Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 87 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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The only time I was really upset with kids at HHN is when one jumped on a ketchup packet to cause a mess by Mel's, and it splattered on my shoes.

Damn kids.
Isn't that like an actual ongoing thing at HHN. There's just a bunch of kids at Mel's that kind of just exist and they're always there every night. I've had friends say it too; my friends were walking by and the entire place was just middle schoolers by Mel's.
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Do you guys think we could please get back to HHN speculation or even just nothing? Not trying to bring a negative response or saying that these conversations are important, but it seems like the same points are kind of being repeated over and over again.

Not trying to bring a negative response but you’re going to bring a negative response because the conversation is too uncomfortable & inconvenient for you.

Believe it or not it’s really hard for me to talk about, too, but it has to happen if it’s going to inspire a positive change in the community.

I knew going into this I wouldn’t get through to everybody, and if you’re one of those people I’m not getting through to then I’m sorry to hear that, but, as stated, you don’t have to participate in this topic if it’s no interest to you.

Just like you said you were going to skip the Billie house because you had no interest in it, you can skip this topic just as easily.
Vanity Ball had a lot of opposition because "gay" when that shouldn't be criteria for rating a zone. That doesn't mean if you didn't like Vanity Ball, you were anti-LGBTQ+, but that also doesn't negate the fact that there are those people who exist and add to the toxicity.
Wait, what? WTF did I miss? What did Vanity Ball have to do with gay? Honestly, I didn't see that at all so clearly I missed something when experiencing it. Were the surgeries supposed to be specifically trans surgeries or something? I thought it was just plastic surgery gone wrong. I really liked that zone the first night I went (early in the event), but it really got bad towards the end where I felt the SAs were just kind of mailing it in (and a lot of times there were barely any SAs even in the zone it seemed). Not sure if anyone else had a similar experience. But any gay or trans angle was completely lost on me.
Wait, what? WTF did I miss? What did Vanity Ball have to do with gay? Honestly, I didn't see that at all so clearly I missed something when experiencing it. Were the surgeries supposed to be specifically trans surgeries or something? I thought it was just plastic surgery gone wrong. I really liked that zone the first night I went (early in the event), but it really got bad towards the end where I felt the SAs were just kind of mailing it in (and a lot of times there were barely any SAs even in the zone it seemed). Not sure if anyone else had a similar experience. But any gay or trans angle was completely lost on me.
EDIT- it was a horror-based celebration of an explicitly gay culture-centered experience.
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It was gay. Of course some people got pissed about it.
Lame. But then this is the perfect example of why I don't have Twitter or FB or any of those other apps. I can just go to the event and enjoy it for what it is instead of having to read this type of crap.
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As someone who didn’t even know what Ball Culture was, I can say it did give me RuPaul’s Drag Race vibes.
It was definitely heavily inspired by that kinda glamorous drag aesthetic and ball culture. It seemed really heavily inspired by the looks of The Boulet Brothers Dragula show, which is basically a mix of RuPaul’s Drag Race and the horror genre. If you miss Vanity Ball, check that show out, it’s a fun watch!
As far as misogyny in the haunt industry, I can certainly vouch for that. My fiancée and I worked at a haunt for several years and I can't even tell you the amount of times she was groped while working. Don't get me wrong, I was too - but she dealt with it waaaaay more.

As far as at HHN - I gotta say that the go-go dancers in Hellbilly Deluxe probably did NOT apply to HHN thinking they would be doing that. I can only imagine how bad it could have been had they not been 10 feet in the air.

And I'm lucky enough to have not experienced the Mel's kids. I always hear about them, but Mel's always seems oddly abandoned when I go past.
It was gay. Of course some people got pissed about it.

Might as well add wood to the fire. As a gay man and just share my personal experiences. I find HHN in a way TO ME a gay catered event in a way and I know lots of gays do too, they love LOVE the event. And having Vanity Ball was such a fun zone it was one of the zones I sat and enjoyed watching, I know tons of people in the spectrum work the event I see them everywhere every year at HHN but it was fun seeing them have so much fun in the zone and being even more overtly flamboyant. But point is that even though I know I see them everywhere at HHN I think people who would do LGBT+ people harm wouldn't know/see them otherwise however while doing my usual watching at Vanity there were some people walking through the zone who said some things that made me question if they would do LGBT+ people harm and I was generally concerned for the actors well being...thankfully I never witnessed anything happen but know I heard some worrisome things.
Might as well add wood to the fire. As a gay man and just share my personal experiences. I find HHN in a way TO ME a gay catered event in a way and I know lots of gays do too, they love LOVE the event. And having Vanity Ball was such a fun zone it was one of the zones I sat and enjoyed watching, I know tons of people in the spectrum work the event I see them everywhere every year at HHN but it was fun seeing them have so much fun in the zone and being even more overtly flamboyant. But point is that even though I know I see them everywhere at HHN I think people who would do LGBT+ people harm wouldn't know/see them otherwise however while doing my usual watching at Vanity there were some people walking through the zone who said some things that made me question if they would do LGBT+ people harm and I was generally concerned for the actors well being...thankfully I never witnessed anything happen but know I heard some worrisome things.
100% the experience for me and my friends.
But point is that even though I know I see them everywhere at HHN I think people who would do LGBT+ people harm wouldn't know/see them otherwise however while doing my usual watching at Vanity there were some people walking through the zone who said some things that made me question if they would do LGBT+ people harm and I was generally concerned for the actors well being...thankfully I never witnessed anything happen but know I heard some worrisome things.
100% this. As a gay man, it’s so fun to see HHN have a scarezone that feels like one big celebration of the LGBT community, but even in my two days of attending that event, a lot of the guests walking through VB said things either about certain scareactors or the LGBT community as a whole that made me genuinely worry for their safety.
Might as well add wood to the fire. As a gay man and just share my personal experiences. I find HHN in a way TO ME a gay catered event in a way and I know lots of gays do too, they love LOVE the event. And having Vanity Ball was such a fun zone it was one of the zones I sat and enjoyed watching, I know tons of people in the spectrum work the event I see them everywhere every year at HHN but it was fun seeing them have so much fun in the zone and being even more overtly flamboyant. But point is that even though I know I see them everywhere at HHN I think people who would do LGBT+ people harm wouldn't know/see them otherwise however while doing my usual watching at Vanity there were some people walking through the zone who said some things that made me question if they would do LGBT+ people harm and I was generally concerned for the actors well being...thankfully I never witnessed anything happen but know I heard some worrisome things.
While I have to admit the Ru Paul aesthetic and all that is not really my thing personally I am very pro LGBT+ and did not really know if I would like Vanity ball especially since I liked chucky so much in that space the year before, but that zone was a blast.

I would be interested to see how they could turn it into a house. I think I shared some of the same concerns about people reactions who might be combative of something like that at HHN or even harm TMS working the zone but I did not see anything like that either in the time I spent there. My cousin who is very much in the drag community told me how much the zone meant to her so I am glad that zone crushed it so well!
Do you guys think we could please get back to HHN speculation or even just nothing? Not trying to bring a negative response or saying that these conversations are important, but it seems like the same points are kind of being repeated over and over again.
I had to circle back to this because it's bugging me.

We have a unique year in the sense that we pretty much know what we're getting down to certain rooms & characters in some cases even. There's only so much to discuss for 6 more months until the event starts. Why can we circle around the same topics ad nauseam and discuss ticket and RIP Tour options for days nonstop, but we can't have an intricate & important discussion on gender, sexuality, etc, and how it plays a role in the haunt scene for a single day? That's not even touching on how gross it is to ask if we can just "not discuss anything" rather than have this discussion. You can't bury discrimination.
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I had to circle back to this because it's bugging me.

We have a unique year in the sense that we pretty much know what we're getting down to certain rooms & characters in some cases even. There's only so much to discuss for 6 more months until the event starts. Why can we circle around the same topics ad nauseam and discuss ticket and RIP Tour options for days nonstop, but we can't have an intricate & important discussion and gender, sexuality, etc, and how it plays a role in the haunt scene for a single day? That's not even touching on how gross it is to ask if we can just "not discuss anything" rather than have this discussion. You can't bury discrimination.

But we need to spec on the menu for Scareactor Dining! (sarcasm)

I don't say much on this thread, but read it plenty because as the saying goes "If you got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all."

Due to the abby-normal circumstances, we kinda know majority of the event, and that's cool. But also means we don't have anything new to hivemind by tearing it apart and analyze. A little bit of self-reflection collectively on how to make things better for all doesn't hurt. It's not asking for anything beyond "don't be a jerk to another person," and I think that shouldn't be an impossible ask for anyone.

Happy Friday everybody.
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