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Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (USH) - News & Info

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I think if they build any more houses they should be something safe and not very detailed. Bring back creepshow rather then hill house or make beetlejuice more of a original then trying to recreate detailed sets from the movie
Except, these are outside licenses that still require approval by a separate party. There’s no guarantee that party will just give them a pass.

Heck, from what I hear MonkeyPaw almost walked away from the table when they saw the initial house design for US in Hollywood and Jordan Peele has always expressed interest in having his work in a theme park
One hand: "Too many black walls!"

*Creates Us and Killer Clownz, two mazes that were basically on the Orlando level of quality with minimal black walls (and I should know, I went to Orlando that year... and I honestly feel Hollywood did those two better)*

Other hand: "It was a terrible year"

All that said, in defense of critiques, what makes a "good" year and a "not so good" year is so totally subjective. If I like lots of jump scares and gore, and someone else likes more atmospherics and unease, you're not going to agree. Yet both points of view can be valid. I even have the unpopular opinion that black walls don't really even bother me much at all... for me, a sense of darkness always creates some unease. Yes, I do understand that sometimes they are overused, but I've also been in mazes where they were used incredibly effectively (Exorcist and the ending section of the first Insidious maze), where the darkness totally disoriented me and I honestly didn't even quite know where I was going. Super creeped me out, still gives me some chills just thinking about it. All while the person right behind me may be thinking this is the worst maze ever because there's nothing there.

I, for one, actually really liked 2019, and surprisingly had Pandora's Box as one of my faves... although it was also one of my favorite sound mixes ever.
I also think it's more fair to be a bit more...kind this time around. They're likely going to be dealing with a lot of changes that'll have to be made, a lot of finances that'll have to be finalized due to COVID hitting the Hollywood park much harder than any of the others. While California is easing guidelines more and more: we still have a ways to go.

Could USH's Halloween attempt this year be not what others wish for? Absolutely! I think we're very early in the game right now, and things can easily change and evolve in the coming months ahead. Especially if Comcast sees the benefit on offering more for a Halloween event.
Again it's all subjective but I really only enjoyed Creepshow, Us, and Klowns. Felt the rest were either reusing too much or just had stuff they were not well utilized (Holidayz doesn't need the Figure music like it needs a different tone, HOTC needs more Scenes inside the house and it feels watered down, Pandora needed to actually follow its idea all the way throughout the maze which its clearly trying to be Dead Exposure, etc).
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For me, personally, Creepshow, Killer Klowns From Outer Space and House of 1000 Corpses and Monsters were the best of the batch for 2019, everything else from the event was sorta eh, Pandora could have been better and sorta left some high expectations in me which lead to fall, it was alright, I'll give it to US for actually sticking to the source material especially with the facade. Granted it was only my first year at the event, I am an Orlando guy but doesn't mean I didn't critic stuff from our event that year as well.
2019 got better for me the more I went. The only mazes I genuinely HATED were Pandora's Box and Ghostbusters. 1000 Corpses was also very meh, but not bad. I even LOVED Stranger Things, which I know I'm in the minority on. I remember 2019 pretty fondly. I'd say it's on the high end of the middle range.
Figures music in Holidayz was honestly fine. Some of the tracks didnt fit very well since they were just repurposed from his existing music, but the original track for Halloween was honestly really great. I wish we could have seen Holidayz in a bigger location frankly, since to me personally it probably has space somewhere in my top 10 of all time and I would've liked to see it fleshed out more. I could understand the argument that it was underwhelming, and a few promised elements were cut, but it was honestly just too charming for me to dislike it.
Figure's work on Holidayz was fine as-well. Passable, if nothing else. If anything I felt like Slash wasn't properly utilized for Frankenstein Vs. The Wolfman. I hope if Bride comes to Hollywood, Slash's music will be apart of it. And more apparent this time around too.
Figure's work on Holidayz was fine as-well. Passable, if nothing else. If anything I felt like Slash wasn't properly utilized for Frankenstein Vs. The Wolfman. I hope if Bride comes to Hollywood, Slash's music will be apart of it. And more apparent this time around too.
Yeah, I dunno if it was budget distribution or time or what, but in both cases I think reusing old tracks was a real detriment tonally, theres a big difference in terms of feeling when it comes to music specifically designed for a certain scene and music that was designed for something else that gets repurposed imo.
The Little Mini Songs for Holidayz (Valentine’s Day, Easter, Thanksgiving) were all great. The Halloween song despite dubstep was catchy. I feel as though the rest of the maze should have had songs and this weird fun tone to it in terms of sound design. It's part of why I really enjoyed the Easter scene was the audio. The dubstep completely kills the tone for certain scenes.

And yeah the Reused music for Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman wasn't great. The new stuff was. Pandora's Box music was possibly the worst offender. It sounded like just generic stock music.
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man, i went in 2019 and couldn't even do anything because the air quality was so bad from the fires. i waited in line for ghostbusters for 20 minutes, my best friend straight up couldn't breathe and had an asthma attack, and we had to go home.

i'd settle for a black wall maze and vomit smell at this point. :puke: