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Frozen Ever After

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That's the second reference I hear to the Frozen event at DHS not being busy anymore. Is this true? They're not even filling up the Let It Go sing-alongs anymore?

It hasn't been overly busy since the first weekend. It's not failing (still selling merch and premium packages, all they really care about), but it's not driving DHS's attendance. Though in all honesty, all the Disney parks save for MK have been slow this summer.

As for Frozen Maelstrom, it's still a stupid, brain-dead, lazy decision by the kings of lazy decisions. You have your biggest animated movie in 2 decades, and you're putting in a small, D-ticket boat ride. DHS is drowning, and we shoehorn this into a park it doesn't fit. Typical.
Actually I have 2 little brothers that are Disney obsessed, they're basically girls with how many princess movies they've watched (my 3 year old brother has a little mermaid backpack). We watched frozen for atleast a week and they kept asking me to change it to something else, these are the same boys that watched nothing but Peter Pan for a month. It's not even they're tastes because we watched 2 weeks of home on the range!!! There are always going to be movies like this and once you watch it a couple times and see how it doesn't really take any risks or do anything that special it gets boring as hell and that's probably what happened to tons of kids watching it. Sure it's still a little but popular but it's time has passed. Call me crazy but by the time the maelstrom retheme gets announced I don't think anybody will care, especially with the new Star Wars coming out and people asking for that in a land

You're crazy. So because your brothers aren't watching it anymore, it was a fad. Hate to tell you this, but just because your brothers watched Home on the Range for a month doesn't make it a classic. See the flawed logic there? My niece watched Pitch Perfect everyday for 3 months. And Frozen. The difference is that EVERY kid watched Feozen. And adult. Multiple times. In theater. At home. Listened in their car. Sold out merchandise. It goes on and on.

And I'm going to argue that it does take risks. It completely abandons the Disney formula of needing a prince's love to be complete and also abandons the typical Disney villain formula. It's a fantastic measage for young girls to be independent and confident.
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Lol Cole you do chat complete wet sometimes!!
I don't see the independent part, she still got a guy at the end she knew even LESS than Hans. I didn't think let it go as a independence anthem as many said it was and do I even need to mention the terrible parents? Its an ok movie that gets worse once you realize all it's flaws. Granted I shouldn't use anything personal as an example because that's just me but still is this really the next lion king? I've seen lion king multiple times at my age now and while it's basically hamlet, it's pretty flawless. This I don't see lasting next year especially after all the new movies come out. Finding dory will probably be the next #1 animated movie if they play their cards right
I don't see the independent part, she still got a guy at the end she knew even LESS than Hans. I didn't think let it go as a independence anthem as many said it was and do I even need to mention the terrible parents? Its an ok movie that gets worse once you realize all it's flaws. Granted I shouldn't use anything personal as an example because that's just me but still is this really the next lion king? I've seen lion king multiple times at my age now and while it's basically hamlet, it's pretty flawless. This I don't see lasting next year especially after all the new movies come out. Finding dory will probably be the next #1 animated movie if they play their cards right

Let me tell you where you're wrong. The entire core of Anna's storyline is how she thinks she HAS to get married and have a prince to be complete. In the end she selflessly saves her sister and acts independently. Also, although there is an implied romance with Cristof developing, he ASKS PERMISSION TO KISS HER. That in and of itself is a rarity in a Disney princess film. Anna is independent, capable of making her own decisions, and not subject to the whim of a prince. And really? She knew Cristof less than the FOUR hours she was with Hans? Nope. The ending implied that there would be a general slow courtship, of which Anna was in charge. And Elsa? Elsa is an embodiment of female power. People are afraid of her power, labeling her a "witch", and are desperate to kill her. Let It Go is a song about independence because it's about how she's been locked away her whole life because people are afraid of feminine power. She embraces it. She wears what she wants to wear. She creates what she wants to create. And she's not punished for it. She's rewarded by being the queen of Arendelle. The sole monarch. It's an incredibly powerful statement.

Not to call you out, but I'm thinking you just IDENTIFY with Lion King more. You're a teenage boy, it makes sense. But girls and women strongly identify with this film, one of the few animated films that address such topics. Whereas Lion King speaks to expectations of males to replace their fathers and lead, Frozen speaks to female repression and expression.
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I must say that how many times one's little brothers can watch the same movie in a row without complaining does not directly correlate with how the general public feels about said movie.
Its ginormous initial draw was the fact it had no real competition at the time in theaters. Frozen was going to be a hit without a doubt, but what makes it have lasting power will be the songs. It has several very good songs that will keep it relevant for many years. Not 100% certain I would build a new ride if I was Disney, but if they were gambling, I would say its going to have staying power like BatB and TLM, so it probably would be a good gamble. The one thing to remember about Disney is they need to lose a lot of attendance (in the parks and hotels) to justify an investment of building a brand new ride. How many more guests will they receive by having a Frozen ride above what they already get, that is the multi million dollar question. Plus they have to balance out their capital for other experiences, like Cruise ships. For Universal its a no brainer, especially with the new hotels. They have to build new experiences because there is a lot of new rooms to fill and plenty of room in the parks.
Can we stop going around in this circle? It's the same thing people did with Potter. I think Frozen is a fine if not vastly overrated film, but it's clearly hugely popular.
Can we stop going around in this circle? It's the same thing people did with Potter. I think Frozen is a fine if not vastly overrated film, but it's clearly hugely popular.

Most popular franchises aren't all they're cracked up to be. Star Wars and Potter are the exceptions, not the rule. But that doesn't stop the franchise from cranking stuff out and remaining popular.
Apparently they are releasing a limited release shirt for the ride. I do think it looks pretty cool.


I usually skip out on T shirts in theme parks because pretty much 95% of them are incredibly tacky but that one is pretty cool even though the glow and the dark part is kinda lame. Finally maelstrom gets some love before it dies a painful death
Yes the Frozen ride will be:
Further destruction of what Epcot once stood for
Praised as the new Gringotts

And I will be:
Sipping my Butterbeer
I still hear hilarious Frozen merch stories from my friend who works Disney Store retail in remote locations. So there's that. Disney knows Soarin' with a new film won't do much and Star Wars isn't this decade, so OH GOD WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO.
If Disney did it right, a new frozen land/ area would be far more popular then their new avatar land or even there Star Wars land. Of course this is Disney we are talking about
I just think Disney already has Star Wars..and has for quite some adding MORE Star Wars isn't going to get the same kind of boost as say a giant Ice Castle ride would. Avatar is a gamble, because unlike Frozen, I see the general interest in this movie has dropped off. Maybe the new Avatar movies will change that, maybe not.
I just think Disney already has Star Wars..and has for quite some adding MORE Star Wars isn't going to get the same kind of boost as say a giant Ice Castle ride would. Avatar is a gamble, because unlike Frozen, I see the general interest in this movie has dropped off. Maybe the new Avatar movies will change that, maybe not.

I think if SW is done right, in the vein of Potter, it'll be the best thing Disney can do. Potter and SW are 1/1a of franchises, and give people a detailed, real-feeling world of those, and you win. Frozen is huge, but it doesn't have the depth of other franchises (IMO)