How do you know what we as guests will experience?
Because that's just the truth. The experience isn't going to be like it is in the commercial. Not only did they CALL it a new RIDE, they also made it seem like it's a standalone intimate ride experience.
It's misleading.
Imagine Disney advertising Star Tours 2 with guests in a 2 person vehicle and pod racing. Yeah, guests are more aware of the history of Star Tours, but it's very similar.
Imagine advertising Shrek as a ride, and showing a commercial with a few guests in an Onion carriage, racing along with Shrek, only to find later that it's a show with shaking seats.
I know all those examples are kind of an extreme example, but it's very similar. The point is...they shouldn't be advertising something in such a misleading way, especially when they could be more creative and honest and show the new animation as a part of the tram. And especially since it will 100% cause confusion, as history has proven.
And the thing is, almost ALL commercials for attractions (in any park) have exaggerated the truth a tiny bit to make the commercial seem cooler. But I don't think any have been as misleading as Supercharged.
Here's what I would have done for the commercial.
Family/friends run up to a stand alone tram and get on. Cut the tram shaking a bit with noises of electrical wrenches and construction, and quick pan out to show the tram all tricked out, new paint job, and looking intense & customized.
Then, two of the cars from the movies ride up next to the tram on both sides, with the stars from the film in both of them.
Then it can play out like the real commercial, with one of the characters doing a countdown to the race, and then we see the two F&F cars plus the tram speed forward in a blur into a night scene of zooming around Los Angeles with explosions, the tram jumping over a few cars, etc.
Fast & Furious - SUPERCHARGED.
SEE? Sounds good, hu? It's slightly stylized, as the tram won't actually be THAT tricked out (although a new skin for the opening would be cool) or jumping over exploding cars, but it still shows that it's on the tour, makes the tram "cool", shows the racing segment and the general feel of the animation. THAT would've been cool.