Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021) | Page 92 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 30 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors (2021)

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This may be a slow year of Speculation, but the mystery of Shrek is just so thrilling to me for some reason. Just think, this time last year and the year before that, we had a pretty good idea of what may be going there from leaks, inside info, etc.

But this year? Nothing, not the smallest crumb. Honestly, I love it.
And I hope it stays a mystery all the way up till the moment it is announced.
I’m pretty behind on what’s going with spec, but if Michael Myers were to appear in an H3 maze, would they try to tie him into the story, or would it be more of a cameo scare?
Looking into ticketing options next week if things continue to go well, fingers crossed! Great spec, those doing the spec-ing. Happy to see so many familiar faces still hanging around and trying to make sense of this whole wild year. I'm happy to see what surprises the dismantling of Billie's house might bring us, even if I was intrigued by the potential it had. Always fun to throw a mystery wrench into the cogs.

Personally I’d prefer Snyder Cut house. Parademons everywhere:lol:

unfortunately even tho both are not likely they also fall under that whole WB thing

Let's free DC from WB jail (or...asylum?) so we can get an all-around DC-themed house and I can finally see my spooky homie Ragdoll pop out and deliver this line:


There’s none as I see it. There’s potential replacement IP’s such as Halloween or Candyman, but nothing on the level of Billie or Stranger Things is out there.
At this point I
Because why would they want Comcast/Universal to make even more profits?
They got soaked doing their Horror Comes Home event. They'll play ball where they can. Shining and Exorcist are both WB.
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I was thinking about how you could throw in a Michael Myers cameo in a Halloween III house and it’s pretty simple: add the bar scene where the Halloween trailer is playing on the TV, round a corner transitioning to the next scene and BAM! Mikey pops out holding a knife in your face.
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I wouldn't imagine this would be the year Universal really throws themselves into getting the rights for Conjuring or IT. It may be year 30, but it's also still really uncertain. At least in my eyes they might want to save those guaranteed hits for a more stable year.

I'm sure we've been through this line of thinking before, but I can't remember for the life of me: why are Warner IP's like IT, Elm Street, Conjuring still perceived as off-limits while we have WB-owned Beetlejuice already confirmed?
I wouldn't imagine this would be the year Universal really throws themselves into getting the rights for Conjuring or IT. It may be year 30, but it's also still really uncertain. At least in my eyes they might want to save those guaranteed hits for a more stable year.

I'm sure we've been through this line of thinking before, but I can't remember for the life of me: why are Warner IP's like IT, Elm Street, Conjuring still perceived as off-limits while we have WB-owned Beetlejuice already confirmed?
Exactly. I also don't see them burning either of those big IPs off in the Shrek theater. If they get IT, they will, as we said up Maine, "put the boots to 'er."
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I wouldn't imagine this would be the year Universal really throws themselves into getting the rights for Conjuring or IT. It may be year 30, but it's also still really uncertain. At least in my eyes they might want to save those guaranteed hits for a more stable year.

I'm sure we've been through this line of thinking before, but I can't remember for the life of me: why are Warner IP's like IT, Elm Street, Conjuring still perceived as off-limits while we have WB-owned Beetlejuice already confirmed?

Part of me thinks IT runs into a Stephen King issue, no clue on Elm Street, Conjuring was more of a interesting situation. It was supposed to happen in 2017, but then the lawsuit on the franchise happened and they pulled it (most likely to avoid any issues), and then later WB did Horror Made Here which threw possibilities of it out the window at the time. As for now, I'd say really depends if WB wants to let Uni have it at this point.

Now as for Beetlejuice, this one's a bit more special. Namely, unlike any of the other properties mentioned, Uni has the rights to have Beetlejuice in the park during the day. An that's something they've had for a very, very long time. I can imagine it wasn't too hard getting that IP for HHN due to that.
Because why would they want Comcast/Universal to make even more profits?
Maybe because WB would get paid for the rights to the property and I’m sure a percentage of merch sells? I always assumed the rights holders never paid for anything and universal paid for everything?
FWIW, I don't see the need for a big replacement IP. While we're looking really good for this year, there's always the chance (knocks on wood) that it can go south. Better to play it safe when you already have BJ as the headliner and biggest draw. Go big when things are 100% back to normal next year.

Or hellraiser /s

on a side note, we should be due for an announcement any day now if they stay with the same “announcement every 16-18 days” schedule they’ve used the past two years

I wouldn't use the past as the measuring stick. It's possible but we're in uncharted waters post(ish)-pandemic.
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