Hey fellas. I've been stalking this thread for a little over a month now. Lots of great info and speculation, love it!
A little info on myself (if that's allowed, or what people want to see), I'm a freelance camera operator as my primary job, mostly in the sports realm. I live in Metrowest, Orlando, and work part-time for Blue Man Group at Universal.
My wife and I are massive Potter fans. We visited London for our honeymoon in 2008, told her she could get anything she wanted-- we ended up going on a mission to locate the 5 remaining British Harry Potter 1st editions she didn't yet own. Like, out of everything, that's what she wanted.
Anyhow, looking forward to the opening of Diagon Alley. If anyone wants/needs more photos of the place, I have a 6' monopod and a gopro that I can stick over the wall!