I have yet to see the film, so I can't properly judge it to begin with, but do know enough about it that I am not terribly excited.
That being said, I think fears about execution here might also be getting unfairly skewed because of the situation surrounding the house itself. Yes, this IS a replacement for Eilish (ya know, assuming it is definitely H3, which we also don't know for certain), and in a typical year a replacement usually happens very far down the line, and a lot of last minute, cost cutting decisions have to be made (Purge comes to mind). BUT I think there is also something to be said about the amount of time they've had for this and their current workload too.
I fully understand furloughs likely did bring the size of the teams down considerably, and the added stressors of the panorama couldn't have made things easy, but the other 9 houses are pretty much donezo. They've either been sitting untouched for a year at this point or had some minor tweaks here and there. While I'm sure A&D had other projects to work on, as far as HHN goes this is the only house they've had to design this year (as far as we know). I know all of A&D does not work collectively on all the houses (smaller break out teams, etc), but it isn't unreasonable to expect a little more focus could have been spent on this one house and it might result in a better end product than your typical replacement house.
Then again, we have also had countless stinkers that had a lot of time devoted to them too, so who knows?