Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 89 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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I don’t mind at all! Keep in mind, this is all personal taste and if you liked Hellbilly, that’s great, you don’t have to agree.
Hellbilly fit Rob Zombie’s aesthetic perfectly, and unfortunately that is part of the issue. The horror of the scarezone revolved mostly around using the Go-Go dancers as almost a sort of eye-candy, and because of that, it created a very trashy environment that just felt gross to be in. Now, feeling gross is something I tend to like in horror, it means horror is doing it’s job: however this felt gross in a way that was rooted more in misogyny and the objectification of women. That’s what made it so uncomfortable for me.
In addition, the scarezone attracted a specific crowd of mostly drunk men, and while in that scarezone I saw scareactors (especially female scareactors) being harassed by these drunk park goers. Attracting this kind if crowd by objectifying people is bad enough in movies, but at haunts it’s worse because this is a live, physical performer that has to interact in close range with people who may view them as no more than a prop. They could be heckled, assaulted, or injured. Hellbilly is basically the sole reason I advocate so firmly about making HHN a dry event, because that zone showed me how little you can trust the general audience around scareactors when they’re drunk.
I hope this makes sense! Once again, this is personal taste and personal opinion. Please feel free to educate me if I’ve said anything wrong though.

This is the style of discussion that I love to see. You had an issue with the content, spelled out logically what you found concerning, and understood that there probably exists a reasonable opposing view.

I for one think that horror benefits from a bit of objectification. In moderation, of course, and from both sides (let’s get some scantily clad guys for those that are into that as well). Oh, and the actors have to be comfortable with the role as well.

It just sucks that the other human element exists. The one that feels entitled to harass said performers, just because they’re presenting a certain archetype.

We’re in total agreement that the event needs more alcohol moderation, but that’s probably not happening any time soon.
Nobody is 100% sure. I’ve heard rumors of Chucky, Halloween 3, some original, but it all seems to be baseless speculation. I know Halloween 3 is rumoured for HHN Hollywood though, but I don’t think it’ll transfer over here.
From what little we know of Ellish, it seems like it would probably have to be a more colorful theme. I could see them resurrect Chucky: Friends ‘till the End from 2009 into that space. They did that with Saw.
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I don’t mind at all! Keep in mind, this is all personal taste and if you liked Hellbilly, that’s great, you don’t have to agree.
Hellbilly fit Rob Zombie’s aesthetic perfectly, and unfortunately that is part of the issue. The horror of the scarezone revolved mostly around using the Go-Go dancers as almost a sort of eye-candy, and because of that, it created a very trashy environment that just felt gross to be in. Now, feeling gross is something I tend to like in horror, it means horror is doing it’s job: however this felt gross in a way that was rooted more in misogyny and the objectification of women. That’s what made it so uncomfortable for me.
In addition, the scarezone attracted a specific crowd of mostly drunk men, and while in that scarezone I saw scareactors (especially female scareactors) being harassed by these drunk park goers. Attracting this kind if crowd by objectifying people is bad enough in movies, but at haunts it’s worse because this is a live, physical performer that has to interact in close range with people who may view them as no more than a prop. They could be heckled, assaulted, or injured. Hellbilly is basically the sole reason I advocate so firmly about making HHN a dry event, because that zone showed me how little you can trust the general audience around scareactors when they’re drunk.
I hope this makes sense! Once again, this is personal taste and personal opinion. Please feel free to educate me if I’ve said anything wrong though.

Very well said!

Now on the topic of wanting to make HHN a dry event. With me personally going on 11 years at working at a local haunt, I can firmly understand wanting a dry event. We deal with various drunks every year, be it annoying, abusive and the occasional ones which make for amazingly funny stories...yet we don't sell any booze at the haunt I work at. Which brings me to a very blunt and unfortunate truth, even if the event was dry, it would still be dealing with plenty of drunk jerkwads a plenty. People pregame, be it at their cars, or in HHN's case over at the hotels or CityWalk. While a dry event could stop the overtly smashed folks from getting in...the others can slip right through and in my personal experiences as well as my co-workers, those folks can be bigger issues since they're more in control of their movements and actions. Loose enough to try and pull something, and sober-ish enough to actually go through with it. Then you got the completely sober jerkwads who can be just as bad, if not worse than the drunks.

For me it's gotta' be more of a moderation thing, since the way to get as dry of an event as possible just isn't going to fly with the nearby bars and restaurants.
Hey y’all, as important as this topic is, especially to me, Brian said we’re done. I don’t want any of us gettin in trouble here with him. If I may say one final thing though:

The haunt community has work to do. We need more LGBT people, more women, more BIPOC working on the inside to help the events we love be welcoming and enjoyable to all. And until that happens, this will be a topic that must be discussed. This is important to the growth and future of haunts and horror. Keep that in mind. Once this forum has cooled off from how heated it got today, this should be discussed again in whatever way the mods allow it to be.
Yikes......humongous yikes. I (and so many others associated with this thread) go to HHN to escape and have a night (or multiple) of fun. Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community and a strong believer in elimianting bigotry, it's a shame some in this fandom can't just push our differences between them and our respective communities aside so that we can all enjoy the event as a whole HHN family. This kind of response from some of you is honestly dissapointing.

EDIT: I just now saw Brian's message, apoligies.
You know who would have NONE of this?

This queer icon:

Back to HHN 30, I am absolutely ecstatic that I am going to be given the opportunity to see the Icons in person! I have been wanting to see them ever since I started going to the event back in 2018 and I am excited to see what they have in store to scare the hell out of me. I feel like Icons may be at the top of my hype-list (even topping Beetlejuice, and that's saying something!) especially with the Terra Queen included. I can tell this year is gonna stand out above the rest for sure, especially after the taste we got last year.
Nah, I've just decided that because I, a queer man, view Dr. Agana as a queer legend, that she is now a queer legend.


Ok, back to spec lol
Hey, that's good enough for me!

This is one of those "doubt thing that's plug-common because *I* haven't seen it" - "wait a minute, I see it all the time" - "it happens to us in our numbers" cycles that are so prevalent. It'll pop up twice more on this forum before Halloween.

I hereby renounce my skepticism toward psychics because I am one now. :)
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We're sorry to all for the thread devolving into that chaos and if it offended any of our woman followers or members of the LGBTQ+ community. I've cleaned up the thread starting from when the posts started becoming problematic. I've banned MrTorrance for his comments permanently. While we encourage a difference of opinion, hateful ones are not going to be tolerated - especially when it dismisseses women's issues and homophobia. For now, we'll let the thread get back to HHN speculation and after a cool-down period - we'll open a dedicated thread to the previous discussion.
We're sorry to all for the thread devolving into that chaos and if it offended any of our woman followers or members of the LGBTQ+ community. I've cleaned up the thread starting from when the posts started becoming problematic. I've banned MrTorrance for his comments permanently. While we encourage a difference of opinion, hateful ones are not going to be tolerated - especially when it dismisseses women's issues and homophobia. For now, we'll let the thread get back to HHN speculation and after a cool-down period - we'll open a dedicated thread to the previous discussion.
Once again, thank you. (I am a little sad you deleted the @DannyPowers hilarity, that really was a good one.)
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