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Fast & Furious: Supercharged - General Discussion

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I let my Universal AP expire at the end of February, nothing is really enticing me to get one this year. Maybe i'll bug a TM friend to get in free once to do Fallon, but I don't need an AP to Uni this year.

HOWEVER, if they offer an AP to Volcano Bay only, I will be buying that. I'm not necessarily holding out hope for a VB specific AP though.

Oh, I forgot, we were talking about that F&F thing. ;)
I haven't been to Disney in over two years as I've been waiting for Pandora. I'll more than likely get an AP again once it opens. I've been a Universal AP for nearly 6 years now, but I honestly go less and less nowadays just because I've been there so many times. Hell, I realize how little I go as I write this post. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've been there in the past 8-9 months. Yeesh. Honestly, I might not renew just to save money for Disney. This attraction isn't going to sway my renewal decision whatsoever.
i think thats how a lot of people are.last year prob saw the lowest ap numbers but if avatar is good then a lot of people will buy a pass again.
Yes. Same here, only about 8o more miles. As a tourist, I think we have very different views and reactions of new attractions from most locals. My view of F&F is less jaded than it was previously for a number of reasons. First, After experiencing Kongs 360 degree screen, I'm looking forward to this 360 screen. That 360 segment on Kong was very impressive and probably was 2 minutes of the best theme park experience I've ever had. And, according to Robert Niles of TPI, the Kong 360 screen scene was technically vastly superior to Hollywood's. I'm thinking the same will occur with the F&F 360 scene. They'll correct the technical shortcomings.Second, we're hearing rumblings that the non 360 scenes are different from Hollywood's. That was the portion of their attraction that I didn't like. Hopefully, there will be some set effects in the new configuration. Third, a couple of our most dependable posters (Alexshow being one) from the western USA finally got to experience the F&F attraction Hollywood within the past year and said it exceeded their expectations, considering the bad press.....Yes, Universal Studios probably has too high a percentage of screen based attractions, but IOA doesn't really have many, and now with Hogwart's Express as a fun and easy way to move between the two parks, and 80 % of tickets being park hoppers, Universal is more like one really big park rather than two separate ones....As I've said in other posts, this attraction stuff seems to work in cycles. Looking at the 90's, most of the attractions at the Studio's were behind the scenes shows/attractions, and Universal got out of that cycle pretty quick. I still think the most screen heavy park is actually Epcot. Just about everything over there is a screen. So Universal sure isn't alone. ....The bottom line to me on an attraction, and I rate attractions as a combination of queue, pre shows & ride, is whether they are FUN and ENTERTAINING. I really don't even notice things like story and ride type. .....If I wasn't such a theme park enthusiast on this board, and just a regular Joe visiting the parks, I doubt I'd even know what the Screenze controversy was about. Plus, I wouldn't be looking at back walls of buildings through the trees and complaining they weren't themed. As a regular tourist, my view and perception of these controversies would probably be non existent....Just my opinion though. :)

Completely agree. This sounds bad to the purists but I actually don't get all worked up when I see a ride building that isn't themed or 100% hidden. I guess that, to me, I'd rather them pour the money into the ride itself as opposed to hiding the building from all angles. I've probably uttered Theme Park Blasphemy but hopefully purgatory isn't too terrible. Maybe 100 years of riding "It's A Small World" nonstop or something.
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Completely agree. This sounds bad to the purists but I actually don't get all worked up when I see a ride building that isn't themed or 100% hidden. I guess that, to me, I'd rather them pour the money into the ride itself as opposed to hiding the building from all angles. I've probably uttered Theme Park Blasphemy but hopefully purgatory isn't too terrible. Maybe 100 years of riding "It's A Small World" nonstop or something.

Everyone gets all bent out of shape about seeing the building, but the Skyway in the Magic Kingdom and DisneyLand, gave much worse views. In wasn't a big deal then and shouldn't be now.
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Its going to be a big brick warehouse behind a bunch of other industrial brick buildings. I dont understand problem. I think it'll blend nicely. I'm curious to know what a building housing a FF ride should be modeled after...
Maybe they should have put some rockwork around it and a miniature warehouse on top, it's what the Disney fanboys loos their collective bowl content over. But I'm with you, it fits the ride, the area and the theme and it's more attractive then Dinoland USA so there is that...
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The facade and main focal point that you will see is that steel building erected where the Beatlejuice show used to be. That will be the facade of this attraction. The "warehouse" is just the show building. And judging by how many complaints I've seen over Universal not disguising their show buildings enough in the past, I would have thought everyone would be ecstatic that they are taking the time to do this. Alas you can never make people happy. We could be getting just a tan building that looks like a sound stage. Can you imagine the uproar? lol!
Just what did I forget that's worth mentioning? (Aside from the Horror Makeup Show?)Hmmm?

It is all a matter of taste so you could counter anything as not worth mentioning, but I would like to point out that you did not list Blues Brothers and Superstar Parade, which consistantly recieve positive attention from both crowds and in surveys.

Also half of the Hogwarts Express experience, with Kings Cross Station. Not a favorite of mine but definately noteworthy.

Also a fairly positively reviewed Nightime Show.

Also you lumped Super Silly Funland but also Kid Zone. Both are more than a name. I have not been to Super Silly Fun Land but I do know between Barney(Which has an amazing post show playground and interactivity, as well as a well themed short entertaining main and preshow for the toddler crowd, Fivel(which has a great water slide and other fun slides and unique playgrounds) and Curious George which is wet and dry fun. So I would argue that Orlando is even a better rounded park for familiesnwith a variety of taste and ages.

Then the Diagon Alley shows which get a great response and have been recognized as great industry shows(I mean, if you can mention fast and the furious complimenting the tram tour than the shows compliment Diagon Alley. That means you also could include Olivanders as a show you left out as well.

Again, taste and dynamic of family.

I hope we will be suprised with Fast and the Furious. I am glad for the warehouse glass paint going on. It will make if feel organic to sanfran.
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Its going to be a big brick warehouse behind a bunch of other industrial brick buildings. I dont understand problem. I think it'll blend nicely. I'm curious to know what a building housing a FF ride should be modeled after...

I personally find an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of San Fran, to be a perfect theme. Expect essentially a bigger version of Hollywood one.

I wasn't aware that the ride was open yet? When did you ride it?:look:

I think we've all discussed this already, but I'll explain. The ride (is said to be) almost a replica of the one from Hollywood. If this is true, and it is similar to USH, then I think it is going to be bad. Briman said this thread is to comment whether you love or hate the idea of the attarction and from my observations of what the ride is supposedly going to look like, then I think I will be bad.
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I think we've all discussed this already, but I'll explain. The ride (is said to be) almost a replica of the one from Hollywood. If this is true, and it is similar to USH, then I think it is going to be bad. Briman said this thread is to comment whether you love or hate the idea of the attarction and from my observations of what the ride is supposedly going to look like, then I think I will be bad.

Itll have a similar idea, but not a copy
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