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Halloween Horror Nights 33 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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I guess this was the prickling of their thumbs.
View attachment 22324
A Quiet Place being in 22 makes the most sense, if they really want to play with sound dampening and whatnot, a stand-alone soundstage is gonna' be the best bet. There can always be the risk of sound from one house bleeding into another with a shared soundstage. (eg, the Car horn in 2018's Carnival Graveyard being heard in the neighboring Scary Tales.)
Back to the opening talk, what about moving in place the SZ props? With the day time parade being back, it’s something they need to do again and with day guest trying to get out, won’t that be hard?
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I’ll probably S&S in Springfield which I would assume would be Slaughter Sinema 2 and The Museum. Maybe Monsters too.
The New York locale with all of the IPs does seem insane. If you are there for one night, and are purchasing Express, is the best strategy still to go to Springfield which will be less insane, or is it to go to New York, deal with the insanity of the mob, and try to knock out the big IP houses when it is slightly less busy (as compared to later in the night)? I've been to HHN Hollywood before but this is first time at HHN Orlando.
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The New York locale with all of the IPs does seem insane. If you are there for one night, and are purchasing Express, is the best strategy still to go to Springfield which will be less insane, or is it to go to New York, deal with the insanity of the mob, and try to knock out the big IP houses when it is slightly less busy (as compared to later in the night)? I've been to HHN Hollywood before but this is first time at HHN Orlando.
That’s a good question. There’s two ways of thinking in my opinion:

1. S&S at Springfield and get the back done quicker and as the mob that was in the front is moving towards the back, you’re moving towards the front. So you’re kind of missing the crowd in essence.

2. As you said, deal with the mob in the front and get those houses done a bit quicker.

If you only have one night, I guess I would base my decision on what am I more excited about? The IPs in the front or the originals in the back. This year, I’m personally a bit more excited about the originals, so I would do those earlier to possibly give me a chance to go through multiple times.
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The New York locale with all of the IPs does seem insane. If you are there for one night, and are purchasing Express, is the best strategy still to go to Springfield which will be less insane, or is it to go to New York, deal with the insanity of the mob, and try to knock out the big IP houses when it is slightly less busy (as compared to later in the night)? I've been to HHN Hollywood before but this is first time at HHN Orlando.
If you are buying express like you say, you should be fine either way.

I'd personally recommend doing the tents first as later in the night, those lines tend to get shorter while the IPs stay long all/most of the night. Also, one of the Parade Building queues (which isn't being used this year, but maybe the route/path will for a new Sprung) is always a disaster for express. Not sure why, but they always just make Express stand there forever at the merge point. The sooner the better with that house. So if you do them first, you have the option of hitting them up again at the end of the night with a sub-30min standby queue as the long queue / originals "back there" get small wait times later in the night so that would be fun to spread out the runs a bit. Also, there have been rumblings that the Uni Monsters house might have a "different winners/endings" type thing. Haven't seen any insiders say that, so it might just be wild guesses, but that has been a trend lately at the event and the house seems to lend itself to that kind of ending, so having some leeway built into your plan/schedule to try to do it twice spread out could be a good idea.

Also, keep an eye on the forecast as the tents sometimes flood and they close them...often times for extended periods of time. Maybe that's gotten better as the last couple years my group has miraculously missed crazy rains and I know they put in raised walkways, but just in case there are later storms in the forecast, ensuring you get them done earlier would be a good idea. And the new tents are a total question mark, so after the event starts, I'd keep an eye out for any issues/closures with the new tents.
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If you are buying express like you say, you should be fine either way.

I'd personally recommend doing the tents first as later in the night, those lines tend to get shorter while the IPs stay long all/most of the night. Also, one of the Parade Building queues (which isn't being used this year, but maybe the route/path will for a new Sprung) is always a disaster for express. Not sure why, but they always just make Express stand there forever at the merge point. The sooner the better with that house. So if you do them first, you have the option of hitting them up again at the end of the night with a sub-30min standby queue as the long queue / originals "back there" get small wait times later in the night so that would be fun to spread out the runs a bit. Also, there have been rumblings that the Uni Monsters house might have a "different winners/endings" type thing. Haven't seen any insiders say that, so it might just be wild guesses, but that has been a trend lately at the event and the house seems to lend itself to that kind of ending, so having some leeway built into your plan/schedule to try to do it twice spread out could be a good idea.

Also, keep an eye on the forecast as the tents sometimes flood and they close them...often times for extended periods of time. Maybe that's gotten better as the last couple years my group has miraculously missed crazy rains and I know they put in raised walkways, but just in case there are later storms in the forecast, ensuring you get them done earlier would be a good idea. And the new tents are a total question mark, so after the event starts, I'd keep an eye out for any issues/closures with the new tents.
Thank you, Neo and Acandrews12! Very helpful input. Tents are sounding like a good idea to start with. And, I LOVE the idea of Universal Monsters having different endings - hope that is true. That variability is such a cool element.
Thank you, Neo and Acandrews12! Very helpful input. Tents are sounding like a good idea to start with. And, I LOVE the idea of Universal Monsters having different endings - hope that is true. That variability is such a cool element.
So I am going to disagree with the others so far. If you are only going for one night, then the idea should be to get as many multiple house runs in as possible. The only way you are going to get in multiple runs of the IP soundstage houses in is by doing NY. Get the 3 SS IPs in first. It will take time, but the lines are only going to get longer as the night goes on. From there I'd pay attention to which houses seem the most popular once the event starts and try to get a few of those in, if possible, without using your express yet. At some point you'll need to start using express for your first run through some of the houses. Once you've gotten through each house once, I'd go hit the SS IPs again with express. Then as the night goes on, the original house lines will start to get shorter, especially the houses in the back of the park. I think this is the best way to try and get at least 2 runs of each house in.
If this is accurate and Blumhouse is in Hollywood... what a waste of the best scarezone location.
Last year the speculation maps had the right themes but in the wrong places. I'm hoping that's the case this year. Although I'm really not looking forward to a Blumhouse zone in general.

I've been attending for many years and I'm a huge fan of zones. I go often and spend a lot of time in the zones, interacting with the actors and people watching. I think the last two years had some of the best zones ever. I think that was because there was no parade so they could do set pieces and what not. Now with the new parade I don't have my hopes high for anything grand like we had Graveyard, Scarecrow, Zodiac...

Someone tell me I'm wrong and that the parade won't have an impact on zones, but it's something I've definitely noticed.
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So I am going to disagree with the others so far. If you are only going for one night, then the idea should be to get as many multiple house runs in as possible. The only way you are going to get in multiple runs of the IP soundstage houses in is by doing NY. Get the 3 SS IPs in first. It will take time, but the lines are only going to get longer as the night goes on. From there I'd pay attention to which houses seem the most popular once the event starts and try to get a few of those in, if possible, without using your express yet. At some point you'll need to start using express for your first run through some of the houses. Once you've gotten through each house once, I'd go hit the SS IPs again with express. Then as the night goes on, the original house lines will start to get shorter, especially the houses in the back of the park. I think this is the best way to try and get at least 2 runs of each house in.

This is how we did it last year and we got something like 44 runs in 3 nights with S&S, express, and staying to close. Music, battery fan, umbrella for the sun, and we were fine. Would have been a couple more but one of those nights was the big flood that closed TLOU for most of the night and a total of 4 houses at the same time for a while.

One note: we usually were about 50-100 people back in the stay and scream line. We go early.
Last year the speculation maps had the right themes but in the wrong places. I'm hoping that's the case this year. Although I'm really not looking forward to a Blumhouse zone in general.

I've been attending for many years and I'm a huge fan of zones. I go often and spend a lot of time in the zones, interacting with the actors and people watching. I think the last two years had some of the best zones ever. I think that was because there was no parade so they could do set pieces and what not. Now with the new parade I don't have my hopes high for anything grand like we had Graveyard, Scarecrow, Zodiac...

Someone tell me I'm wrong and that the parade won't have an impact on zones, but it's something I've definitely noticed.

I did like Graveyard, it was my favorite scarezone since 2019. Last year's seemed terrible IMO. I hope there is a high energy scarezone this year, something like Hellbilly Deluxe in 2019
I'm the weird one that ALWAYS does NY S&S. It's just part of the experience for us. (and honestly, it's really never as bad as people say or think lol)

Also, I'm gonna be the one to say it - anyone think FNAF could pop up in Blumzone?
I’m with you on NY. It gets crazy but even the long lines for IPs clear up pretty quick and you usually get out with time to knock out another up front before the flood gates open. Plus you can still beat most of the crowds to the tents afterwards.

Our group tends to mix and match the S&S areas. Did all three throughout the run of the event last year. I feel like NYC is always the most fun. Starting at tents can also be very productive though, but I’d probably start with NYC if I only had one night.

A side note - you don’t always get the full effect of the tents when running those during the day (facade lighting, some complain of light bleed through the tent inside the house though never really bothered me), so be mindful of that if only getting one run.
I'm the weird one that ALWAYS does NY S&S. It's just part of the experience for us. (and honestly, it's really never as bad as people say or think lol)

You're a monster. Lol. Built different.

You know, as far as the potential Blumzone goes, I'm hoping Orlando takes a cue from Hollywood and centers around a disheveled video store as opposed to something like Face Off (I think also Crypt TV but I have no memory lol) where the floats / sets were just standalone areas with hardly any connective theming. More potential to utilize ads / standees and theme the area a bit more, and in response to a FNaF appearance, I really only see it happening through something like that. I can't see any agreement being made to just have them wander if there couldn't be an agreement made on the haunt, and why build costumes just to have them displayed as props? But some old advertisements hidden within the theming as easter eggs seems maybe a little more likely.

Wishful thinking, maybe Horror Makeup gets something similar to Hollywood's BluMuseum last year and we get some props on display in there and it ties into the zone nicely, and that's where anything *potentially* FNaF is so it doesn't affect guest flow much
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I think a Blumhouse zone could be a lot of fun depending on what movies they use and how they decorate it.
Blumhouse is budget, middle-of-the-road horror. That’s perfectly fine, but it doesn’t result in particularly visually interesting beasties. Insidious already has a full house, so those characters are either not in the zone or repeats from the house. FNAF is almost certainly out. Megan seems likely to have a dance troop again and, outside of the dance, isn’t very visually interesting anyway. That doesn’t leave much beyond Sinister and… the Purge. I suspect we’d get a LOT of Purge. And… that’s not good. Especially not in the zone that should have the most flamboyant, innovative aesthetic.

Or maybe it’s an entire zone full of J.K. Simmons from Whiplash.
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