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Halloween Horror Nights 2021 (USH) - News & Info

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The thing is, HHN has already done a couple of spanish lore mazes(La Llorona and El Cucuy). La Llorona was one of my favorite houses ever while El Cucuy was okay. If they do another one, El Chupacabra would be the obvious choice for the next theme. Think about the kind of puppets that would utilize!

If they do another Spanish folklore house, my biggest concern, mainly with Murdy, is that it would be an excuse to reuse props from La Llorona and the Unfriended segment from Blumhouse. They both had a kinda similar feel. Now I would not mind seeing another Spanish folklore house, but it would be nice if some effort was clearly shown into it. Not some cheap reused blackwallapoloza.
I’d be down with a maze centered around the El Silbon myth. The way whistling could be incorporated into the soundscape would be awesome, and there’s a lot of leeway visually to be had in terms of his physical design, his victims, etc.

But like Freak said, it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s just something recycled, or even just flat out another La Llorona maze (named La Llorona Returns, because of course) simply due to the fact the name is so recognizable and easy for HHN to rest its laurels on.
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Okay, I'm trying to buy a FFP but it won't allow me to select opening night as my first night.. but miraculously, it shows opening night is still available for all other ticket tiers (General Admission, Ultimate FFP, FOTL etc..).. were a limited amount of FFPs allowed to select opening night? Or will I have to buy a separate ticket for opening night?
The merch is out today I saw on someone's IG story.
I like that they sell the hill house hat, I like the print with all the mazes and the exorcist shirt is kinda neat but nothings jumping out to me as a must buy right now, hopefully more merch comes in the next few days??
They were. Very nearly happened in 2019. Not this year, but maybe in the future.

As previously mentioned... I would highly highly advise everyone to support this year's event regardless of quality because these types of things (amongst others that could improve the event) are possibly a signature away... but again, its up to how fans turn up after a year long hiatus.
As previously mentioned... I would highly highly advise everyone to support this year's event regardless of quality because these types of things (amongst others that could improve the event) are possibly a signature away... but again, its up to how fans turn up after a year long hiatus.
From my understanding of the issue, it was not a budgetary thing that stopped them from proceeding.

Heck, everything was designed, made, and the performers got paid even though they DID NOT follow through on the idea; which hardly speaks to it being a money based concern.

If I am remembering correctly, they got cold feet on doing it because they were afraid WB/Rowling might not like it/might make them stop.

It would also be something that could potentially draw families who love Potter to attending a Halloween event that was clearly not catering to their tastes outside the one thing, which would have been a PR issue.

If anyone has contrary information, please correct me if I am wrong.
From my understanding of the issue, it was not a budgetary thing that stopped them from proceeding.

Heck, everything was designed, made, and the performers got paid even though they DID NOT follow through on the idea; which hardly speaks to it being a money based concern.

If I am remembering correctly, they got cold feet on doing it because they were afraid WB/Rowling might not like it/might make them stop.

It would also be something that could potentially draw families who love Potter to attending a Halloween event that was clearly not catering to their tastes outside the one thing, which would have been a PR issue.

If anyone has contrary information, please correct me if I am wrong.

These are all correct, however demand was also something they considered ultimately lacking, especially as criticism had been coming at a high point at the time, both internally and externally. Ironically, its success in other parks implementing HP Halloween festivities leads one to wonder where USH would see this going wrong.
To my understanding, it didn't happen because someone screwed something up, ala Beetlejuice this year. It didn't help that the event was considerably over-budget by that point. Remember, it quietly happened in Orlando and there weren't any WB/JKR issues. Murdy didn't care about it because it wasn't part of his project, so it wasn't like he was advocating for it.

And while I see where you're coming from, Chris, I have no intention of zealously supporting such a mediocre event being held with less-than-ideal safety protocols. My current plan is to attend once, and then that's probably that. If the USH brass blames potentially soft attendance on anything other than the ongoing pandemic and rehashed event offerings, they're blind to obvious reality. In that scenario, maybe HHN needs to go on another hiatus until executives cycle out.
And while I see where you're coming from, Chris, I have no intention of zealously supporting such a mediocre event being held with less-than-ideal safety protocols. My current plan is to attend once, and then that's probably that. If the USH brass blames potentially soft attendance on anything other than the ongoing pandemic and rehashed event offerings, they're blind to obvious reality. In that scenario, maybe HHN needs to go on another hiatus until executives cycle out.

100% valid, and I have sort of the same feelings albeit the information presented as to why I thought I should share what I did does make me feel optimistic for the first time in a long time... but I completely empathize with not putting up with mediocrity. 2017 was definitely the bottom of the barrel, and I'm hoping this event never reaches that stage again.
Take a look at our Behind the Scenes experience of “The Haunting of Hill House” maze, featured this year at Halloween Horror Nights - Hollywood.

In part two of our behind the scenes sneak peek, we take a look at "Universal Monsters: The Bride of Frankenstein Lives" at Halloween Horror Nights Hollywood

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It's legitimately so surreal to see real behind the scenes shots in real mazes after such a long absence. Hard to believe in a little over a week we'll actually have a new year of HHN.
Also, Really liking how Hill House is looking.
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Boy, that Terror Tram construction is really cutting it close, based on all that construction that looks like it still needs to happen by WoW set...