Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion | Page 168 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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Ideally, I would love Eddie to finally get a year or two as an Icon before 30 and create a few good original icons - think of it as few of the icons side with Eddie, a few side with Jack... sort of starting an HHN Avengers situation.

Then in HHN 30, we finally get the big payoff and they do Jack v. Eddie. I know it won't happen, but man would I love it.

Ok, i'm getting a little ahead of myself now, lol :tongue:
At that point why not just make a sequel though? That's an issue with bringing back originals: if it translates well to a sequel, why repeat it?
That was what I actually mentioned a few posts back. I think bringing back a house the way they did AWIL where it's a replica for all intents and purposes only works with IP houses.

Originals should receive sequels. Although as I mentioned, I think The In Between would be cool to bring back just on it's own.
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Yeah I've done this in the past for houses I've built. From looking closely at HHN houses it really doesn't seem they follow the typical 4x8 panel method as I don't usually see the seams every 4 feet. I think all the decorative work is done after the frame construction. Making the walls pretty much impossible to reuse, unless they are keeping them in a very large form.

As almost ever, I got the answer to this so that the OU HHN fans can be more enlightened. All the mazes are brand new framed 2x4 construction like a real house. All of this is torn up and tossed out after the event. As I stated before, only windows, doors and basic decorative wood trim is saved. The walls are a combo of materials depending... but I wouldn't try punching your fist through them as you will 100% break your hand... would be like punching concrete. The place is built for such idiots. No sheetrock is used.

Impressive, hmmm?
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I would rather see an "original" revamped and revitalized than to see a "sequel." Sequel houses , with the exception of Scary Tales 2, hardly improve or match their originals (imo).

Castle Vampyr recreated? Sign me up. Bring back the Library. Bring back the attic. Bring that beast back. Scene for scene.
As almost ever, I got the answer to this so that the OU HHN fans can be more enlightened. All the mazes are brand new framed 2x4 construction like a real house. All of this is torn up and tossed out after the event. As I stated before, only windows, doors and basic decorative wood trim is saved. The walls are a combo of materials depending... but I wouldn't try punching your fist through them as you will 100% break your hand... would be like punching concrete. The place is built for such pig idiots. No sheetrock is used.

Impressive, hmmm?
Thanks for the info. This is pretty much what I've thought. I've noticed everything seemed to be 2x4 from what was visible. This pretty much means there's not much of a cost difference outside of design and props between a repeat and a new house since they're both built from the ground up. I think this is why they haven't done repeats in the past since the perception is its the same old thing even though they're putting all that work into it all over again. The quality of what they do and how much money they spend is very impressive.
I would rather see an "original" revamped and revitalized than to see a "sequel." Sequel houses , with the exception of Scary Tales 2, hardly improve or match their originals (imo).

Castle Vampyr recreated? Sign me up. Bring back the Library. Bring back the attic. Bring that beast back. Scene for scene.
Body Collectors is in it's 4th iteration is it not? It's a pretty damn good house this year.
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I see no reason why house layouts aren't reused year after year. I bet a lot of house routes are exact copy and paste from year to year. I know there are hallways for scareacters to come and go. It would be a nightmare to redesign the whole thing every year. Set dressing and effects are different and there might be some slight changes for special scenes but I bet we've walked the same routes a number of times throughout the years and never even realized it.
I see no reason why house layouts aren't reused year after year. I bet a lot of house routes are exact copy and paste from year to year. I know there are hallways for scareacters to come and go. It would be a nightmare to redesign the whole thing every year. Set dressing and effects are different and there might be some slight changes for special scenes but I bet we've walked the same routes a number of times throughout the years and never even realized it.
You'd be wrong. They actually use those soundstages outside of HHN... it all has to come down.
You'd be wrong. They actually use those soundstages outside of HHN... it all has to come down.
That's not what I'm talking about. I know they're complete rebuilds from year to year but the maze layout routes for each venue are probably pretty similar. As in enter here. Small room to start. Exit room on left. Walk down 12 ft hallway to next medium sized room. Exit room walk down short hallway turn left into next room etc.!!!
I bet the rooms and hallways in Insidious could be in the exact same configuration as Halloween from last year. But the scenes that fill those spaces are entirely different. Sure there might be a change here or there to fix guest flow, operations, or to accommodate a new effect.
That's not what I'm talking about. I know they're complete rebuilds from year to year but the maze layout routes for each venue are probably pretty similar. As in enter here. Small room to start. Exit room on left. Walk down 12 ft hallway to next medium sized room. Exit room walk down short hallway turn left into next room etc.!!!
Well yeah, this are similar, but that's because they use the same space. When they decided to make a giant Walking Dead maze last year, that was entirely new. When they decided we need something for Shrek, that's new.

And the key word you used is same "general" path. The path is never the same. But will it generally will send you through a similar route as the house that was in that tent or SS the year before? probably. It's not really worth too much of a conversation though.
Body Collectors is in it's 4th iteration is it not? It's a pretty damn good house this year.

I guess 4th time's the charm....?

A damn good house is a damn good house. I'm not debating that...Whether it's an IP (Halloween), an original, a sequel, or a combo of properties (as is the care with Body Collector's this year.)

I'm simply giving my opinion on if we had to see something(s) return what and how would we like to see them.

Personally, I think a lot of the old haunts wouldn't work with how Universal is. You couldn't build a Psychoscareapy and have it be what it used to be (mainly because of AAT's and the whole "Actor" issues).

as a 15 year vet I would KILL to relive certain houses. I could do a whole year with recreations:
All Night D(r)I(v)E In
Dead Exposure
Castle Vampyr
Leave it to Cleaver
Havoc (tricky cuz it was all cast but damn that house)
Dead End
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I would imagine the concept for each house dictates the flow of the path. While certainly some houses can end up similar I don't think they tie themselves down to a set maze pattern. It's not really that hard to come up with a custom pattern for each house.
I guess 4th time's the charm....?

A damn good house is a damn good house. I'm not debating that...Whether it's an IP (Halloween), an original, a sequel, or a combo of properties (as is the care with Body Collector's this year.)

I'm simply giving my opinion on if we had to see something(s) return what and how would we like to see them.

Personally, I think a lot of the old haunts wouldn't work with how Universal is. You couldn't build a Psychoscareapy and have it be what it used to be (mainly because of AAT's and the whole "Actor" issues).

as a 15 year vet I would KILL to relive certain houses. I could do a whole year with recreations:
All Night D(r)I(v)E In
Dead Exposure
Castle Vampyr
Leave it to Cleaver
Havoc (tricky cuz it was all cast but damn that house)
Dead End
Oh, believe me, I could too. I just am trying to think based on how I think Universal would do it. I don't think they would just bring back an original these days without doing a sequel to it.

Sidenote, Dead End was such a sleeper house and still remains one. A lot of people forget about it. In a bad year, Dead End and Gothic really shined bright.
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Oh, believe me, I could too. I just am trying to think based on how I think Universal would do it. I don't think they would just bring back an original these days without doing a sequel to it.

Sidenote, Dead End was such a sleeper house and still remains one. A lot of people forget about it. In a bad year, Dead End and Gothic really shined bright.

Oh they would never because nostalgia is just something people pretend to be fond of....if it's not new people don't want it. But they LOVE to talk about the past and "glory days" but god forbid repeat something. Oh, but it's the "vibe" that's changed. Lol ok.

Dead End was dope. Psychological, creepy. I love the fact that universal can hit you with different experiences like that. And another reason why I don't like "OVERALL" theming. Because it's SO limiting. 14 is my favorite year and it was just "what's your breaking point?" And it had vampires zombies prisoners movie villains ghosts Cowboys. Name it.

If you make the event Jack vs Eddie and you want that theme to Encompass the entire park where's the room for a house like dead end.

As with most things but especially haunted houses they want their cake and eat it too.
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I see no reason why house layouts aren't reused year after year. I bet a lot of house routes are exact copy and paste from year to year. I know there are hallways for scareacters to come and go. It would be a nightmare to redesign the whole thing every year. Set dressing and effects are different and there might be some slight changes for special scenes but I bet we've walked the same routes a number of times throughout the years and never even realized it.

It's a nightmare, every year.

They never know what venue is going to be available for them to use. Disaster queue won't be available next year. A house might have been in SS 23 8 years ago but they have other plans for it the coming year. They have been known to flip maze plans at least once in the past 5 years just before the build so that the entrance is on the left and not the right because of venues.

They may have looked back at old maze designs in the past but that is mostly so they don't repeat it. If it ain't a new concept, it is no fun for them.
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If you make the event Jack vs Eddie and you want that theme to Encompass the entire park where's the room for a house like dead end.

As with most things but especially haunted houses they want their cake and eat it too.
If they were to incorporate former/potential new icons into a Eddie v. Jack event as I described, there could be room. But I see your point. They don't even have to have a Jack/Eddie overriding theme. They could do a house... but we need Eddie as an Icon first (or at least in the spotlight a bit) so we can learn more about him and a Jack v. Eddie house would build legit hype for more than just fanboy wet dream reasons.
If they were to incorporate former/potential new icons into a Eddie v. Jack event as I described, there could be room. But I see your point. They don't even have to have a Jack/Eddie overriding theme. They could do a house... but we need Eddie as an Icon first (or at least in the spotlight a bit) so we can learn more about him and a Jack v. Eddie house would build legit hype for more than just fanboy wet dream reasons.
In my opinion Eddie is a lost cause. He was a cool as character who had to get scrapped and his story completely changed. I don't know what story would be convincing / exciting that involves them being brothers....

My comment about overall / overarching themes is mainly trying to combat those few who seem to be super nostalgic about 15 and it's Terra Cruentas "thing" but fail to mention that that year blew chunks.
It's a nightmare, every year.

They never know what venue is going to be available for them to use. Disaster queue won't be available next year. A house might have been in SS 23 8 years ago but they have other plans for it the coming year. They have been known to flip maze plans at least once in the past 5 years just before the build so that the entrance is on the left and not the right because of venues.

They may have looked back at old maze designs in the past but that is mostly so they don't repeat it. If it ain't a new concept, it is no fun for them.
I assume the Disaster house is either going to move into a Soundstage (M&M technically takes up two house spots) or...? That would be a nightmare to have 5 soundstage houses and then one close by at shrek. Is there another location to potentially put a tent?

Also next year the Kidzone entrances will need to be moved if it closes for Nintendo. I assume the Hollywood gate for the parade building and Springfield gate for the tent? Would make sense.
In my opinion Eddie is a lost cause. He was a cool as character who had to get scrapped and his story completely changed. I don't know what story would be convincing / exciting that involves them being brothers....

My comment about overall / overarching themes is mainly trying to combat those few who seem to be super nostalgic about 15 and it's Terra Cruentas "thing" but fail to mention that that year blew chunks.
Yeah, Eddie certainly isn't as interesting as Jack. I mean it's possible they could revise history a bit and make him a tad more interesting (which I wouldn't put beyond them - they don't seem to stay canon with many of their characters), but i'd rather just a new, great icon if Eddie isn't going to cut it.