of this, all things included, I feel like J.K. probably felt (as I do) that in the grand scheme of things, they've achieved the feel of Diagon Alley - it's hidden within London, in spite of a non-moving brick wall.
Again, I am really sorry I came off as hostile - I didn't intend to make anyone feel unwelcome :wave: