Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 346 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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Here's the thing: I would get it if it actually made any measurable difference... but it doesn't.

I was prepared for an event with face masks. It's not ideal, and it'll take you out of it occasionally, but it's the call that had to be made. It'll help keep performers safe.

This is the first thing that's made me wonder if I should follow through with my trip.
Here's the thing: I would get it if it actually made any measurable difference... but it doesn't.

I was prepared for an event with face masks. It's not ideal, and it'll take you out of it occasionally, but it's the call that had to be made. It'll help keep performers safe.

This is the first thing that's made me wonder if I should follow through with my trip.

With that they can just easily shift to fewer face characters in houses going forward--if that's the way it needs to be from now on, so be it.
Y'all are severely overestimating the amount of backlash they're gonna get if plexi happens. Honestly, I didn't mind the plexi. The fans who went to HHNLite casually didn't mind the plexi. Sure, some scares were spoiled but the houses were still scary.

You know how we could have prevented Universal feeling like they need some sort of safety theatre to the houses? If people had gone out and gotten vaccinated, plus wore their masks in the first place. I'm not mad at Uni, but I'm beyond furious with every selfish person who decided their personal ideas of liberty overwrote the health and safety of everyone. They caused this.

Even so, plexi is so so so easy to remove. They could have it up to start and wait to see if numbers go down. Either way, I'm not gonna let a stupid piece of plastic ruin my enjoyment of an event I've been looking forwards to doing for 2 years now.
Here's the thing: I would get it if it actually made any measurable difference... but it doesn't.

I was prepared for an event with face masks. It's not ideal, and it'll take you out of it occasionally, but it's the call that had to be made. It'll help keep performers safe.

This is the first thing that's made me wonder if I should follow through with my trip.
Agree. Face masks work fine anyway since a large majority of scareactors already wear full masks, so you wouldn't even notice most of the time. Plexiglass though? You took the words right out of my mouth for that, it blocks airflow and would do more harm than good. Still excited and gonna be heading to my favorite Halloween event almost every night, but that I don't look forward to (assuming it isn't changed).
Y'all are severely overestimating the amount of backlash they're gonna get if plexi happens. Honestly, I didn't mind the plexi. The fans who went to HHNLite casually didn't mind the plexi. Sure, some scares were spoiled but the houses were still scary.

You know how we could have prevented Universal feeling like they need some sort of safety theatre to the houses? If people had gone out and gotten vaccinated, plus wore their masks in the first place. I'm not mad at Uni, but I'm beyond furious with every selfish person who decided their personal ideas of liberty overwrote the health and safety of everyone. They caused this.
I would believe this if Uni actually required masks, like the mouse park does. Why add plexi but not require masks?
I had already assumed that scare actors wouldn't be in your face this year as a precaution. Plexiglass might allow them to scare you as close as possible... imagine the false wall possibilities.
Sorry if this sounds dumb, just little confused with the wording. The decision was made because they need a larger group of talent or because of the GSATs?
My post is poorly worded. The decision for plexi is part of larger decision making. They expect the decision to decrease GSATs. They’re fine with it. They need the largest talent pool possible. That’s why they’re not requiring vaccines. The decision for plexi is part of several decisions. It’s not made in a vacuum. (It may be a poor decision—but it’s still not made in a vacuum.)
I would believe this if Uni actually required masks, like the mouse park does. Why add plexi but not require masks?
Who's to say they won't during the event? They require masks for scareactors, they could easily require guests to wear them. It may be different during day operations vs event operations.
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I have to say that this is beyond frustrating. Whatever your personal feelings are about the plexiglass, I felt as someone who went last year to all three houses that it dramatically reduced the experience. The fact that they haven’t said anything about it yet makes it even more upsetting. I understand the people defending them, but for me personally this might change my mind on going
Do we know if this is still being considered and could change before the event begins? Or is it officially happening and cannot be undone?
They could always remove it, I’m assuming even midway through the event. However, that could mess with the scareactors as far as what they’ve rehearsed, and their timing, etc. so I could see them being hesitant to do it
Do we know if this is still being considered and could change before the event begins? Or is it officially happening and cannot be undone?
Plexi is easy enough to remove that it could be taking off at anytime, I think. The question is if Universal would do it. It'd be really dependent on current trends with numbers of cases, and as it stands they're real real high.
Do we know if this is still being considered and could change before the event begins? Or is it officially happening and cannot be undone?

Universal removed jello shots, reduced liquor sales, and removed bar seating at HHN27. People were in an uproar similar to this. Two weeks later barstools returned to Duff. Now the lack of hang out at Finns or liquor at tents doesn't register.
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