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Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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Off the top of my head:

@Brian G.
@Alicia (we'll forget about the Weeknd thing ;) )

But in reality, none of them compare to the Ghostbusters Day guy
Like Legacy, I get info, but in more recent years I've stopped feeding into the machine because I've seen the result of rumors becoming reality where people get hurt and we get recycled IP's. Brands are losing trust and this is why we sometimes can't have nice things.
Like Legacy, I get info, but in more recent years I've stopped feeding into the machine because I've seen the result of rumors becoming reality where people get hurt and we get recycled IP's. Brands are losing trust and this is why we sometimes can't have nice things.

I could only imagine how this has affected negotiations for IPs we've been begging for..
I could only imagine how this has affected negotiations for IPs we've been begging for..
Ok just thinking out loud here and Im at zero caffeine so far.... if a company says "ok Uni you can use my movie for one of your haunted houses"... then Uni sets a date of lets say Aug 1st for the official announcement.... then July 1st it somehow gets leaked (ala Halloween that year on the tix kiosk in Walgreens or wherever it was).... why would the IP holders get upset about it? they get a whole month longer in advertising. It creates a month more of excitment for fans of that IP. I can see Uni wanting to keep their planned schedule of course.

I may have even asked this on a forum before now that I typing all this LOL
Well, my aunt's dogsitter's cousin's ex-co-worker is Halloween McInsider soooooo... :yum

If I may get on the soapbox a bit.

I don't like to label myself as an "insider". Connected? Sure. But I don't do the rumor game - mostly because it causes headaches in many ways. I'll pipe in when I can, or when I want to, if I feel there needs to be a clarification. For the past few years though, when I try to share some intel, it feels like a good chunk of fans make it like I'm coming to kick their pet - this "Us vs Them" crap - and that's simply not the case or something I'm trying to be a part of. It happened with the "11 house" rumor, the "Demon Slayer" rumor, and this year with The Weeknd. Just because what I heard doesn't align with what y'all want doesn't make me the enemy, it doesn't make Legacy the enemy. Etc. Etc. And each time, like a pack of hungry carnivores, some of you are ready to pounce at the first drop of blood.

Can I be wrong? Absolutely, and I'll admit when I am. Can I prickly? Yup. Usually happens when you see a photoshop of a flag planted over your "defeated" body in victory for something that's supposed to be fun...

Some of you have lost the plot.
I am actually impressed by Universal's ability to keep things as secret as they do. I cant imagine the number of people it takes to construct and create these houses.
Hollywood people can be so entitled and pissy. I get that you want to have as much control over your IP as possible (which, that's fair). However, once you get paid for the right to use said IP in a massive Halloween haunt with a well known rabid fan base, you have to expect that sometimes things are going to happen. People talk.. not just here but in every industry. It's part of life. You simply have to work through it and figure out the best plan to make the most of it. Frankly, these people/companies that have pulled out of the event completely because some random fans figured out what was going on before they were ready to tell.. well, that's just childish and short-sighted. Further, it actually casts a negative light on the IP in my eyes, and I'm sure i'm not the only one.
Hollywood people can be so entitled and pissy. I get that you want to have as much control over your IP as possible (which, that's fair). However, once you get paid for the right to use said IP in a massive Halloween haunt with a well known rabid fan base, you have to expect that sometimes things are going to happen. People talk.. not just here but in every industry. It's part of life. You simply have to work through it and figure out the best plan to make the most of it. Frankly, these people/companies that have pulled out of the event completely because some random fans figured out what was going on before they were ready to tell.. well, that's just childish and short-sighted. Further, it actually casts a negative light on the IP in my eyes, and I'm sure i'm not the only one.
Ok just thinking out loud here and Im at zero caffeine so far.... if a company says "ok Uni you can use my movie for one of your haunted houses"... then Uni sets a date of lets say Aug 1st for the official announcement.... then July 1st it somehow gets leaked (ala Halloween that year on the tix kiosk in Walgreens or wherever it was).... why would the IP holders get upset about it? they get a whole month longer in advertising. It creates a month more of excitment for fans of that IP. I can see Uni wanting to keep their planned schedule of course.

I may have even asked this on a forum before now that I typing all this LOL
So I see we have no moved on to being mad at random ppl in Hollywood :lmao:
Ok just thinking out loud here and Im at zero caffeine so far.... if a company says "ok Uni you can use my movie for one of your haunted houses"... then Uni sets a date of lets say Aug 1st for the official announcement.... then July 1st it somehow gets leaked (ala Halloween that year on the tix kiosk in Walgreens or wherever it was).... why would the IP holders get upset about it? they get a whole month longer in advertising. It creates a month more of excitment for fans of that IP. I can see Uni wanting to keep their planned schedule of course.

I may have even asked this on a forum before now that I typing all this LOL

Control of how their product is advertised and presented. They even probably approve of marketing materials and ads. A leak rustles feathers and makes rights owners second guess how professional and on top of it Universal is.

There is a whole division in UC now tracking and tackling leaks.
Ok just thinking out loud here and Im at zero caffeine so far.... if a company says "ok Uni you can use my movie for one of your haunted houses"... then Uni sets a date of lets say Aug 1st for the official announcement.... then July 1st it somehow gets leaked (ala Halloween that year on the tix kiosk in Walgreens or wherever it was).... why would the IP holders get upset about it? they get a whole month longer in advertising. It creates a month more of excitment for fans of that IP. I can see Uni wanting to keep their planned schedule of course.

I may have even asked this on a forum before now that I typing all this LOL

These announcements are planned well in advance almost down to the hour, and involve marketing asset creation, coordination with the IP holder, etc. So let's say it gets leaked on July 1st in your example, not seemingly a huge deal, except the IP holder had a whole campaign planned in conjunction with something else (maybe a TV show trailer release) all building to a head on Aug 1st. Assets created and social posts scheduled for July 15th as a teaser, marketing campaign with grocery stores set to go into effect July 22nd, press releases being written for July 31st and whatever else to follow. Now not only is that luster lost (and causing a mad scramble on their end to advance their timeline), maybe some contracts haven't even been signed yet and now there's some uncertainty, oh and also maybe IP holder #2 is now upset because their reveal was going to be July 10th and now their spot has been pre-empted.
Ok just thinking out loud here and Im at zero caffeine so far.... if a company says "ok Uni you can use my movie for one of your haunted houses"... then Uni sets a date of lets say Aug 1st for the official announcement.... then July 1st it somehow gets leaked (ala Halloween that year on the tix kiosk in Walgreens or wherever it was).... why would the IP holders get upset about it? they get a whole month longer in advertising. It creates a month more of excitment for fans of that IP. I can see Uni wanting to keep their planned schedule of course.

I may have even asked this on a forum before now that I typing all this LOL
If you promise an IP holder "hey, we'll reveal your IP on such-and-such date so it can be timed with the marketing campaign for your new movie/show/merchandise rollout" and Universal fails to honor that, then it could make them look unreliable. A low-stakes thing like Hollywood accidentally leaving out Beetlejuice merch could make them wary about licensing more high-stakes properties too. It happens.
So I see we have no moved on to being mad at random ppl in Hollywood :lmao:
I wouldn't say "mad at random ppl in Hollywood". Being mad requires too much energy and simply isn't worth it. My point was, it's possible the nuclear reaction that is employed (pulling the whole IP from the event) may backfire due to the backlash from fans. Maybe not.. I could be wrong. It's just an observation. No matter what, I'm always excited for HHN because regardless of changes, issues, specuation - the event is still #1 in my book. I'll go every year like I have since 2005. It's truly my happy place.
I wouldn't say "mad at random ppl in Hollywood". Being mad requires too much energy and simply isn't worth it. My point was, it's possible the nuclear reaction that is employed (pulling the whole IP from the event) may backfire due to the backlash from fans. Maybe not.. I could be wrong. It's just an observation. No matter what, I'm always excited for HHN because regardless of changes, issues, specuation - the event is still #1 in my book. I'll go every year like I have since 2005. It's truly my happy place.
My bad, Upset*
Control of how their product is advertised and presented. They even probably approve of marketing materials and ads. A leak rustles feathers and makes rights owners second guess how professional and on top of it Universal is.

There is a whole division in UC now tracking and tackling leaks.
Could you imagine that being your job?

And how insane that leaks don't come FROM that department.
So if legacy isn’t an insider does that mean The March of the dead Rumor is back on? I hope
Give me Lady Death!
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