Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 84 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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Lol side note the episode of Goosebumps 'The Haunted Mask' and 'Night of the Living Dummy' personally left me terrified when I was younger as did the books

As a kid, I could watch Alien, Leprechaun, Hellraiser, and be completely fine.

But I had non-stop nightmares of Stay Puft and the Terror Dogs from Ghostbusters

The Haunted Mask episode was pretty dang good horror for kids. I know many friends who were terrified of Are You Afraid of the Dark's "The Tale of the Dead Man's Float". I somehow missed that episode growing up, but I have no doubt that one would've wrecked me as a kid.

...meanwhile the thing that *did* terrify me as a kid? The trailer for Home Alone 2...specifically the start of it which had the camera circle a CGI Statue of Liberty who proceed to scream like Kevin the moment the camera zoomed in on it. Screaming Lady Liberty scared the HELL out of me, I would not watch anything which had that trailer in front of it. Which made things difficult for watching FernGully since I loved FernGully, but I knew the trailer for HA2 was in the VHS, and I wouldn't listen to my Mom's insistence that she could fast-forward through the trailer. (She got real good at knowing when it was past the trailer.)
As a kid, I could watch Alien, Leprechaun, Hellraiser, and be completely fine.

But I had non-stop nightmares of Stay Puft and the Terror Dogs from Ghostbusters
The only thing that ever gave me the meemies was the eel monsters and the pituitary glands in FROM BEYOND. Of course, I saw Silent Night Deadly Night at seven and read my first Stephen King at eight (Thinner, and guess what Sai King taught me in THAT one) so I might have been a tough kid to scare. :)
Not to switch gears too quickly...I appreciate the vulnerability here, I really do (I know tone is impossible to tell from the internet, but I'm being serious).

I guess the degree of backlash was entirely missed on me. I just took it as normal complaints like when Stranger Things was included or The Walking Dead was announced and dismissed it.

I remember first hearing about the house here as a score for a Monsters house, which I wasn't terribly thrilled about...Because the Skrillex/Monsters/HHN crossover was a disaster

Then, it was "she's going to have her own house" and the question for me became "is it going to wind up like Alice Cooper or one of their experimental abstract houses that fell flat?"

All the while I'm seeing general excitement...Granted, It was from "Billie Eillish Updates" on Twitter lol and random pop blogs that I follow anyway...

For me, it just seemed Universal was doing Universal and including popular IPs to make money and people that were unfamiliar with her music weren't terribly thrilled about the hip new IP coming to HHN...I would make a joke about Disorientorium and someone would yell at me...same ole same ole...

So...I guess I didn't realize there was the amount of backlash that there was apparently.

I'm rejoining the HHN Facebook page to see what I missed

All that being said, I'm deeply disappointed that theme park fans made anyone (particularly you @Allison ) feel that way...It's definitely not welcomed in the community.

And it's something to keep in mind in the future as we discuss things.
My thoughts on Eilish- I was not excited for the house and am kind of happy it was destroyed: I am not a fan of her music, making the house seem uninteresting. I would have gone through it, and maybe enjoyed it, but at the end of the day I can avoid it if need be and i still have 9 other houses to look forward to. I definitely understand the annoyance and frustration with people who are bashing the event for the Billie Eilish house, but I think it’s fair to acknowledge that her hohse doesn’t appeal to everyone, just like any other. Again- I am not saying that some or even most people aren’t doing it because of sexism, but there are some that are just uninterested.
I was conflicted with Eilish because I saw both sides and was as 50/50 as someone could get.

I really dislike Eilish's music (ironically her music appealed to me more after the brand change) mostly because the music was as edgy as it could of gotten and I really am one to like horror based music, but not in that neck of the woods if you know what I mean.

But at the same time her imagery and vision in her music videos was crazy. I really was looking forward to any of that representation being in a house.

If it was as good as @Legacy has said, my fellow members, we really missed out on what could of been a great house. Could it have been in the top 5? Probably not, but it's good to think it could have been a game changer for how music is shaped into HHN, as it sounded like it was a half IP/ half Original situation.

Closing thought though that's off topic, I really hope the Original/IP houses are normalized. Even if the extent of what can be specifically classified as that can be debated ("The Bride of Frankenstein Lives").

Inconclusion, we missed out on a banger guys. I really hope whatever is stepping out of the shadows to replace it is just as good.
Closing thought though that's off topic, I really hope the Original/IP houses are normalized. Even if the extent of what can be specifically classified as that can be debated ("The Bride of Frankenstein Lives").
Yes, with the Monsters the possibilities are there to tell their own stories

"original" at HHN has always made me giggle as a lot of the "original" mazes have been deeply influenced by IPs
that way lies madness
In regards to gatekeeping and toxicity, that FB group knows no bounds. I personally prefer the Shadybrook Asylum group.

I'm a little late to the convo, but I have absolutely experienced plenty of gatekeeping in the community (my first HHN was 2016). At this point I kinda just have to laugh about it though - it's a weird thing for people to try to keep from others.
Not to switch gears too quickly...I appreciate the vulnerability here, I really do (I know tone is impossible to tell from the internet, but I'm being serious).

I guess the degree of backlash was entirely missed on me. I just took it as normal complaints like when Stranger Things was included or The Walking Dead was announced and dismissed it.

I remember first hearing about the house here as a score for a Monsters house, which I wasn't terribly thrilled about...Because the Skrillex/Monsters/HHN crossover was a disaster

Then, it was "she's going to have her own house" and the question for me became "is it going to wind up like Alice Cooper or one of their experimental abstract houses that fell flat?"

All the while I'm seeing general excitement...Granted, It was from "Billie Eillish Updates" on Twitter lol and random pop blogs that I follow anyway...

For me, it just seemed Universal was doing Universal and including popular IPs to make money and people that were unfamiliar with her music weren't terribly thrilled about the hip new IP coming to HHN...I would make a joke about Disorientorium and someone would yell at me...same ole same ole...

So...I guess I didn't realize there was the amount of backlash that there was apparently.

I'm rejoining the HHN Facebook page to see what I missed

All that being said, I'm deeply disappointed that theme park fans made anyone (particularly you @Allison ) feel that way...It's definitely not welcomed in the community.

And it's something to keep in mind in the future as we discuss things.

I personally cannot attest to how bad things were on Facebook, but, these kind of comments have unfortunately shown up here, too. @Joe has mentioned having to delete them. I wouldn’t have posted all that I did if I didn’t believe these issues exist here.

My thoughts on Eilish- I was not excited for the house and am kind of happy it was destroyed: I am not a fan of her music, making the house seem uninteresting. I would have gone through it, and maybe enjoyed it, but at the end of the day I can avoid it if need be and i still have 9 other houses to look forward to. I definitely understand the annoyance and frustration with people who are bashing the event for the Billie Eilish house, but I think it’s fair to acknowledge that her hohse doesn’t appeal to everyone, just like any other. Again- I am not saying that some or even most people aren’t doing it because of sexism, but there are some that are just uninterested.

Sweeping under the rug just how bad things were by “not all HHN fans”-ing it is part of the problem.

We have all been very well aware from day one that there are fans that simply are not interested, if you’re one of those people then you shouldn’t feel the need to even clarify your stance because you’re not effected by these comments, right? If you’re going to skip the house because you’re not a fan of her music, knowing that there was already a flood of backlash over her inclusion, why even contribute to making the problem worse in the first place? Hit dogs holler, which is what I’m talking about and hoping will spark some change. The people that may not fully comprehend just how deeply misogynistic that hate fueled backlash over her was. Personally, in a perfect world I wouldn’t have had to even make that post because people would’ve seen how misogynistic the hate was, and, IMO, it shouldn’t have to take a neon sign flashing in front of your face to simply call it what it was.

I know I won’t be able to get through to everyone, but, to anyone that sees the problem and genuinely wants to change I’m hoping my comments on the issue reach you.
Damn, I am seen and I have been called out all at the same time!


Jokes aside, this fandom (just like all others) has some really deeply toxic traits to it. Until it’s called out for what it is, instead of swept under the rug, it’s just gonna be the elephant in the room that not all of us feel they have the luxury to ignore.

I wasn't trying to single you out and I absolutely agree with what you've said. Toxic masculinity, I get it. I've seen it. When I was younger, I was probably part of the problem. I'm not a fan of Billie, but supported her inclusion in previous posts saying I'd be interested in seeing it and opening my eyes to this phenomenon that as as someone closer to 60 than 20, I'm not familiar with.

I was saying that as in it's not relevant to current speculation as the house is not coming back, goes back over a year, and is a topic so large and important that using a forum like this to try to talk about it doesn't do it justice. That's what I meant by "tired and irrelevant." On an HHN forum I'm talking in terms of HHN, not big picture social justice and gender equality. I apologize if I offended anybody by sounding as if I thought the topic itself was "tired and irrelevant" in society, I certainly don't think that at all, but just saying that the BILLIE discussion was no longer relevant as we've known for about 6 months that the house is never going to see the light of day...or dark of night...whatever.

Those same people pissed about Billie would be chomping at the bit if you had a lesbian vampires house ala Castle Vampyre. Was I that way when I first started attending HHN? Unfortunately yes. Now when I go and see scantily clad teens and early 20 year olds I feel like a dirty old man as I have friends with kids older than that.

There have been past discussions about the event being almost all white people and needing to have houses that are more inclusive, I get that. I thought that Us would be a step in the right direction. There was no backlash about that house (other than the fact that it was pretty boring) and no discussion about how it seemingly failed to bring in a more diverse group of people based on the "eyeball test" of what I saw in terms of crowds. I was surprised by the lack of reaction either way. But that discussion is being played out on a much larger stage, where it belongs, and hopefully any progress that becomes of it will "trickle down" to something as insignificant (in the big picture) as a themepark event.

Your points deserve more attention than a sub forum on a site for amusement parks.
Your points deserve more attention than a sub forum on a site for amusement parks.

While I agree, we start where we live. The haunt and horror community needs to hear about it, as much or more than any other. Misogyny exists everywhere, but we do what we can to clean the house we live in, which keeps us from losing the trees for the forest.
I wasn't trying to single you out and I absolutely agree with what you've said. Toxic masculinity, I get it. I've seen it. When I was younger, I was probably part of the problem. I'm not a fan of Billie, but supported her inclusion in previous posts saying I'd be interested in seeing it and opening my eyes to this phenomenon that as as someone closer to 60 than 20, I'm not familiar with.

I was saying that as in it's not relevant to current speculation as the house is not coming back, goes back over a year, and is a topic so large and important that using a forum like this to try to talk about it doesn't do it justice. That's what I meant by "tired and irrelevant." On an HHN forum I'm talking in terms of HHN, not big picture social justice and gender equality. I apologize if I offended anybody by sounding as if I thought the topic itself was "tired and irrelevant" in society, I certainly don't think that at all, but just saying that the BILLIE discussion was no longer relevant as we've known for about 6 months that the house is never going to see the light of day...or dark of night...whatever.

Those same people pissed about Billie would be chomping at the bit if you had a lesbian vampires house ala Castle Vampyre. Was I that way when I first started attending HHN? Unfortunately yes. Now when I go and see scantily clad teens and early 20 year olds I feel like a dirty old man as I have friends with kids older than that.

There have been past discussions about the event being almost all white people and needing to have houses that are more inclusive, I get that. I thought that Us would be a step in the right direction. There was no backlash about that house (other than the fact that it was pretty boring) and no discussion about how it seemingly failed to bring in a more diverse group of people based on the "eyeball test" of what I saw in terms of crowds. I was surprised by the lack of reaction either way. But that discussion is being played out on a much larger stage, where it belongs, and hopefully any progress that becomes of it will "trickle down" to something as insignificant (in the big picture) as a themepark event.

Your points deserve more attention than a sub forum on a site for amusement parks.
@Allison ’s points are absolutely salient beyond theme parks. But arguing that the discussion should only exist beyond this “forum” (the HHN fandom) is exactly how toxicity festers in smaller communities. It’s an unconscious dismissal of the problems within the community itself. By NOT talking about it, the tacit message is that it’s not a problem.

Societal issues improve from the bottom up. Pointing out the historical issues of toxicity and misogyny in the HHN community is the only way to improve the HHN community. From there, more change can occur beyond this community into others.
@Allison ’s points are absolutely salient beyond theme parks. But arguing that the discussion should only exist beyond this “forum” (the HHN fandom) is exactly how toxicity festers in smaller communities. It’s an unconscious dismissal of the problems within the community itself. By NOT talking about it, the tacit message is that it’s not a problem.
I would argue that we're past the point where the dismissal is unintentional. On an individual basis, if we're being super super charitable, maybe someone could be that one in a million, but as a group? That ship has long past sailed.
speaking of trees I have been really thinking about the Seeds of Extinction house recently. Hoo boy. That one got me. Hopefully there is a house that hides the scare actors that well this year.
That's one of my all time favorite houses...especially that year

@Allison ’s points are absolutely salient beyond theme parks. But arguing that the discussion should only exist beyond this “forum” (the HHN fandom) is exactly how toxicity festers in smaller communities. It’s an unconscious dismissal of the problems within the community itself. By NOT talking about it, the tacit message is that it’s not a problem.

Societal issues improve from the bottom up. Pointing out the historical issues of toxicity and misogyny in the HHN community is the only way to improve the HHN community. From there, more change can occur beyond this community into others.
This holds true until a conservative, or heaven forbid a conservative woman, creates something that's featured at HHN

Then ya'll are out for blood
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That's one of my all time favorite houses...especially that year

This holds true until a conservative, or heaven forbid a conservative woman, creates something that's featured at HHN

Then ya'll are out for blood
Name one time that's happened at HHN, where the conservative is the problem and not what they create. I dare you.

I'll go one step further and say that every time Im aware of thatcontent has been changed to placate an ideology, it's been to placate the politically or religiously conservative, IE changing the GOD mask to DOG in the Purge, toning down the religious imagery in The Fallen, the voodoo queen mini show, and on and on.
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I really started to see just how ugly the community can be when Stranger Things came to the event. Seeing people complain only because kids were at the event. Not that they were causing a ruckus, being a distraction, etc. Just the fact that they were there.

And if you would even suggest that it really isn't a big deal, you would get the patented "you don't know how great HHN used to be"
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