Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 83 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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The rumors are for the 2013 version, right? If so, it may not be the "this is it" version unless they just disregard everything about that movie lol
I have no idea I don't pay that close attention

There isn’t really a rumor about what the TCM house will be based on. The font that is on the house shirt doesn’t match up with any of the movie fonts. This means it’ll probably be a best of or an generic house on the TCM franchise
I'm hoping for the original honestly

Sadly, those folks end up being the ones that could ruin the event in general for years to come.

They very loudly do not want/allow it to change, grow, and adapt with the times and could in turn potentially hold it back for the future.

It’s a shame and I hope they’ll take some time to see things differently and be more open to new inclusions in the future.
There was some similar discussion when Stranger Things and GB were announced...even though Ghostbusters has been a part of Universal's DNA since the beginning.
Some people are concerned with the event turning too kiddy, some are threatened by her presence at the park.

And then some of us are just concerned that it would be Disorientorium with Billy Eilish music...ok maybe that was just me
I know I'm a little late, as I was in the parks when the discussion was taking place but this definitely needed a response.

Unpopular opinion but I feel like last years thread was better than this years for reasons out of any of our control. Last year we had stuff to talk about, yeah we occasionally went off the rails but it usually resulted in a good moment (Iron Maiden) or was immediately straightened up by the “gp” of the thread. There’s not really much at all to speculate this year, and people need to realize that. Instead of being a spec thread it’s turning into a “oh my god I saw something vaguely related to hhn let’s post about it” thread. I’ve said this many times before and I’ll say it many times again but let’s all try to only talk if there’s something important to be talked about.
But as you said, there really is nothing to talk about, kinda defeats the whole "community" type feel of the place if nobody is allowed to talk unless they know something concrete about the event. There's the "HHN Announcements" thread if you only want cold hard facts, but speculation is just that - people speculating.

We generally accept it as fact that one house is being replaced. There are rumblings (I get confused by what the true definition of a "rumor" is here so don't want to misspeak) of the possibility of 11 or even 12 houses this year. So there is the potential for 3 houses that we do not know yet, and Legacy hinted that the Billie replacement might be an IP, so wouldn't that make speculating about IPs acceptable speculation? Sounds like there will only be one show this year and we were lead to believe that last year would have some sort of stage show plus the lagoon show, so there is some discussion worthy topics on will it just be the lagoon show, or will there be a Beetlejuice show, or possibly both if the current situation in the world takes a better turn in the near future.

I agree that digging up sexism for the Billie house is tired and irrelevant as the house isn't going to happen and some of the other bickering and incessant "when is the next announcement coming?" is annoying and doesn't contribute anything to the discussion, saying you want "It" to come might belong in the wishful thinking thread, and I myself frequently venture into the Covid discussion that really shouldn't be here (I can never seem to find the general Covid thread plus HHN is such a different beast than regular day-to-day operations and so far in the future)...but when we do not KNOW information, we SPECULATE, and isn't the thread for that discussion?
The issue is that speculating is supposed to be housed in some realm of fact.

Simply saying 'I'm going to speculate that we're getting X,Y,Z because it's such a good property and it'd make a great addition' isn't speculation, it's wishing for what you want and just throwing something randomly out there. If you want to speculate that an IP is going to replace Billie since that is supposedly a rumor that exists, you could speculate it but it should revolve around titles that are available for Universal to use and make some form of sense.

There isn't much of anything to speculate about since we know the majority of the event that was planned and mostly leaked/revealed in 2020 is going to be making a full return in 2021 and finer detail aspects likely aren't even know by those in charge of the event (ticket details, tour options, show offerings, etc.) due to how difficult the world is in its current state of a pandemic. Therefore it's sorta pointless to debate them since we'll know the details when we know them.

I don't really have a problem with the thread at all because it's very apparent that every year the Speculation/Rumors thread just turns into a general conversation about the event. I think perhaps splitting the topics even further into a 'HHN ## News & Information', 'HHN ## Speculation and Rumors' and 'HHN ## General Horrors' thread might be worth looking into. That way you have less derision for being off topic and you can have a place where everyone can just go bonkers wild. I know the wishlist thread exists but people would be more likely to be involved in an updated, yearly thread of general HHN shenanigans.
Then don’t talk.
And to your other points, speculation ≠ guess work. Some of You guys seem to be striving for anything to talk about when everything and more was covered in last years 500+ pages of organized chaos.

What's considered spec and what's not? We have fans that want to discuss every facet of an idea, and we have fans that just want the discussion of rumors that are based on some "fact". The issue is... this isn't like social media. We can't pick & choose who we follow so therefore when a discussion is being had - it's everyone getting involved and seeing all aspects of the conversation; and that's why we try to find a common ground on what gets discussed.

I know the mods get a hard time in this thread because we can be "hard asses" but there's a reason for this. We've tried our best to regulate the convo and that's why we've separated the discussion into now 3 different threads: Wish List, Speculation, and Official News. This year, we've been pretty lax because A. It's been a rough year and B. Spec is a bit different for obvious reasons - but there still has to be SOME line to draw. I know earlier in the thread there was some bickering about the whole "OK so what's next?" when BJ was announced. That's been an issue for a few years now, way before a pandemic was in the forefront of our minds and that's why it was addressed.

As far the toxicity in this fandom - it's around. Between gatekeepers and toxic masculinity, there is a core of fans that poison the well. We shouldn't dismiss it just because you don't feel you don't fall into that label, as that does nothing to solve that issue.
As far the toxicity in this fandom - it's around. Between gatekeepers and toxic masculinity, there is a core of fans that poison the well. We shouldn't dismiss it just because you don't feel you don't fall into that label, as that does nothing to solve that issue.

This is what I've been wanting to say, far more nicely than I'm willing to edit myself down to. Thank you, Brian.
If it makes you feel any better—you’re not alone. It’s been a serious struggle for me to properly navigate as well!

I would really encourage people who do not see or understand the toxicity in this community to really listen to those who do experience its effects. Halloween Horror Nights (and theme parks in general!) should and can be for everyone.
I would really encourage people who do not see or understand the toxicity in this community to really listen to those who do experience its effects. Halloween Horror Nights (and theme parks in general!) should and can be for everyone.

Perhaps I'm naive but to me gatekeeping and discrimination in the horror community is far more age based. Like while I still want HHN to be mostly stuff aimed at late teens and young adults I don't believe that should keep younger people from enjoying it. I fell in love with the horror genre when I was 10--guess what drew me in? Hint: it involved a certain grandma.
Perhaps I'm naive but to me gatekeeping and discrimination in the horror community is far more age based. Like while I still want HHN to be mostly stuff aimed at late teens and young adults I don't believe that should keep younger people from enjoying it. I fell in love with the horror genre when I was 10. And guess what drew me in? Hint: it involved a certain grandma.
That's an issue, but not the biggest, not by a sight. I would respectfully suggest you take Clive's advice and listen to what's been said here recently.
That's an issue, but not the biggest, not by a sight. I would respectfully suggest you take Clive's advice and listen to what's been said here recently.

You and A definitely have a point...I remember when Critical said he didn't want female icons, or something to that effect. :huh:
Perhaps I'm naive but to me gatekeeping and discrimination in the horror community is far more age based. Like while I still want HHN to be mostly stuff aimed at late teens and young adults I don't believe that should keep younger people from enjoying it. I fell in love with the horror genre when I was 10--guess what drew me in? Hint: it involved a certain grandma.
Many of the die-hards were pretty young when they first went to HHN...2001 was my first and I was in 4th grade

The concern about a younger demo attending is funny to me

Ironically, the more the event has expanded and changed the more it has blown up into a juggernaut
As far the toxicity in this fandom - it's around. Between gatekeepers and toxic masculinity, there is a core of fans that poison the well. We shouldn't dismiss it just because you don't feel you don't fall into that label, as that does nothing to solve that issue.

Very well said, Brian!

I would really encourage people who do not see or understand the toxicity in this community to really listen to those who do experience its effects. Halloween Horror Nights (and theme parks in general!) should and can be for everyone.

Agreed, for me I've seen various forms of gatekeeping. Some forms it's directed at teens/the event attracting teens. Other forms it's claiming the event has gone or going "family-friendly" just because it decided to have an IP that's not a R-Rated movie, or if it's a Horror-Comedy, or a TV-show, or heck, I've seen gatekeeping over things that arn't bloody. A lot of it can be boiled down to the toxic mentality of "If it's not what -I- think is "Horror", than -I- don't want them to have it."

A wonderful thing about Horror is it's a Baskin Robbin's of styles, subgenres and various forms of media. You've got slashers, psychological horror, horror comedies, slow burns, Cinéma vérité , stop motion, German Expressionism, anthologies, body horror, cosmic horror, horror which does it's darndest to emulate a snuff film. The list honestly goes on and on. On top of that, it's got a broad audience range as well. Horror has been introduced to people in so many ways, from Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark (as well as R.L. Stein's The Haunting Hour which get's pretty F'd Up at times), to films and shows that arn't explicitly horror. So for an event that's celebrating Horror, the gatekeeping has honestly be on the annoying/frustrating side. I feel the creative minds at A&D have done a great job giving a nice variety of Horror each year, it doesn't need jerkwads trying to push others aside and out because it doesn't match up with their views.
Very well said, Brian!

Agreed, for me I've seen various forms of gatekeeping. Some forms it's directed at teens/the event attracting teens. Other forms it's claiming the event has gone or going "family-friendly" just because it decided to have an IP that's not a R-Rated movie, or if it's a Horror-Comedy, or a TV-show, or heck, I've seen gatekeeping over things that arn't bloody. A lot of it can be boiled down to the toxic mentality of "If it's not what -I- think is "Horror", than -I- don't want them to have it."

A wonderful thing about Horror is it's a Baskin Robbin's of styles, subgenres and various forms of media. You've got slashers, psychological horror, horror comedies, slow burns, Cinéma vérité , stop motion, German Expressionism, anthologies, body horror, cosmic horror, horror which does it's darndest to emulate a snuff film. The list honestly goes on and on. On top of that, it's got a broad audience range as well. Horror has been introduced to people in so many ways, from Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark (as well as R.L. Stein's The Haunting Hour which get's pretty F'd Up at times), to films and shows that arn't explicitly horror. So for an event that's celebrating Horror, the gatekeeping has honestly be on the annoying/frustrating side. I feel the creative minds at A&D have done a great job giving a nice variety of Horror each year, it doesn't need jerkwads trying to push others aside and out because it doesn't match up with their views.
Lol side note the episode of Goosebumps 'The Haunted Mask' and 'Night of the Living Dummy' personally left me terrified when I was younger as did the books
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I would really encourage people who do not see or understand the toxicity in this community to really listen to those who do experience its effects. Halloween Horror Nights (and theme parks in general!) should and can be for everyone.

You and A definitely have a point...I remember when Critical said he didn't want female icons, or something to that effect. :huh:

I’m putting this behind a cut because even though I tried to keep it brief it’s still long and triggering, but, I’m hoping some people here will take the time to read it, and, I hope it helps some people better understand what it’s like from just one woman’s point of view.

I only say all this to give a little background to who’s taking to task these criticisms rooted in misogyny: I grew up an only child, the only daughter to a widow, and (like all girls), but, especially because of that, I had to grow up very quickly. I also grew up obsessed with the little mogul Olsen twins, worshiping the Spice Girls in the era of Girl Power, and watching one of my childhood idols, Britney Spears, get asked by men in interviews about her virginity and her breasts, and always handling it as gracefully as possible. The first time I remember being sexually harassed I was a small child. When I was sexually assaulted, I was a teenager. I’ve been one of the only girls in a room full of powerful, even famous, grown adult men that I looked up to and it was uncomfortable at the best of times and downright predatory at the worst. So, the opinions and judgments from men are not new to me.

Enter Billie Eilish, a very popular musical artist (edit: that also happens to be an HHN fan like us) that is inspired by horror movies and has helped put a horror aesthetic on the map, what could be bad about that to HHN fans? Well, she’s something the HHN community hasn’t dealt with before—she’s an outspoken young woman who does not want to be sexualized. In this fandom, I’ve never seen anything like the pure hatred that got aimed at Billie’s inclusion. Was this level of vitriol there for an entire event centered around Chance? The scantily clad girlfriend of Jack? No, because at the end of the day she’s deemed acceptable to the fanboys because she’s palatable. She’s the one who’ll say yes in their minds, when Billie is the one who’ll say no.

I realize that I say this knowing full well that I’m the woman in a room full of men again, but, at my core I still see things through rose colored glasses and I really hate to give up hope. I’ve tried privately to help make this community better, and, I’m gonna keep trying to make things better publicly because someone has to. A light needs to be shed on these difficult topics, it won’t get better without it—you’ll simply end up shutting out more people that should be included. People that have new, fresh, interesting mindsets, with ideas that could turn into really amazing houses, people with minds like Billie’s.
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Lol side note the episode of Goosebumps 'The Haunted Mask' and 'Night of the Living Dummy' personally left me terrified when I was younger as did the books

As a kid, I could watch Alien, Leprechaun, Hellraiser, and be completely fine.

But I had non-stop nightmares of Stay Puft and the Terror Dogs from Ghostbusters
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