Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (USH) - News & Info | Page 59 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (USH) - News & Info

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I believe I mentioned the Tony Curtis Drive a long while back. Can't remember what someone said in response to it, but that was my first instinct too. I kinda hope it's the route just so we can see different parts of backstage.
Looks like they are going to send everyone down to the studio tour for hill house and pandora’s. At least that seems like what the sign is indicating but this is before potter so they could split off.
Looks like they are going to send everyone down to the studio tour for hill house and pandora’s. At least that seems like what the sign is indicating but this is before potter so they could split off.

Yeah, I wouldn't bet on them sending people to the studio tour just yet. Once the wait time posters start going up it'll be definitively clear, which it seems like should be any day now.
So, given that Orlando just announced their plans to continue using vinyl dividers for their scares, kinda brings up the question, will hollywood follow suit? It probably wouldve been mentioned by now if it was the case, but given how in general california has been a bit more careful than orlando it makes me wonder.
That especially wouldn't surprise me given how packed it can get sometimes and how up close and personal a lot of the performers are. Frankly I'm ok with it, already been wearing masks everywhere for over a year so it's not really a big hurdle. I'm also a bit curious about how they'll be handling capacity this year, since I know most nights obviously don't reach the same heights as the day park, but there's still kinda the question of whether it'll be reduced.
I very much hope they can offset some of the plastic with great lighting or something. I'm doing my best not to be all doom and gloom, but I'm going to save my thoughts and see how the first few weeks go before canceling. Let me join the "can't they just say wear a mask" chorus. My partner and I are thrice vaxxed and have plenty of N95s, but if people aren't having fun and scareactors are getting sick, that's a big no thank you for me. I need my vacation to be less stressful than my job and don't have the luxury of quarantining for fourteen days when I get home. But, if I were a local, I'd give it a night or two for sure.

EDIT- Well crap, I posted this for the wrong coast. Good one, me.
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lol @ TWDA. Something much better could be utilizing that space man.

Right? The least they could do is throw some Whisperer actors in the maze, or have a light scare zone mixed with walkers and Whisperers surprising guests outside the maze. Some small change to at least try to spice it up. Anything. Obviously its peak of pop culture status days are behind it, so I’d never expect any major changes/additions, but leaving it thoroughly untouched yet again only further underscores how big a waste of space it is.
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Right? The least they could do is throw some Whisperer actors in the maze, or have a light scare zone mixed with walkers and Whisperers surprising guests outside the maze. Some small change to at least try to spice it up. Anything. Obviously its peak of pop culture status days are behind it, so I’d never expect any major changes/additions, but leaving it thoroughly untouched yet again only further underscores how big a waste of space it is.
I can understand, but I personally think trying to add anything to it would be trying to put some whipped cream on a shake that used milk and ice cream that expired a few months ago. Would it make it a little better? Sure, but it's still a bad shake. TWDA is the TWDA. I don't think they should blow more money on it than they should. It's supposed to go after this year.....at least before Covid that was the case.

The last time anyone got to go through it was March last year. Literally right before Covid struck. I think the nostalgia factor alone would "sell" TWDA. I'll probably go through it just one more time for ol' time's sakes.

As for getting to Pandora and Hill House, I'm still leaning more towards going to the tour plaza to get there. They could still have us go through Hogsmede, but I don't see them wanting to take a chance with Rowling/WB putting HHN signage around that area. Then again, with Terror Tram running, this would make getting there by the tram plaza challenging. They could just have crowds go in between trams and have a traffic controller like they always have with metro.
Why couldn’t they tear down TDA and put The Exorcist there? Haha then we could have possibly gotten Beetlejuice or another IP in the soundstage.
Why couldn’t they tear down TDA and put The Exorcist there? Haha then we could have possibly gotten Beetlejuice or another IP in the soundstage.
Well if they were going to tear down TWDA just to put a maze in there, that would come out of the HHN budget. Don't quote me on this, but If the park were to gut the inside and use it as a flex space for globe theater, then they could probably examine the space to use it for a house venue (And it would be a great one to utilize!). Obviously, you don't want the TWDA gut-and-tear-down to come out of the HHN budget because it would cost at least 1/4 of the event's budget right there. So on the other hand, I can't imagine the park is in a hurry to gut TWDA for flex space if they don't have any plans to capitalize off of that space with something new.

Beetlejuice is a whole other story. Long story short, as Legacy brought up, we lost the IP because the merch dept. decided to print out the merch before the contract was approved. Losing BJ had nothing to do with venue availability as it always going to be in a tent from the start. Even if they did put it in a sound stage, I don't think the scenic would've changed much, if at all. When they built Ghostbusters, they literally just made the tent a few feet higher to accommodate the Stay Puft finale. Having a sound stage house would be more ideal, but unfortunately over here, we have to deal with the studio. The theme park mainly controls all of their facilities which is why they have so many sound stage/warehouse venues to work with. This is why we lost 747. The park would have to pay the studio money to use it and it's always being booked up.
Also, I know it's a little early to speculate, but having seen the new one I really hope they somehow manage Candyman next year. Seems like they could pretty easily fit the original and the requel into 1 maze.
Rights wise it also seems negotiable, since the original was made by a studio whos assets are now owned by universal and it was distributed by a subsidiary of sony, who the even has worked with as recently as 2019 with ghostbusters, and the new one is MGM and Monkey Paw aside from universal, both of which they've worked with in the last few years. Obviously we've learned theres many more factors that go into rights negotiations and execution, but I think it's probably the best opportunity to do it next year assuming everyones willing to play ball.