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Halloween Horror Nights 2024 (USH) - Speculation & Rumors

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This is purely an Orlando experience, but I think the point of it still works for the current discussion:

I started going to HHN in 2015, and I had fond memories of B&T through the three years I saw it, always remembering it as being funny. Recently I've gone back and rewatched videos of the shows and realizing... Yeah a lot of the jokes were either in terrible taste or just didn't land at all. And as stated a plethora amount of times now, with how fast things go nowadays, I'm really not sure how well it would work (if at all).

Y'know what I think could work perfectly tho? Go all in with the rock 'n' roll theme of B&T with live singers and dance numbers, while still including some fun pop culture jokes that can be changed on the daily, just like how Graveyard Revue was! Bill & Ted's Excellent Reunion Tour Revue, there you go.
I wouldn’t mind a musical show, but anyway, nothing in the realm of a pg13-R rated comedy show will ever be back at universal. (Probably a good thing)

I really wonder how crowds will be this year…. Seems like for a while there it was getting bigger and bigger every year.
The crazy thing is the reason the Bill & Ted show got canceled was not even for it actually being as offensive as it was perceived to be by all the journalists who never even saw the show, picked up the story, and just ran with it to make it sound worse than it actually was. At this point, I don't even care if people remember it or not, the show never should've been canceled in the first place (rewritten, sure, because regardless that year was a stinker).

I understand the need to fill the void and Jabba became the go-to, but for it to be the replacement for THAT LONG was insulting. I firmly stand by the Bill and Ted show did nothing wrong, should've never been canceled (at most, rewritten), should've returned the following year, and if not, then at the very latest 2 years later. It is BEYOND time for it to come back and the dust is long settled.

I'm also on the "never really found B&T or The Hanging" particularity good. Sure, a few jokes will land, but for every one that did, maybe 10 didn't. And I'm not really into "bashing" humor unless it's exceptionally well done... which the majority of those shows aren't.

There were a few saving graces for B&T... the energy of the cast was always great, the dance numbers were entertaining, and it was a place to sit for about an hour. That was enough for me to see it at least once each year... but not really the script.

Also, while I only got to see Orlando's B&T once (the final year), something else that helped their show that Hollywood's never had was circus-style acts in-between the sketches. That way, even if the sketches bombed, you could still be entertained with other acts. Kinda makes me wonder why Hollywood never leaned into that. Even Knott's is going that route.
orlando the show had good - fun energy but the jokes were always kind of terrible and cringey. but besides offensive stuff, it just wasnt funny if you didnt watch the movies or tv shows that year, or if you didnt watch SNL.
Bill and ted relied entirely on you knowing pop culture, but now how could that work, people wont know half the references.

First visit LA, Universal Hollywood and HHN Hollywood later this year from the UK - have been to HHN Orlando a few times

We’ve got 2 days booked in the park and was planning on staying in the evening for HHN, and looking at tickets.

I thought I’d read somewhere Universal sold a ticket for a Thursday and Sunday night, but can’t see it on the tickets page.

Should I just buy two single night tickets, or do you think Universal will release this ticket later?

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First visit LA, Universal Hollywood and HHN Hollywood later this year from the UK - have been to HHN Orlando a few times

We’ve got 2 days booked in the park and was planning on staying in the evening for HHN, and looking at tickets.

I thought I’d read somewhere Universal sold a ticket for a Thursday and Sunday night, but can’t see it on the tickets page.

Should I just buy two single night tickets, or do you think Universal will release this ticket later?


Hi there! What dates you specifically looking at for the Thursday and Sunday?
I know they're not done yet, but I want to nitpick that naked corner plywood wall of the Mummy Tent facade..

The other Curious George Tent facade looks to be rather underwhelming size-wise compared to its neighbor.

I almost wish that big facade was Universal Monsters instead of Insidious. Although even if it was, it'd need to redeem itself after Unmasked

Parisian Courtyard facade looks great & definitely giving mausoleum vibes. Can't wait to see the set details

Thanks for getting back, we’re looking at the second weekend in Oct.


Hi there! Coming back to you, tickets are still available for HHN through the ticketing options at the site down below:
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For HHN 2000, they actually had Bill and Ted in Water World. It can be done. Here is proof it can be done:

How recently was Bill and Ted used at HHN? I also remember reading about an incident that took place during HHN 2009 when during a performance of Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween adventure, a fire got touched off during one of the explosion effects.
How recently was Bill and Ted used at HHN? I also remember reading about an incident that took place during HHN 2009 when during a performance of Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween adventure, a fire got touched off during one of the explosion effects.

Hollywood had canned it's show in 2013; and Orlando hanged up the towel on B&T back in 2017.

10 year difference for Hollywood, 7 year difference for Orlando. Honestly I could see a scenario where Hollywood does B&T in the style of a "Reunion" show that focuses on them plus Death having to put their differences aside while also dealing with a topical element (perhaps, the 2024 Election with it as if it's Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar?).
I think the B&T show was an odd choice for a show due to relevancy back when it was around and it would be an even odder choice to bring it back now

it definitely has its strong fanbase. a hardcore, diehard fanbase of people that would watch it every week for Orlando. but as a park show yeah it doesn't really work anymore. most people won't really remember them or even recognize them. the movies are beloved but they were never that huge.
I've never met a big bill and Ted fan in real life, most older people vaguely remember them. younger people won't recognize. as a hhn property it's also pretty divided. some people love it, some people dislike it
the pop culture parody aspect of the show can be a hard sell
MY friends loved Bill and Ted and so did I

For sure would be welcome back, I mean people saw people dancing with lasers...if they will watch that they will watch Bill and Ted
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my only question is how could they write a good show
I mean the Hanging came back and seemed to work, so I assume they just go for it

Bill and Ted at least to myself and my friends was a recap of the year, it included making fun of movies/TV, real life "memes" and moments that happening and music from that year

That's what I want, hopefully they can find some writers who want to make fun of things...without doing some of the easy and now in bad taste jokes of before.
I mean the Hanging came back and seemed to work, so I assume they just go for it

Bill and Ted at least to myself and my friends was a recap of the year, it included making fun of movies/TV, real life "memes" and moments that happening and music from that year

That's what I want, hopefully they can find some writers who want to make fun of things...without doing some of the easy and now in bad taste jokes of before.
I think that bill and Ted worked at a time before streaming and social media was so big. when people had more narrow choices of entertainment and everyone still watches movies and TV shows as a collective.

memes and pop culture stuff was smaller, I haven't watch the Hanging show but I wonder if bill and Ted could still do jokes on things that people care about without doing something controversial or leaving the audience scratching their heads.
I think that bill and Ted worked at a time before streaming and social media was so big. when people had more narrow choices of entertainment and everyone still watches movies and TV shows as a collective.

memes and pop culture stuff was smaller, I haven't watch the Hanging show but I wonder if bill and Ted could still do jokes on things that people care about without doing something controversial or leaving the audience scratching their heads.
The hanging was pretty funny. They mention the obvious. Its dumb.
it’s in a more private area of the park.
Bill and Ted died with the soundstage. End of story lol
Wherever possible, the event should move forward and not fall back on old concepts just because people in their late '30s and early '40s are nostalgic. Leave Bill and Ted in the past.
Sounds good to me. Let's leave TCM and Insidious behind then. HHN shouldn't regurgitate the same IPs from the past just because people in their 30's are nostalgic.
Wherever possible, the event should move forward and not fall back on old concepts just because people in their late '30s and early '40s are nostalgic. Leave Bill and Ted in the past.
You heard him guys no More Classics Monsters time to move forward

I say bring it back, it falls never again but let the crowds and people decide not a few on the internet either way. Both sides seems to have bias's but to me, having the Purge event in WW every Year would also be boring...if they can do one year Bill and Ted and switch to a Stunt show the next cool why not.