Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 110 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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They can only do so much with vq that they'll end up just letting people in and taking counts eventually as for the line areas, Brides would be by the stage, Tooth would still be the same place, inside Fallons queue, I could see two lines being split like they've been trying before, one for Texas and the other Icons. It seems confusing but it's the only thought for right now. As for the back, nothing really much to change, those lines wouldn't be affected. Although MIB line will be a cluster if not figured out better.
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MIB line will definitely be difficult.

As far as VQ, I never had any issues with it but I think it might be a bit different with HHN. I mean we were able to get times for pretty much whatever we wanted in October, but that was because we figured out when new times would drop. Unless they were dropping times every hour during HHN, it could get really difficult.

But VQ allowed us to be able to do Brides and Tooth Fairy a bunch of times and ride Hagrid's at night so.. it's not all bad lol
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MIB line will definitely be difficult.

As far as VQ, I never had any issues with it but I think it might be a bit different with HHN. I mean we were able to get times for pretty much whatever we wanted in October, but that was because we figured out when new times would drop. Unless they were dropping times every hour during HHN, it could get really difficult.

But VQ allowed us to be able to do Brides and Tooth Fairy a bunch of times and ride Hagrid's at night so.. it's not all bad lol
HHN it'll be a different case especially when people start showing up and spamming the app to get times early, like what happened last year. It'll be pretty hecktic real fast, the rides not so much because they're not usually packed during HHN at least I don't notice it much but for the houses it'll definitely mess with the app a bit with people trying to fight over times. I'm sure the people that enter for Stay & Scream first can experience the houses without VQ while people just getting into the park must use VQ to experience the house and then by the end of the night to kill time just let people fill the lines.
I can't speak for everyone, but I have great success with TAPUTAPU with the times I have used it at VB. I believe they use different servers than the app which prevents as much crashing. Would it be unrealistic to make HHN themed bands or something similar to Volcano?
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I can't speak for everyone, but I have great success with TAPUTAPU with the times I have used it at VB. I believe they use different servers than the app which prevents as much crashing. Would it be unrealistic to make HHN themed bands or something similar to Volcano?
If the money is there, I could see them going that route but seeing this thing is just a month in a half type of event, I see them just using what they got in the Universal app so they tie everything with it, you have the VQ for the houses and games and trivia to play with while waiting for the houses, so they try to package it all in one but it could problematic at times. It makes me think seeing how a lot of people coming out of state, a lot of people will use RIP tours and expresses a lot this year.
I think what they'll do is have it be
1.) Stay and Scream get first access
2.) They open up VQ
3.) Later in the night when some people have left the park, they open up houses to be standby with no VQ

Along with that they'll have some from of Express I'm guessing.
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I think what they'll do is have it be
1.) Stay and Scream get first access
2.) They open up VQ
3.) Later in the night when some people have left the park, they open up houses to be standby with no VQ
Pretty much, it's the only choices they have to really get things moving smoothly, the people in Stay & Scream wanna go again, they'd have to do what others doing for the VQ, so in this case, everyone will have their phones throughout the night just fighting for times regardless till they just open the floodgates for people to experience with no vq. Some people would just say screw that go for RIP tours or Expresses because they're easier accesses, yes a lot of money but you're not fighting for time for a house.
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I remember this being brought up last year, so is it possible they choose the order of houses you go in to try to reduce wait times? Think like what Sir Henry's did this year, you got a colored ticket and the color decided what order you went into the houses. Do you think they may try to do that? I know a lot of people would probably dislike it but it would help with spreading people out throughout the park. It would also help if they allowed you to pick which combination you wanted. Like, they give you three combinations of houses and you pick the one you want to do the most, that way it's more tailored to you and it also helps to spread out the crowd
Is it possible they choose the order you go in to try to reduce wait times? Think like what Sir Henry's did this year, you got a colored ticket and the color decided what order you went into the houses. Do you think they may try to do that? I know a lot of people would probably dislike it but it would help with spreading people out throughout the park.
Never been but I wouldn't doubt Universal has been looking into other places and seeing how placements are working for their attractions and what not and if it's manageable.
Never been but I wouldn't doubt Universal has been looking into other places and seeing how placements are working for their attractions and what not and if it's manageable.
It definitely seemed to work for Sir Henry's and it didn't really affect my enjoyment of the night at all, it was still really fun. However, Sir Henry's is a much much smaller event than HHN, so who knows if it'd work for them.
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It definitely seemed to work for Sir Henry's and it didn't really affect my enjoyment of the night at all, it was still really fun. However, Sir Henry's is a much much smaller event than HHN, so who knows if it'd work for them.
It would only work for so long till capacity hits which this year, differs but seeing how this years event has been anticipated due to last years cancellation, this year might hit but that’s just a thought.
If the money is there, I could see them going that route but seeing this thing is just a month in a half type of event, I see them just using what they got in the Universal app so they tie everything with it, you have the VQ for the houses and games and trivia to play with while waiting for the houses, so they try to package it all in one but it could problematic at times. It makes me think seeing how a lot of people coming out of state, a lot of people will use RIP tours and expresses a lot this year.
The extra money they would have to put in would really be sufficient for getting good Guest reception and could be more efficient. It would need tweaking though. Only if people could see the enormous amount of complaints the Boarding groups for Rise and the VQ for Hagrids have been getting from people in these pandemic times. I'm sure it's not great.

Usually those are justified by there being other things in the park to do that are similar to that attraction. Couldn't ride Rise? We'll settle for Smugglers run. Ran out of VQ's for Hagrids?, we can ride Forbidden journey. It's not the same but it's an okay substitute for people that unfortunately couldn't secure a spot.

But Horror night's is another beast, here the houses are the stars. The rides are there sure but it's not what people come for. If VQ's are as unbalanced as the opening weekends for Bride and Tooth/ Hagrids (pretty much all the time) it could be absolutely disastrous. A physical ticket even that you could scan at the house entrance could be the best way. It also dodges some server issues and the weak spots of the wifi/data in the park from constant use.
The extra money they would have to put in would really be sufficient for getting good Guest reception and could be more efficient. It would need tweaking though. Only if people could see the enormous amount of complaints the Boarding groups for Rise and the VQ for Hagrids have been getting from people in these pandemic times. I'm sure it's not great.

Usually those are justified by there being other things in the park to do that are similar to that attraction. Couldn't ride Rise? We'll settle for Smugglers run. Ran out of VQ's for Hagrids?, we can ride Forbidden journey. It's not the same but it's an okay substitute for people that unfortunately couldn't secure a spot.

But Horror night's is another beast, here the houses are the stars. The rides are there sure but it's not what people come for. If VQ's are as unbalanced as the opening weekends for Bride and Tooth/ Hagrids (pretty much all the time) it could be absolutely disastrous. A physical ticket even that you could scan at the house entrance could be the best way. It also dodges some server issues and the weak spots of the wifi/data in the park from constant use.
That’s where they sucker you into the Express Pass, that’s their way of giving you somewhat a substitute. If you don’t wanna wait for the wait times, here’s the express that will get you to the front of the line with no problems but a little bang for your buck but that too would be disastrous when people figure it out later on in the event.
That’s where they sucker you into the Express Pass, that’s their way of giving you somewhat a substitute. If you don’t wanna wait for the wait times, here’s the express that will get you to the front of the line with no problems but a little bang for your buck but that too would be disastrous when people figure it out later on in the event.
Idk, it sounds amazing on paper but then your almost going to lock some of the more popular experiances behind a paywall. Then there is even MORE problems, not everyone can afford the extra 120$ for express. And if the by day only rumor floating around about those tickets is true, it's really rolling the dice on not just VQ's at that point but then Express passes.
I really hope they dont try VQ because if its anything like brides and tooth week 1 nobody will be able to get into houses like BJ, Hill House, Icons. I could see them using express as a way to promise all 10 houses with no VQ wait to sell more.
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To be honest, I don't see VQ being a success. With the amount of people who go to HHN, it would just be a mess to a. teach newcomers how to use it, b. keep the streets relatively clear. it would mess up the ratio of people in the streets to people in the queues. And after going for Beetlejuice weekend and seeing how painful it is to try and get a vq spot when its a mad dash to get one, I dont want to see vq at the event In its current state. Even with Hagrids now, its chaotic to get one. If you dont have the app open when times drop then you aren't getting one.
The only issue with a physical ticket is creating more contact, as well as people congregating around the areas where those physical tickets are collected. This would also be an issue for a "band" of some sort.
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