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Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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I'm surprised, too. Didn't we even discuss people hoping for an icon on this forum earlier this year before the latest rumor surfaced? Wasn't there also a time when everyone was clamoring for years with Icons after so many years without them?
People are just going crazy with the lack of info. We'll get the full lineup and people will talk about stacked it is and how excited they are no matter what lol
Yeah either could work.

2 separate houses and maybe a shared zone or one dual icon house.
I hope it’s not a dual house. My idea for two icon is usher and director. If it’s a dual house, the most relevant thing to do is Jack V. Oddfellow.
Jack vs. Oddfellow would be nice on paper but execution wise, I don't think it would end up being anyone's liking at all lol because there's only victor and well they're gonna obviously going to pick Jack since he is the headliner of majority of the icons. Oddfellow was a great character to revive and bring into the icon spotlight but when you place Jack in the mix, its going to be obviously Jack that gets more due in the marketing and etc.
And like Primal said here there will only be one victor. Now I guess that can still work as they can just come back like before or be a Legends Collide scenario. But still I don’t think it will be a v. house.
I don't see having a "main character" so to speak as something they can really overdo. Do poorly? Sure. But overdo? It's just basic storytelling used largely for marketing purposes.
Icons also give the years definition and direction. Its a lot easier to remember HHN 18 or 19 or even 21 then it is to remember any of the Walking Dead years. They also move merchandise... and they're fun. Being afraid icons will "get old" is like worrying that scarezones will get old. They should be a fundamental part of the event.

As for the "A-list IPs" thing - if what we think we know about this year is true (and who knows if it is), we have at least two A-list IPs, Quiet Place and Ghostbusters. GB is one of less then 100 film series that have a firm, longstanding place in the international pop culture zeitgeist. Quiet Place is perhaps the most critically-acclaimed ongoing horror film series. Insidious is underwhelming, but it's Blumhouse and they have a more or less reserved spot at the event. The Uni Monsters do as well (thankfully) and their houses are usually excellent because they are essentially originals.

A comedy IP, a "current release" IP, a Blumhouse, and a Uni Monsters is a pretty standard lineup for a modern HHN. FNaF just isn't worth any angst at all.
80S Vhs GIF
Sure looks like it to me! View attachment 21754
In regards to 2 or more icons...

Sweet 16 in 2006 literally used Jack, Caretaker, Director & Storyteller for the event's 16th anniversary. All four appeared in marketing. It wasn't crazy. But they only got away with it because of the anniversary. Each icon was also attached to a house (2 of their own sequels, 2 in unrelated sequels).

They didn't attempt this again with the 20th, 25th, or 30th. If they did want to try, I'd rather see the icons that came afterwards- Bloody Mary (if only :broken_heart::sob:), Usher, FEAR (he deserves a 2nd chance), Lady Luck, Chance (the other 2nd ....chance :eyes:).

Fun Fact: The concept of TWO icons is nothing new. Back in the golden era of icons, with the old creative team for HHN, they DID dream up ideas of a two icon event. Of course, this was also back during the ambitious two-park event concept. One icon would be for Studios, the other for IOA. Off the top of my head, one icon duo was "Jack & Jill" (would later become Chance in 2007). I'm too lazy to elaborate further, but just wanted to point out the two icon idea isn't "new".

/End history lesson. Class dismissed.
When the first spec map came out everyone was going crazy about Sweets as an icon before there were even any rumors of an icon at all.

Now that there’s actually rumors for icons suddenly it’s “don’t overuse icons” lmao.
Agreed. You can’t really “overuse” having what is essentially a mascot at the event each year.

What you can overuse, is specific characters.
Fans not knowing what they want is a tale as old as time.
*a new character is introduced as Icon of the event*

People in the spec thread: "Boy am I tired of this"

its so funny how you take one persons comment and lump "all" into it. I, me, personally said "don't overuse them" it was an opinion, didn't mean to strike a nerve with some of y'all. We need an announcement soon because with all do respect you all are reading into this poop (lol no swears allowed i guess :lol:) to much lol. Me saying it would be nice for a year gap in between icons vs what has been received as me saying "ditch icons" suddenly... are 2 totally different sayings.

I agreed with
while the Pumpkinlord/Halloween role for 31 brought that classic Halloween feeling to the event.
when he discussed the pumpkin lord. In this case it can be seen as a "mascot" like mentioned above and didn't require a background story. It was just embodying Halloween for the theming. This was a great and awesome execution for what ultimately became an "Icon". It was nice to see a new original character that has no relation to the other icons.

FYI the term "overuse" is for the storytelling and how potential icons interweave with one another. I was referring to other icons (caretaker, chance, eddie, etc) all eventually having some interweaving story that you need to be following thru previous events, in order to understand scare zones or theming for the year. Feel like its was a logically discussion but clearly it has been taken the wrong way so ill just move on from it!
its so funny how you take one persons comment and lump "all" into it. I, me, personally said "don't overuse them" it was an opinion, didn't mean to strike a nerve with some of y'all. We need an announcement soon because with all do respect you all are reading into this poop (lol no swears allowed i guess :lol:) to much lol. Me saying it would be nice for a year gap in between icons vs what has been received as me saying "ditch icons" suddenly... are 2 totally different sayings.

I agreed with

when he discussed the pumpkin lord. In this case it can be seen as a "mascot" like mentioned above and didn't require a background story. It was just embodying Halloween for the theming. This was a great and awesome execution for what ultimately became an "Icon". It was nice to see a new original character that has no relation to the other icons.

FYI the term "overuse" is for the storytelling and how potential icons interweave with one another. I was referring to other icons (caretaker, chance, eddie, etc) all eventually having some interweaving story that you need to be following thru previous events, in order to understand scare zones or theming for the year. Feel like its was a logically discussion but clearly it has been taken the wrong way so ill just move on from it!
I don't know that anyone was taking it that seriously lol
I want to switch gears a little and speculate on ticket offerings. From my understanding, it was decided that the onslaught of ROF ticket holders really made the event almost unbearable during those 3 weeks and once that period passed, the event was more manageable? With that said, do you think their will be less ROF offered this year? I am sooo confused about which ticket option to get because while I was a ROF user, I wouldn't mind getting the FF+ if that means holding off the first few weeks of operations so the ROF'ers can get their fill.
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FYI the term "overuse" is for the storytelling and how potential icons interweave with one another. I was referring to other icons (caretaker, chance, eddie, etc) all eventually having some interweaving story that you need to be following thru previous events, in order to understand scare zones or theming for the year.
That hasn't been a thing in years. Also, it wasn't that deep or difficult to understand due to the effort that was put into the websites back when this was a thing. It was more of a bone being thrown to the dedicated fans. The GP had no clue about any of it, nor was the event done in a way to exclude the GP.

Praise last year all you want, but outside of the forums & Universal PR/blogs, most of the GP didn't catch on to the interwoven theme.

In regards to past icons, most were very basic & not very fleshed out. Jack evolved over the years, but the GP only know him by face, not by backstory. Only the Terra Queen (true icon of 2005), Bloody Mary & Usher had the fully elaborate storytelling treatment, but those were contained to their specific year. Again, only the hardcore fans paid attention to the extra deep-dive details. (Honorable mention goes to Fear & Lady Luck)
In regards to 2 or more icons...

Sweet 16 in 2006 literally used Jack, Caretaker, Director & Storyteller for the event's 16th anniversary. All four appeared in marketing. It wasn't crazy. But they only got away with it because of the anniversary. Each icon was also attached to a house (2 of their own sequels, 2 in unrelated sequels).

They didn't attempt this again with the 20th, 25th, or 30th. If they did want to try, I'd rather see the icons that came afterwards- Bloody Mary (if only :broken_heart::sob:), Usher, FEAR (he deserves a 2nd chance), Lady Luck, Chance (the other 2nd ....chance :eyes:).

Fun Fact: The concept of TWO icons is nothing new. Back in the golden era of icons, with the old creative team for HHN, they DID dream up ideas of a two icon event. Of course, this was also back during the ambitious two-park event concept. One icon would be for Studios, the other for IOA. Off the top of my head, one icon duo was "Jack & Jill" (would later become Chance in 2007). I'm too lazy to elaborate further, but just wanted to point out the two icon idea isn't "new".

/End history lesson. Class dismissed.
Jack vs Eddie was thrown around as well IIRC
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