Hear me out. Tribute store operates normally for the next few months. Third room does or doesn't open, doesn't matter. Halloween approaches. Tribute store is open every day and continues churning merchandise day after day without change. Until the night of October 30th.
The store opens the morning of Halloween. The Icon posters are all either shredded to ribbons or the pictures of the Icons have mysteriously vanished, leaving simply posters with their names. Jack the Clown is gone from the center display piece. A trail of bloody clown shoe foot prints trail away from where he stood, out through the front of the store. Where he once stood for those few months is now a corpse of a store employee, impaled onto the carnival drapery. On the workers back, scratched with blood is a warning: One. More. Year.
Would Universal want to advertise the event a full year out with the uncertainty of the country right now? Probably not. But would it be a nice treat? I think so.