I don’t mind at all! Keep in mind, this is all personal taste and if you liked Hellbilly, that’s great, you don’t have to agree.
Hellbilly fit Rob Zombie’s aesthetic perfectly, and unfortunately that is part of the issue. The horror of the scarezone revolved mostly around using the Go-Go dancers as almost a sort of eye-candy, and because of that, it created a very trashy environment that just felt gross to be in. Now, feeling gross is something I tend to like in horror, it means horror is doing it’s job: however this felt gross in a way that was rooted more in misogyny and the objectification of women. That’s what made it so uncomfortable for me.
In addition, the scarezone attracted a specific crowd of mostly drunk men, and while in that scarezone I saw scareactors (especially female scareactors) being harassed by these drunk park goers. Attracting this kind if crowd by objectifying people is bad enough in movies, but at haunts it’s worse because this is a live, physical performer that has to interact in close range with people who may view them as no more than a prop. They could be heckled, assaulted, or injured. Hellbilly is basically the sole reason I advocate so firmly about making HHN a dry event, because that zone showed me how little you can trust the general audience around scareactors when they’re drunk.
I hope this makes sense! Once again, this is personal taste and personal opinion. Please feel free to educate me if I’ve said anything wrong though.